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MRS amrajasekar4321@gmail.



INTRODUCTION TO SP P&ID DRAWING MANAGER .................................................................2

LOGGING INTO A SPP&ID PROJECT THROUGH DRAWING MANAGER .....................................2

DRAWING MANAGER – CUSTOMIZATION: ...............................................................................8

MODIFYING USER INTERFACE PROPERTIES USING CUSTOMIZE CURRENT VIEW .......................................................... 8
MODIFYING USER INTERFACE PROPERTIES USING FILTER........................................................................................ 10
MODIFYING LIST VIEW USING VIEW > INCLUDE SUB NODES .................................................................................... 10

CREATING A NEW DRAWING .................................................................................................12

OPEN A DRAWING FROM DRAWING MANAGER .....................................................................14

EDITING A DRAWING ............................................................................................................15

EDITING THE DRAWING PROPERTIES USING EDIT → PROPERTIES ............................................................................. 15
MOVING A DRAWING ................................................................................................................................................ 17
COPYING A DRAWING USING EDIT > COPY COMMAND ............................................................................................. 18
DELETING AND RETRIEVING A DRAWING ................................................................................................................. 18

REVISION AND VERSIONING A DRAWING ...............................................................................22

PLACING ITEMS ON A GRID ..................................................................................................27

SHOW GRID COMMAND (VIEW MENU) ..................................................................................................................... 27
SNAP GRID COMMAND (VIEW MENU) ...................................................................................................................... 27
CHANGING GRID ....................................................................................................................................................... 28

PLACING EQUIPMENT ..........................................................................................................28

EQUIPMENT ITEM TAG .............................................................................................................................................. 29
EQUIPMENT COMPONENT ITEM TAG ......................................................................................................................... 29
PLACE EQUIPMENT ................................................................................................................................................... 29

PLACING MULTIPLE REPRESENTATIONS...............................................................................30

PLACE MULTIPLE REPRESENTATIONS ....................................................................................................................... 30

Introduction to SP P&ID Drawing Manager

Smart Plant® P&ID Drawing Manager handles functionality having to do with the drawing files
in Smart Plant P&ID. You do not modify the designs themselves in Drawing Manager, but you do
create, open, delete drawings and modify drawing properties. Drawing Manager is also the
interface for printing multiple drawings and for upgrading drawings to the current version of Smart
Plant P&ID. Drawing Manager includes versioning tools for creating, comparing, and recovering
deleted drawing versions. These operations are carried out with commands on the Versions menu.

Logging into a SPP&ID Project through Drawing Manager

Step: 1

Click on the Citrix link provided to you and log on to the Citrix XenApp in the window shown

Step: 2

Navigate to Smart Plant 2011 →2D → Smart Plant P&ID → Drawing Manager

Find below screen shots

(Wait for the Drawing manager application to open following the launching window)

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Step: 3

‘Smart Plant Drawing manager’ application opens as shown below,

Select ‘Open Database’ icon.

‘Open Plant Structure’ window appears. Now Select ‘Site Server’ button.

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You will see Open Site Server dialogue box. Browse to the Site INI file using the following path.


(Screen shots shown below)

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Now the ‘Open Plant structure’ dialogue box shows the plant we intended. Select it and click on
‘Open’ button.

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The Plant appears in drawing manager window as shown below.

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Drawing Manager – Customization:

The main Drawing Manager interface is split into two main panes: the Tree view, where plant
groups are arranged in nodes, and the List view, where lists of drawings appear.

Modifying User Interface Properties using customize current view

Step: 1

Click View > Customize Current View on the main command bar

(The View > Customize Current View command sets options for the information that is displayed
in the List view of Drawing Manager.)

Step: 2

The Customize current view dialog box has the Drawing properties tab that lists the drawing
properties that are available for display in the List view.

Select a property from this list and click Add in order to move it to the Selected properties tab.

After adding the required properties click ‘OK’ button.

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Modifying User Interface Properties using Filter

Step: 1

Click View > Filter

You will see the Filter dialogue box as shown below.

Now set the options for the display of drawings in the List view.

Step: 2

Click View > Clear Filter

This command removes a filter from the view and displays all drawings. This command is
available only if you have applied a filter to the view.

Modifying List view using View > Include Sub nodes

The View > Include Sub nodes command displays in the List view all of the drawings that
reside under the selected plant in the Tree view, but only those drawings that reside directly
under the selected node

See the below screen shots.

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Creating a new drawing

Step: 1 - Place the cursor on unit and right click

Step: 2 - Click on New Drawing (or) click on unit and go to File → New Drawing

Step: 3 - You will see New Drawing dialogue box. Enter the required properties like drawing
name, number etc and click OK. The drawing gets added to the plant and New Drawing dialogue
box closes.

(Note: If you click Create button, the drawing is created in plant , but the dialogue box remains
open. Remember after entering the Drawing Number or Name you must select tab or another field
in order for the OK command to be enabled.)

Find below the screen shots.

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Open a Drawing from Drawing Manager

1. In the tree view, select the node where the drawing resides.
2. In the list view, click the drawing you want to open.
3. Click File > Open Drawing.
4. View or modify your drawing in Smart Plant P&ID.


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Operation and Control Philosophy for Coal Handling System amrajasekar4321@g
Doc. No. 70015556-3.0

Editing a drawing
Editing the drawing properties using Edit → Properties

Step 1: Place the cursor on the drawing in drawing manager.

Step 2: Click on Edit → Properties or Right click on the drawing from list view & select

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Step 3: The Properties dialog box appears, which displays drawing properties selected in the
List view. You can modify some of the drawing properties, such as the name, version, title,
description, and so forth.

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Step: 4 Click OK.

Note: Similarly the plant group properties can be viewed by selecting the Plant group items in
the tree view. But their properties are read-only.)

Moving a Drawing

Step: 1 - Select the drawing you wish to move, from the drawing manager list view.

Step: 2 - Drag and drop the selected drawing to the new location (new area /unit (plant group
item) in the tree view.

In the below screen shots, you can see the drawing titled Test 3 moved from unit 003 to 000

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Copying a Drawing using Edit > Copy command

The Edit > Copy command is used to copy one or more drawings from within the same plant or
same project. The copied drawing(s) can then be placed using the Edit > Paste command.

Deleting and Retrieving a Drawing

Step: 1 - In the List view, select the drawing that you want to delete.

Step: 2 - Click Delete.

Step: 3 - To confirm the drawing delete; click Yes on the message box.

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Step: 4 - Click View Log on the Deleting Drawings dialog box to review notes from the
drawing deletion process.

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(Note : The Edit > Delete command allows you to delete drawings from the List view and from
the plant structure. Because a new version of the drawing is automatically created when you
delete a drawing, you can recover the drawing after you have deleted it.)

Step: 5 - (To fetch the deleted drawing) Go to Revisions menu and click on Fetch Deleted
Drawing… in the Drawing Manager.

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Step: 6 - Select the drawing that you want to restore from the list in Fetch Deleted Drawing
dialogue box and click OK.

Step: 7 - View log from the Fetching Deleted Drawings dialogue box.

In the below screen shot we can see, the drawing Testing – 1 is retrieved to unit 004.
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(Note: Deleted drawings will be fetched along with revision and version history if any made.)

Revision and Versioning a drawing

You can create revisions for drawings consisting of major and minor revisions and include the
revision information in the drawing title block if desired. You can also associate a version with the
latest revision if you need to archive drawings for viewing or comparing. You can compare two
archived drawings or you can compare an archived drawing with the current drawing.

Step: 1 - Select the Drawing and select Revisions > New Revision or Right Click on drawing and
select Revisions > New Revision.

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Step: 2 - New Revision dialogue box appears as shown below. Key in Major Revision as 1 and
Minor Revision as ‘a’ and check the Associate version check box and select OK.

Step: 3 - New Version dialogue box appears. Enter the comments for version and click OK

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Step: 4 Creating Version of Drawings dialogue box appears. Click Close.

Step: 5 - Right click on the drawing and go to Revisions→ Revision History.

Step: 6 - Check the Revision History details and click Close.

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Step: 7 - Repeat Steps 1-6 and create one or more revisions. You can choose to associate the
version to the latest revision at any point of time

Step: 8 - Right click on drawing. Go to Revisions → Version History. Version History dialogue
box appears as shown below.

(Note: that there are 3 versions, version1, version2 and current. Version 1 is created and associated
with Revision 1a, Version 2 is created and associated with Revision 1b and the current version is
available for associating with the next revision.Current version can only be viewed from here.
Older versions can be Deleted or Fetched to make them Current. )

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(Note: Fetch and Delete is enabled for older versions)

Step:9 - To Compare the two versions graphically, repeat Step 8 to see Version History dialogue

Step:10 - Press Ctrl and select both the versions to compare and click Compare button.

Step:11 - Comparison message will be displayed as shown below.

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(Note: Use the Compare With button to compare one version in the active project to a version
in another project or the Plant.)

Incremental New versions:

Select Plant and Revisions > Incremental New Versions
Opens the, Schedule Task Wizard, allowing you to create a task to save all drawings in a plant
or site whose time stamp shows that changes have been made since the last version was saved.

Placing Items on a Grid

The grid and its lines allow you to place items in the drawing by aligning them with the grid lines
or nearest intersection of the grid lines. You can use the grid if you want the items to line up at
regular intervals in the drawing.
The grid is a set of imaginary lines in the drawing; they do not appear when you print the drawing.
When you click View > Snap grid, items always align with the grid lines or nearest intersection of
the grid lines. You can view the grid by clicking View > Show grid.

Show Grid Command (View Menu)

Displays a grid so you can place items with precision. The grid is not considered part of the
drawing and does not print.

Snap Grid Command (View Menu)

Aligns items with the grid. When you set the Snap grid option, items always align with the grid
lines or nearest intersection of the grid lines. Grid lines do not print.

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Changing Grid

Placing Equipment
You can place various types of equipment in your drawing, such as towers, boilers, heat
exchangers, and reactors. You also place equipment components in drawings. Equipment
components are items associated with pieces of equipment, such as nozzles and trays.
As you place equipment components, the software automatically creates a group relationship
between the equipment and the component. As a group, the components move when you move the
equipment. However, you can only associate an equipment component with a single piece of
equipment. When you place an equipment component, the component is associated with the last
selected or highlighted piece of equipment, creating an equipment group.
Depending on the rules defined for the equipment or equipment component, you can have limits
to the possible placements for the equipment. For example, specific trays can be flagged for
placement inside the piece of equipment, and nozzles can be flagged for placement outside the
piece of equipment. Rule Manager defines rules that determine the way that model items interact
during manipulation.

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Equipment Item Tag

(Tag Prefix)(Tag Sequence Number)(Tag Suffix)

Equipment component Item Tag

(Tag Prefix)(Tag Sequence Number)(Tag Suffix)

Place Equipment
In the Catalog Explorer list view, click the equipment that you want to place.

Drag the item to the appropriate place in the drawing.

Position the item and release to place it.

In addition, you can click the item in the Catalog Explorer list view and then click the
appropriate point in the drawing to place the item. Press Esc to quit placement mode. Or, you can
escape placement mode by right-clicking.

In the Properties window, enter values for the equipment properties in the appropriate rows in the

You can assign heat tracing to equipment.

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After you place items, you can mirror, rotate, or move most items using their component

Flanged Nozzle-Internal, Nozzle-Internal, and Pump Nozzle-Internal can all be placed internally
(for example, in a tank). You can use the same steps for placing equipment. For internal
placement of equipment, you drag the nozzle to the interior of a tank and place it. If you want the
nozzle opening facing to the right, approach the tank from the right when placing the nozzle. In
other words, the opening of the nozzle will be placed in the direction that you approach the tank
during placement.

If you need to place a nozzle so that it is associated with equipment but not attached to it, you
can do the following:

Attach the nozzle to the equipment that you want it related to.

Select the nozzle.

While holding down the Alt key, drag the nozzle an arbitrary distance away from the equipment

Placing Multiple Representations

A multiple representation allows the depiction of an item from another drawing in a detailed or
alternate view. For example, a large vessel may be depicted on two drawings; one displaying the
upper part and the other the lower part of the vessel. There is only one data record for the multiple
representations, meaning that if you change one item of data, it is updated on all drawings. For
data that is shown on labels on other drawings, they will be updated upon entering the other
drawings or performing an update of out-of-date drawings. Until then the other drawings will be
shown as out of date with respect to "Out of date model items".

Place Multiple Representations

Open a drawing and place an item of equipment.

Save your work and exit the drawing.

Open the drawing that is a target for your multiple representation of an item. Be sure the drawing
used in step 1 is closed.

Display the placed item in the Engineering Data Editor.

In the Engineering Data Editor, right-click the icon at the far left of the item. Select Place
Multiple Representation from the shortcut menu.

Click the location in the drawing where you need to place the multiple representations .


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Operation and Control Philosophy for Coal Handling System amrajasekar4321@g
Doc. No. 70015556-3.0

• You can use the Replace command or the Find and Replace dialog box to replace a multiple
representation symbol providing the definition attributes for the all the representations are
identical. The definition attributes are Equipment Class, Equipment SubClass, and
Equipment Type.
• You are permitted only a single representation of an item in any one drawing.

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