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I have learned a lot through taking this class about drugs. Before this class, I knew barely

anything about drugs. The only thing I was really educated on was alcohol and marijuana and

even then I had a lot to learn about those two. Taking this class, I learned about the many other

drugs there are such as tobacco, cocaine, heroin, etc. I have learned about their history, their side

effects, how addictive they are and much more. I feel like this class did a good job at teaching

and educating me about these types of drugs and I would recommend it.

I liked learning about the drug cartels and felt that was an interesting topic. Of course, it

is very sad that this happens but I feel like I would have never learned about it if it wasn’t from

this class. I feel like it was beneficial to be more aware of these types of topics and I feel that I

am more informed.

The impact this class has had on my life is overall better educating me in these types of

drugs. I think everyone should know what drugs do to your body and more specifically, what

causes them to have these effects on the body. Whether you use these drugs or not everyone can

benefit from knowing a thing or two. Unfortunately, my uncle passed away from an overdose on

cocaine and I think that people who do use drugs should know what can happen when you use.

Things that may be helpful are knowing how much you should take, the health effects, etc. I’ve

known a lot of people who do decide to use drugs or alcohol, and the sad reality you have to

accept is it is their choice.

My friend Savannah, her dad passed away from alcoholism. It is sad how people who use

drugs or alcohol are not only harming themselves, but also their loved ones. It really can tear

apart families and leave them with regret. Savannah’s father loved her to death and she was his
whole life. He had her name tattooed across his chest and they did everything together. Savannah

was very sad with his choices and it led to a lot of fights but she had to learn to love and accept

him for who he was and that she had to be okay with knowing that he was going to pick alcohol

over her.

With my uncle, I feel sorry for my mom who was his sister and my grandma who was his

mom. My uncle quit using cocaine but life events had him using it again. One day my uncle and

my grandma got into this horrible fight on the phone and after that my uncle bought off someone

on the street and the drug was laced and he later passed away. My grandma carries a lot of guilt

from that phone call and my mom has huge trust issues when it comes to drugs and always

assumes the worst. I feel in this situation if everyone was better educated it could have gone

another way.

Not only has this class taught me what drugs and alcohol can do to a person, but also

what it can do economically. For example, the drug cartels. The drug cartels for the most part

have most of their business in the United States. The United States relies heavily on the cartels

for drugs. The cartels dig tunnels under the border to get their supplies over into the United

States and they also use United States citizens to smuggle these drugs over. Sadly, most of these

tend to be young United States citizens who are groomed into doing this and that they can not get

out of the situation.

This class has taught me to be smarter when it comes to drugs and alcohol and I feel it

will be helpful in my major. Currently, I am a health science major but plan on switching to

nursing. Knowing about drugs and alcohol can help me be a better nurse and better help future

patients. This knowledge will be very helpful by educating me better on drugs and alcohol and it

can also be helpful to others.

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