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Equipping Students to Reflect Christ In Their Circles of Influence 10 Years After They Graduate High School Scope & Sequence Step One Step Three | Step Four Growth coc . ‘ . emphasis Believing Following Loving Going 1. What does a Hapa does) 3, How do t grow 7. How will follower of Christ | * 2 healthy mature 1 5, Who do others reflect and Talievel! follower of Christ? ‘ . steward 1 Essential eleve say Joan? unique gifts? Questions | 9 Howdocsa | How dol equip 6. Who do | enn’ others to grow as 8. Where is my healthy, mature say Jesus is? en follower ot Chasse |, bealthy, mature circle 0 Ta | followers of Chris? influene: Understand : Develop and 1 . essentint | - and/desenisem [imneveon aumiene articulate a Dareop a cae Outcomes | Christ-centered | Chssteentered | Ghrisueentered | Chvsteomere hae values mot personal vision 400 100 300 . Foundations gs. Philosophy & Headexsitiny CERT Life of Christ uvectoe Evangelism, sy & Discipleship Courses 250 150 Spiri 350 én Foundations ee Doctrine & Poe of Faith IT a Apologetics maser 7 Culture Leadership Leadershij The Glory ae | Mentor Grot Mentor Project , "Y Pipeline ee ul Institute Project Worldview Bellofs Values Habits Actions, Integration Formation ©2010, 2019, 2021. Wheaton Press™ All RightsReserved. 3 —————— ee Foundations of Faith | Essential Questions 1 2 How will Linteract in a world of worldviews? What will I believe, and how will Hive? The Big Questions 1 2 3 4 5 ‘What is faith? What is real? What is truc? Has truth been revealed? What will I trust? Course Description the roles of faith, dents to objectively investigate f the foundational This course will challenge stu hat we use as trust, and reason in determining the beliefs t clements of our worldview: plines of epistemology and as well as learn how assumptions, and Students will understand and apply the disci metaphysics to develop a personal answer to what is real, to cquip others and interact with opposing belicfs, perceptions with gentleness and respect. determine what makes Students will examine the concept of truth and the evidence to decide if something objectively worthy of trust and evaluate an absolute standard for truth exists. estgate the evidence to ascertain if a trustworthy revelation ‘as analyze and form conclusions regarding the they will choose to build their life upon. WOOD Actions Integration Formation Course Overview “The purpose of this course is to equip students with basic guidelines, principles, and tools to effectively identify, construct, apply, and evaluate their personal systems of belicl as well as interact with individuals and communities of differing worldview systems with understanding, clarity, and respect. Learning Outcomes A. Evaluate the concepts of faith, fact, fantasy, and reason to determine a trustworthy definition for reasonable faith in order to guide personal choices and interactions in the context of reality. B Examine the concepts of epistemology, metaphysics, apologetics, and worldview to compare, contrast, and critique the four primary lenses that individuals use to make sense of the world. C Compare, contrast, and critique the concepts of inclusivism, exclusivism, objectivity, pluralism, relativism, and the law of non-contradictions to determine if an objective standard of truth can exist. subjectivity, D_ Evaluate whether a reliable -standard of truth that is objective exists as a ity while demonstrating the skills of All Rights Reserved. at communicates an apologetic for a ews 5

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