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Health problems

Hi, teacher, my name is David Alessandro Collazos Oliva. Today I'm going to talk about

Health problems.

+ Hi, David.

- Hi! How are you?

+ I'm fine, Can I ask you some questions about your health? And then you do me

- Yes, sure, but, ¿What is it about?

+ I need you to answer me with 4 pains that you are suffering or a family member, I will
answer you with things you should do and not do and so vice versa.

- Okay I understand.

+ Great… Do you have any pain or discomfort in your body?

- Yes, I have a sore throat.

+ Well, in this case you should drink warm drinks and you should also gargle with salt

- Great, an annoyance which I am suffering from, is that I have the flu and a cough.

+ Mmmm ... in this case, you should not go out, or drink cold drinks. Rather, I
recommend you drink tea with honey.

- Another bother that afflicts me is fever.

+ For this discomfort, do not take pills other than paracetamol or ibuprofen, as it can
make it worse. What you should do is drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated.

- The last pain I have is a stomach ache

+ To do this, what you should do is avoid lying down for a few hours and do not smoke
or drink alcohol.

- Well and in your case, what are the aches and pains that you have in your body?

+ First of all, what I have is toothache

- In your case of toothache, I recommend taking pills for infection and pain.
+ Excellent, second pain, I have an earache

- For this you must do exercises for the neck and put on cold or warm compresses.

+ Ah, Ok, thirdly, I have a lot of back pain

- Do not do any activity and you should sleep in a hunched position.

+ In fourth and last place I have discomfort with sneezing

- There are many ways like biting your tongue, keeping the environment clean and you
have to drink water.

+ Well ... I hope this chala has helped you, since it did help me, ¡thank you!

- See you, take care

That's it for now. 

Goodbye teacher. Thanks for watching! 

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