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Braden Rainey

May 4, 2023


Over the course of this semester, I have learned many things that I know will help me in

the future with my academic and professional writing.

One of the most notable things that I learned is the process of rhetorical analysis. This

process was completely new to me, as I had never been taught how to do a rhetorical analysis.

From needing to figure out what the piece of writing is trying to appeal to, to reading the text and

explaining the context of it in order to clearly convey that you understand exactly what the

author’s stance is on the subject of the writing.

Another important thing that I learned this semester was how to correctly make resumes

and cover letters. Regarding cover letters, I learned how important they are to the hiring process

due to the fact that it gives a more detailed way of explaining how you will fit the particular

position you are applying for. Most importantly, I learned the proper way to format both a

resume and a cover letter, which will definitely be helpful for me when I apply for jobs after


Lastly, I learned the ethics of public discourse. The most important part of public

discourse is making sure that what you have to say is in the interest of the “common good”,

which I tend to agree with. There is also the importance of civility and giving everyone a shared

space to feel like they are being heard and acknowledged, which I also agree is important.

In conclusion, I will be able to apply these new concepts in multiple parts of my future

life. I will be able to use my knowledge about cover letters and resumes when I apply for jobs

after college. With public discourse, I will be able to use this knowledge in group

projects/discussions whether it be in class or in work settings. Lastly, I will be able to use my

knowledge of rhetorical analysis in my future composition classes.

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