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Performance Task

Background of the Study

Submitted by: Christian James B. Mancera

11 – LTEM - 1
Chapter I

I. Background of the Study

This study of the impact of management Issue management is the process of dealing with any issues that
arise during the course of a project or within an organization. This study of the impact of management is
all about tourism students investigating the problem or issue on the impact of facility management in
tourism as a student. When a problem emerges, it's critical to resolve it as soon as you can in order to
explore its effects on students and the significance of our students since we stand to gain the most from
our school by maintaining, conserving, and protecting it.

As a tourism student, we must understand the value of the industry and how it affects facility
management, students, and the environment. It is better to conduct research into the problems facing
tourism students and the gaps in educational programs that don't adequately address the needs of tourists,
students, and the environment. The impact of tourism on our nation is that it can advance our educational
system. In order to graduate from school and avoid struggling with a lack of resources, you should put
your full effort into your studies as a tourism student. This will help you fill knowledge gaps and prepare
you for the scrutiny of other students and people in the field who will be judging you based on your
appearance and performance under pressure. As a tourism student, it is important to study the topics or
lack and importance of my research title in order to prepare students to acquire the professional and
practical skills needed by a tourism student.

Performance Task

Background of the Study

Submitted by: Jomarie A. Buiza

11 – LTEM - 1
Chapter I


Background of the study

In late December 2019 a new (novel) coronavirus was identified in China causing severe respiratory
disease including pneumonia it is a disease that spread on 2019 a disease that requires to social
distancing a disease that infects or causes your death when you are infected with it when it is not taken
immediately or taken to the hospital. The Covid-19 pandemic is one of the most dangerous challenges this
world has faced in our lifetime. a virus that spread on philippines where people lost their lives This has
had an effect on students due to covid 19, modular or online classes have been conducted, this has
changed the schedule, some have lost their jobs or stopped studying due to losing their job. a disease that
had to avoid going out of the house had to wear a face mask.

in order to prevent the disease from spreading, it was necessary to practice social distancing, wear a mask
and wash your hands and do not touch anything that could start the virus It is still recommended that all
eligible people get vaccinated and take other measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19. This
vaccination is taken to protect our bodies. this is still being studied by the expert so that the virus will not
spread again so that it can stop its spread in the philippines People have practiced self-care in a multitude
of ways during the pandemic as they were forced to adjust to new work schedules, change their routines,
and back on socializing.

Performance Task

Background of the Study

Submitted by: Marco D. Nagal

11 – LTEM – 1

Chapter I


I. Background of the study

This study of the impact of management this is all about tourism student to investigate the problem or
issue on the investigating the impact of facility management in tourism as a student Issue management is
the process of addressing any problems that occur over the course of a project or within an organization.
When an issue arises, it's important to address it as quickly as possible to unit the investigate impact on
student, importance of our student because we are the ones who will benefits from our school by
preserving, conserving and protecting it.

As a student of tourism we need to know the importance of tourism and it's impact on facility
management,and student as a student, it is better to research things, what is the issue of a tourism student,
what is the lack within the school or tourism student that takes full account of its current and future
economic,and environmental impacts, addressing the needs of visitors, the student, the environment.The
impact of tourism in our country is that it can develop our school and it helps student to develop their
skills. as a tourism student you need to study hard so that we can develop the country as a tourism student
you lack a lot within the school and this should be the focus in order to graduate so as not to struggle lack
in a school this is the technology to do research to spend up the information and the judgement of a fellow
student/human being in a tourism on a person apperance and performance pressure.This is what I have
studied carefully researched my things what is the lack or importance of a tourism in a tourism this is
important as a tourism student it is important to study the things or lack and importance of my research
title.preparing students to gain professional and practical skills required by the tourism student

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