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Philippine Normal University

The National Center for Teacher Education

College of Teacher Development


In partial fulfillment of the course

Values Integration in the Various Discipline

Submitted by:
Kristine Mae V. Avila

Submitted to:
Professor Nonita C. Marte
Philippine Normal University
The National Center for Teacher Education
College of Teacher Development

Lesson Plan in Physical Education 10

DLC Number and Statement: 9. Determines risk factors related to lifestyle diseases
(obesity, diabetes, heart disease)
Topic: Risk factors related to lifestyle diseases
Value to be Integrated: Personal Discipline
Value Concept: The value that would be integrated is Personal Discipline because the topic
is about the risk factors related to lifestyle diseases. A lifestyle is a person's pattern or way of
life including their physical activity and choices of lifestyle. On the other hand, personal
discipline involves the ability to make good choices that are good for one’s well-being. A
person must commit to personal discipline to prevent lifestyle diseases.

Grade Level Grade 10

Subject Area Physical Education

Content Lifestyle and Weight Management (physical activity and eating habits)

Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of lifestyle and weight

management to promote societal fitness.

Performance The learner maintains an active lifestyle to influence the physical activity
Standards participation of the community and society practices healthy eating habits
that support an active lifestyle.

Code PE10PF-IIa40

Quarter 2nd Quarter

Objectives At the end of the lesson, the learners will…

1. Identify the different diseases related to lifestyle; - C

2. commit to practice personal discipline; and - A
3. create a healthy lifestyle plan for a week. - B

Key Ideas ● Lifestyle – a person’s pattern or way of life.

● Risk factors – age, hereditary, body composition, and
human activities
● Human activities that are risk factors – smoking,
sedentary lifestyle, and poor eating habits
● Prevention – regular physical activity, eat healthy, quit
smoking, and know family history

Materials ● Laptop
● Projector
● Extension cord
● Whiteboard marker
● Speaker
Philippine Normal University
The National Center for Teacher Education
College of Teacher Development

● Worksheet
● Test paper
● Ballpen
● Bluetooth presentation clicker
● Lungs and blood vessel model

References Benlot, J. (2020). Chapter 4 Modifiable Risk Factors of Lifestyle

Diseases. Scribd. Retrieved from
Bumanglag, L. (2020). Physical Education Quarter 2 – Module1:
Walking and Running Program. DepEd Tambayan. Retrieved
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2014). General
Information About Secondhand Smoke. Retrieved from
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2022). What is Diabetes?
Retrieved from
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2023). How Can You
Prevent Chronic Diseases.
Cleveland Clinic. (2022). Body Mass Index. Retrieved from
Government of Canada. (2019). Chronic Respiratory Diseases.
Retrieved from
National Cancer Institute. (n.d.). Cancer. Retrieved from
Noncommunicable Diseases Alliance. (n.d.). Cardiovascular Diseases.
The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.
(n.d.). Non-communicable diseases. Retrieved from
World Health Organization. (n.d.). Obesity. Retrieved from
World Health Organization. (2022). Physical Activity. Retrieved from
Philippine Normal University
The National Center for Teacher Education
College of Teacher Development

Learning Activities

Motivate – ENTRY “Life Choices”

Direction: The students will analyze the before and after picture
and identify what the difference between the two pictures depict.


- Suffers from extreme

- Vegan Vlogger but obesity
changed to Mukbang - Claims to have broken
Vlogger three ribs due to extreme
- Body weight was in the coughing because of
normal range obesity related health
- Has a problem with
walking normally
Philippine Normal University
The National Center for Teacher Education
College of Teacher Development

- The founder of Walt - Suffered from Lung

Disney Cancer
- Heavy smoker throughout - Had to go through
his life numerous surgery to get
- Passed away due to the
complications of his lung

Source: Source:
disneys-last-words/ disneys-last-words/

- In 2015, the Philippines - In 2019, the “physical

had a prevalence of inactivity prevalence” of
physical inactivity of the Philippines is 93.4
40.7%. percent.
- Filipinos daily lifestyle - Ranked 2nd in the world
involves physical with the most physically
activities inactive adolescents.
- Health issues arise such
Source: as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and
offices/mindanao/region-ix- depression.
how-much-exercise-do-you- Source:

Explore 1. What have you noticed from the pictures presented? - C

2. What did you feel after looking at the pictures? Whyy? – A
3. What do you think are the other consequences if they continue
this kind of habit?- C
4. How do you think we can avoid the “after” situations in the
picture? - B
5. Why is it important that a person has self-discipline? - C
Philippine Normal University
The National Center for Teacher Education
College of Teacher Development

6. How can you show personal discipline in your lifestyle?- B

Discuss Risk Factors Related to Lifestyle Diseases

Lifestyle – The pattern or way a person lives including his habits such
as sleeping, eating, exercise, or anything related to his individual role.

Risk factors to one’s lifestyle

● Age – a person’s age
● Heredity – diseases that can be passed genetically
● Physical Composition – the way a person is composed
● Human Activities – habits of a person

Human activities that are risk factors related to lifestyle diseases:

● Sedentary Lifestyle – it is a way of life that lacks recommended
physical activities. A person who spends more than 6 hours
sitting or lying down.
● Smoking - the practice of inhaling and exhaling the fumes of
cigarettes. It contains harmful chemicals such as Tar, Nicotine,
and Carbon Monoxide.
Types of Smoke:
o Mainstream Smoke – also known as the “first hand smoker.”
It is the smoke inhaled directly by the cigarette smokers.
o Secondhand Smoke – it is when other people breathe in the
smoke that is breathed out by the cigarette smoker.
o Thirdhand Smoke – Smoke attached to a person’s things
such as clothes, walls, curtains, hair, etc.
● Poor Dietary Habits – poor habit or pattern of the way a person

Lifestyle Disease – Non-infectious diseases that are caused by

hereditary or unhealthy lifestyle of a person.

● Obesity – It is defined as the abnormal or excessive fat

accumulation to which becomes a health risk. that presents a
risk to health.
o Body Mass Index - A medical tool that uses the ratio of
height and weight to estimate the body fat of a person.
Philippine Normal University
The National Center for Teacher Education
College of Teacher Development

● Diabetes – disease that affects how the body breaks down food
to energy.
o How the body breaks down food normally. The insulin made
by the pancreas allows the glucose to enter body cells to
become energy.

o Type 1 Diabetes - Your body cannot produce insulin and

because of this, glucose cannot enter the body. This results
in glucose building up in blood vessels.

o Type 2 Diabetes - The human body produces insulin but

does not work effectively or the body does not produce
enough insulin. This results in glucose building up in blood
Philippine Normal University
The National Center for Teacher Education
College of Teacher Development

● Cardiovascular Disease – diseases that affect the heart and

blood vessels, the veins and arteries. These are caused by fatty
deposits that increase blood clots due to build up.
o Heart Attack – blood clots that cause the cut of blood flow in
the heart.
o Stroke – disruption of blood supply in the brain that results in
lack of oxygen leading to loss of function and damage of the
● Chronic Respiratory Diseases – diseases related to the
airways and other parts of the lungs
o Sleep Apnea – causes breathing to stop while sleeping.
o Lung Cancer – cancer that begins in a person’s lungs

Prevention to Lifestyle Diseases

● Regular physical activity – prevents chronic diseases,
balances weight, and strengthens the body. The World Health
Organization suggests that children and adolescent ages 5-17
years old should:
o do at least 60 minutes a day of moderate to vigorous
intensity physical activities.
o incorporate vigorous-intensity activities that strengthens
bones and muscles at least three times a week.
o limit sedentary lifestyle

Examples of moderate physical activities:

Examples of vigorous activities:

Philippine Normal University
The National Center for Teacher Education
College of Teacher Development

● Eat Healthy – eat balanced nutrition on time.

Good Nutrition Principles:
o Adequacy – moderate amount of eating and nutrients for the
o Balance – correct combination of nutrients
o Variety – eating diverse food types

A balanced meal should contain:

o Vegetables and Fruits - ½ of your plate
o Whole grains (whole wheat, barley, wheat berries, quinoa,
oats, brown rice) – ¼ of your plate
o Protein (fish, poultry, beans, and nuts) – ¼ of your plate

● Quit smoking – smoking contributes to numerous diseases

therefore a person should quit smoking
● Know Family Medical History – knowing your own family
history will help you prevent, delay, or catch early diseases.

Innovate Healthy Lifestyle Plan for the Week

The students will create their healthy lifestyle for the week using the
template below.
Philippine Normal University
The National Center for Teacher Education
College of Teacher Development


5 The student planned all his meals

and physical activities for the
whole week. The punctuation
marks and use of grammar are
correct. The sequencing of the
physical activities depending on
intensity are coherent.

4 The student planned all his meals

and physical activities for the
whole week. There were some
mistakes with the use of
punctuation marks and f grammar.
The sequencing of the physical
activities depending on intensity
are coherent.

3 The student planned all his meals

and physical activities for the
whole week. There were some
mistakes with the use of
punctuation marks and f grammar.
The sequencing of the physical
activities depending on intensity
are not coherent.

2 The student lacks some meals

and physical activities plans for
Philippine Normal University
The National Center for Teacher Education
College of Teacher Development

the week. There were some

mistakes with the use of
punctuation marks and f grammar.
The sequencing of the physical
activities depending on intensity
are not coherent.

1 There are days where the student

did not input their plan. There
were some mistakes with the use
of punctuation marks and f
grammar. The sequencing of the
physical activities depending on
intensity are not coherent.

Assess I. Multiple Choice

The students will read the following questions and choose the letter that
corresponds to the answer.

1. What is a lifestyle?
a. It is the pattern or way an individual lives such as their spending
b. It is the pattern of decision making that involves a person’s
overall status.
c. It is the pattern or an individual lives with consideration to their
financial situation.
d. It is the pattern or way an individual lives including his habits
such as eating and exercising
2. Why is a sedentary lifestyle a risk that may cause lifestyle diseases?
a. Because it is an unhealthy lifestyle that causes blood clot in a
person’s body.
b. Because it involves a person sitting all day with no movement
causing lifestyle diseases.
c. Because it is the lack of regular physical activities which the
body needs to prevent diseases
d. Because it is too active pattern of living that may cause disease
to a person with a sedentary lifestyle.
3. Which of the following are diseases caused by a person’s lifestyle?
a. Diabetes due to the unhealthy eating habits of a person.
b. Lung cancer because of the person inhaling secondhand
c. Heart attack because of too rigorous active movement of a
d. Sleep Apnea because it is the way a person sleeps in a wrong
4. Why are regular physical activities important?
a. Because it helps a person be fit.
b. Because it burns extra fats in the body.
c. Because it regulates the body and its blood flow.
d. Because it prevents a person from getting lifestyle diseases.
Philippine Normal University
The National Center for Teacher Education
College of Teacher Development

5. Why should a person monitor his diet?

a. Because a person should be aware of the food he consumes
b. Because a person should check the calories of the food he eats.
c. Because the eating habits of a person plays an important role in
their physical body.
d. Because monitoring food can help track the nutrition of the food

1. D
2. C
3. A
4. D
5. D

Prepared by: Kristine Mae V. Avila


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