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Conversation 1
Situation : Lucy meets a new student.

Lucy : Hello, are you new here? I’ve not seen you before.
Tui : Hi, yes. I’m a new student. I just arrived yesterday.
Lucy : I’m Lucy. It’s nice to meet you.
Tui : My name is Tui. I hope you can understand my English. I’m still learning.
Lucy : Yes, I can understand you, you speak very clearly. What are you doing here?
Tui : I am studying for MSc in biology. I will be here for one or two years.
Lucy : Great. I’m also studying for an MSc. Have you met anyone else yet?
Tui : No just my lecturer.
Lucy : Do you want to come and have some coffee with me? I am going to meet my friends.
They would love to meet you.
Tui : That would be great, thank you.
Lucy : Don’t mention it. Where do you come from?
Tui : I’m from Thailand. I think it is very cold in the UK.
Lucy : Yes, it is cold but the weather will get warmer in the summer. Let’s go and meet my

Conversation 2
Situation : Lucy introduces Tui to some of her friends.

Lucy : Hi. This is Tui. She’s a new student that’s just joined.
Bob : Hi. Nice to meet you. My name is Bob.
Jane : Hi. I’m Jane. Have a seat and tell us all about yourself.
Tui : Hi. It’s great to meet you. I’m from Thailand and I arrived yesterday.
Jane : Are you homesick?
Tui : A little. I miss my family.
Bob : Do you come from a big family?
Tui : Quite big. I have two brothers and one sister. I’m the oldest.
Lucy : It must be difficult coming so far away from your family.
Tui : Yes, but I have always wanted to travel and meet people from other countries.
Jane : Do you like it here?
Tui : Yes. I am very excited to be here. Where do you come from?
Jane : I come from New York. I’m currently looking for someone to take over my tenancy.
Would you be interested, Tui?
Tui : Is it a one-bedroom flat?
Jane : No, it’s a studio.
Tui : I prefer a one-bedroom flat, so my friends can gather in a separated sitting area
instead of in my bedroom.
Bob : Why do you want to move out?
Jane : My sister will come from Singapore to study at King’s college. She wants to stay with
me so I need to find some bigger accommodation.
Lucy : What major is she studying?
Jane : She’s majoring in Law.
Bob : Why won’t she live in halls?
Jane : Um, she doesn’t want to. She can’t cook and can’t do her own laundry. She’s a
mummy’s daughter, actually.
Lucy : But, if she lives with you, she won’t learn to be independent. Don’t you think so?
Jane : I know. It’s not that I will pamper her all the time. I’ll teach her how to cook simple
meals and wash her clothes.
Tui : And manage her spending. That’s important, too.
Jane : I agree. Talking about spending, do you know where I can get cheap furniture?
Bob : You can check out Portobello Road Market. I think it’s the best second hand furniture
market in London.
Jane : I think I have heard of it. Thank you for your suggestion.
Bob : No problem, I have to go to my class now. I will see you later, bye.
Tui : Goodbye.
Jane : See you later too!
Conversation 1
Situation : Dhia and Mina invite Siti to join them for lunch at a Korean restaurant.

Dhia : Hello Siti. How are you doing?

Siti : Fine, thanks. What’s new with you?
Dhia : Mina and I are getting together for lunch. Do you want to come with us?
Siti : Yeah, that would be nice. Where are you taking me?
Mina : Some place you’ve never been before. A Korean restaurant named Jinjuu.
Siti : Fantastic! I’ve always wanted to try Korean food. Have you tried Korean food?
Dhia : I’ve eaten out at several Korean restaurants before but I think Jinjuu offers something
Siti : Really? What is it?
Dhia : It serves traditional Korean street food such as kimchi fries, pajeon pancakes and
Korean fried chicken in mixed Korean and English styles.
Siti : Yum! You are making me hungry. What’s the specialty?
Dhia : The signature menu is Jinjuu Chicken or Korean Fried Chicken.
Mina : Do you know celebrity chef Judy Joo? She’s the owner of the restaurant.
Siti : I see. What about the price?
Dhia : I don’t know. I didn’t find the pricing information on their website.
Siti : I thought you had eaten out at the restaurant before.
Dhia : No, I haven’t. Don’t worry. It’s my treat.
Siti : Well, have you made a reservation?
Dhia : Yes, I’ve book a table for three.
Siti : Great! let’s go now, shall we?

Conversation 2
Situation : Dhia, Mina and Siti are having lunch at Korean restaurant. They want to order dessert and
then pay the bill.

Dhia Excuse me. Can you come here when you have a second?
waiter Sorry to keep you waiting. Did you enjoy your meal?
Dhia That was lovely! Thank you.
Waiter Would you like to see the menu again for dessert?
Dhia Well, now, what do you recommend?
Waiter Well, we have hoppang and snickers hotteok for our specials.
Mina What exactly is snickers hotteok?
Waiter It’s a flat Korean doughnut stuffet with salted caramel and roasted peanuts.
Siti Hmm…it sounds delicious! Please, bring me one.
Dhia Bring us three, please.
Waiter Would you like coffee or tea with you desert?
Dhia I would like some coffee.
Mina I would like tea.
Siti I would like coffee with cream.
Waiter Ok. Your order will be served soon

waiter : Here’s your food. Enjoy.

Dhia : Oh, waiter! Could we also have the bill, please?
Waiter : Certainly. I’ll bring you the bill. Alright, you total is Rm 85.00
Dhia : Here you are. Keep the change.
Waiter : Thank you. Have a nice day.
Dhia : Thank you, same to you.
Mina : Thanks for the treat, Dhia!
Dhia : My pleasure, so I’m going to office now. See you later!
Siti : Be seeing you!
Mina : See you soon!
Conversation 1
Situation : Riana meets Ben at the shop. Riana asks Ben about his part-time job.

Riana : Hi, Ben! How’s is it going?

Ben : Fine, thanks. And you?
Riana : Just fine. Where are you off to?
Ben : To the library. I have to finish the assignment for tomorrow’s class.
Riana : Why don’t you do it at home?
Ben : I have a part-time job in the evening so when I get home. I’ll be too tired to do an
Riana : Where do you work?
Ben : I work in a café.
Riana : Why do you like the job?
Ben : It’s interesting. I really enjoy working with people and get extra money.
Riana : How is the pay?
Ben : The pay is alright. I get $7 an hour. I would like to earn more as I need a lot of money
to buy a new laptop and a smartphone.
Riana : And how would you do that?
Ben : I’ll try to pick up as many extra shifts as I can.
Riana : What about you studies? How would you manage your time?
Ben : Well, I don’t know yet. I might consider taking fewer courses next semester.
Riana : I would not do that if I were you. You should make you studies the first priority. What
if your parents know about it?
Ben : Ugh. You’re right. Thanks for the advice, Lucy. I’ve got to go now. See you later.
Riana : See you, Bob.

Conversation 2
Situation : Tina has been thinking about her career plan when she graduates from college. Ben
comes and shares his thought.

Ben : Hi, Tina. How are you? You don’t look very happy.
Tina : I know. I’m alright really. But it’s my parents. They want me to go back to Thailand
after I graduate.
Ben : Why don’t you want to go back?
Tina : I want to pursue a career in nanotechnology. I don’t think I can do that in my home
Ben : Have you explained that to your parents?
Tina : I have but they insist, I should try to find a job in Thailand first. I think it will be a
waste of time.
Ben : Do you think you can easily land your first job here in the UK?
Tina : With many internship, apprenticeship and scholarship opportunities available. I
believe it will be easier for me to build my career here.
Ben : What position do you actually want for your future career?
Tina : I want to work full time as a research scientist specializing in nanotechnology.
Ben : Awesome! As far as I know, research scientists typically have master’s or doctorate
degrees. That means you have to continue you study at least until master’s degree.
Tina : I know. I do plan to enroll in a master’s program immediately after I finish my
Ben : Have you consulted the career advisor at the career center office?
Tina : No, not yet. It never crossed my mind. That’s good idea, Bob. Thank you.
Ben : Glad to help.
Conversation 1
Situation : Lis and Andrew are suddenly meet at the KLCC shopping mall and they are talking about
their end of year holiday.

Lis : Excuse me, are you Andrew?

Andrew : Yes, I am. Are you Lis?
Lis : Yes, this is me. Great to see you again!
Andrew : Yeah! Haven’t seen you for ages. How are you doing?
Lis : Fine thanks. What’s new with you?
Andrew : I just came back from the holiday.
Lis : Where did you go on holiday?
Andrew : I went to Beijing with my parents.
Lis : How was it? Did you have a good time?
Andrew : It was wonderful. Beijing is a great city with many historical landmarks.
Lis : What did you see there?
Andrew : We saw the Great Wall and other interesting places such as old palaces, as well as
pandas. They were really interesting!
Lis : I have been to Beijing once to attend a conference, but I did not have time to travel
Andrew : Too bad. You could have stayed longer. It’s not difficult to find cheap hotels in
Lis : Really? Where did you stay, anyway?
Andrew : We stay at the Casuarina Hotel near the Palace Museum.
Lis : Was it good?
Andrew : Yes, it was a great budget hotel. The room was clean and it offered free drinks, fruits
and snacks every day. How about your holiday?
Lis : I did not go out because I took a charity job as volunteer tutor.
Andrew : Oh, you are doing a great job. I may want to try that on my next holiday.
Lis : Nice work! You will achieve a greater sense of satisfaction and growth as it feels
good to help others and provide them with all the essential resources
Andrew : I need to pick up my kids from school now. Catch you later!
Lis : Bye for now!

Conversation 2
Situation : Julie and Perry talk about Julie’s plan to take a vacation in San Francisco in the United

Julie : What’s up, Perry! Glad to see you again.

Perry : Glad to see you too. How are you?
Julie : I’m fine, thank you. What about you?
Perry : I’m very well, thank you. Guess what! I’m going to San Francisco!
Julie : Guess what! I’m going to San Francisco!
Perry : Really? When?
Julie : Tomorrow. I am flying with Ocean Airlines.
Perry : Do you need a ride to the airport?
Julie : No, thanks. I’m OK. I can get a taxi. Have you ever been to San Francisco?
Perry : Yes, I have been there several times. There are many interesting places that
you can visit, such as the Golden Gate Bridge.
Julie : What about Fisherman’s Wharf?
Perry : Oh, that’s one of my favorites! There are lots of seafood restaurants you can
sit at for lunch. Where are you going to stay?
Julie : I have booked a room at the Pacific Tradewinds Hostel. It is neared towards
international travelers and it is close to Chinatown.
Perry : How long are you going to be there?
Julie : Just three days.
Perry : Why don’t you stay longer?
Julie : I plan to go to New York to see an old friend.
Perry : Have you booked the flight?
Julie : Yes, I have.
Perry : Have a safe trip! Take care, Perry.
Julie : Thank you for putting a kind word. See you later when I come back from a
Perry : Don’t forget to buy me some souvenirs from there. Haha… just joking!
Julie : No worries, for sure. Bye!
Conversation 1
Situation : Janna calls Jeff about his flat rental.

Janna : Hello, my name is Janna, and I’m calling about the flat rental you have advertised in
the newspaper. Is it still available?
Jeff : Hi, Janna. My name is Jeff, and I am the owner. Yes, the apartment is still available.
Janna : Great! Would you mind telling me a little about it?
Jeff : Sure. It has one bedroom and one bathroom. Every room has carpet except for the
kitchen and bathroom which have hardwood floors.
Janna : Okay. Is it a newer building or an older one?
Jeff : It is located in an apartment complex and the building is about six years old, so it’s
quite modern.
Janna : That sounds lovely. How far away is it from IKM Kota Kinabalu?
Jeff : Well, it is about a thirty minute drive from the IKMKK.
Janna : Wonderful. What about the price? I didn’t see one listed in the advertisement.
Jeff : It’s a thousand ringgit a month not including utilities.
Janna : Alrigt. That’s in my price range, so I’m very interested in looking at it.
Jeff : Excellent! I would be happy to show you the flat. I am sure you will love it. Would you
be able to come and see it tomorrow/.
Janna : Absolutely! I could come right after work. Is six o’clock okay with you?
Jeff : Yes. that’s fine. Do you need me to give you the address?
Janna : No, thank you. I see it here in the advertisement.
Jeff : Okay. I will see you tomorrow then, Janna.
Janna : Sure. See you then!

Conversation 2
Situation : Ali takes a tour of Emma’s house for sale.

Emma : Good afternoon. Are you Ali?

Ali : Good afternoon. Yes, I am. I’m here to see your house for sale.
Emma : Yes, please come in.
Ali : Thank you.
Emma : Please follow me, and I’ll give you a tour.
Ali : Great. Thanks.
Emma : This is the kitchen, and as you can see, it has tile flooring and new cabinets.
Ali : Yes. it’s beautiful!
Emma : Thank you. This is the master bedroom. The carpet in here is about two years old, so
it’s fairly new.
Ali : Right.
Emma : You can see that there is a master bathroom that is attached to the bedroom. The
toilet and shower are a little older, but they’re in excellent condition.
Ali : Yes, they look almost new.
Emma : Here is the family room.
Ali : I like it! It’s very spacious.
Emma : Yes, it has a lot of room. Here is the other bedroom and bathroom. They are a little
small, but they’re fine for guests or young children.
Ali : Sure. What about the laundry room?
Emma : Right. I almost forgot. It’s beside of the master bedroom. It has a large closet, so you
can hang your clean clothes after washing.
Ali : Nice! How much are you asking for the house?
Emma : It’s two-hundred thousand ringgit.
Ali : Okay. Thank you for showing me your home and telling me about the price. I’ll call
you if I am interested.
Emma : Sure. It was pleasure to meeting you. Have a great day.
Ali : You too. Bye.
Emma : Bye.

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