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Rendezvous (RV) Position 19° 21.0' N 058° 06.0' E

1. The Master is requested to email the Master of MV Genesis, MNG Maritime’s Ship’s
Security Officer (SSO) and MNG Maritime Operations on the below email addresses 48, 24, 12 &
6 hours prior to arriving at the designated rendezvous position (RV) above. We would be grateful if
you would ensure that your AIS remains switched on from the 48 hr point onwards. We operate in
local (GMT+4) timings, designated local time (LT).
2. When you are 2 hours away from the RV, please send a further email passing on any
final details and at 1 hour away also establish VHF voice communications1 with MV Genesis on
Channel 16. After initial VHF communications have been established both vessels will switch
channels and talk through any last minute adjustments that may be necessary. At this point, if a
team is disembarking, please ensure that the Team Leader (TL) has fully prepared his team,
conducted departure formalities with the Master and is ready in all respects to disembark your
3. MV Genesis is Drifting/NUC and maybe north/south of RV on the arrival of your vessel.
Once you are 5 cables/0.5nm from MV Genesis her transfer S200 will launch and carry out the
Transfer Procedure
4. As you approach the RV, we request that you slow to 5-6 knots and maintain a safe
heading in order to provide as much lee as possible for the approaching S200. When the
coxswain of the S200 is satisfied that all is well and safe, the transfer will proceed.
5. We request that either the pilot ladder or a combination ladder be prepared on the lee
side prior to the approach of the S200, not solely an accommodation ladder.
6. Life jackets and helmets must be worn by all personnel during the transfer operation. Life
jackets and helmets will be carried in the S200 and passed up for those disembarking. For those
joining your ship, the security personnel should only remove life jackets and helmets when they
are secure on your vessel. The life jackets and helmets should then be returned by line.
Transfer Sequence of Personnel and Kit TO your Vessel
7. The security team (if transferring) will leave the S200 and cross-deck onto your vessel first
8. Once complete, the team’s equipment will be lifted to your vessel by heaving line.
9. Finally, life jackets and helmets worn by the security team should be passed back to
the S200 crew. The S200 will depart and return to MV Genesis. Task complete.
10. The SSO will subsequently send a confirmatory e-mail, recording the time of transfer.
Transfer Sequence of Personnel and Kit OFF your Vessel
12. On arrival of the S200, life jackets and helmets for the security team will be passed up
by heaving line (if personnel are transferring).

MV Genesis tends to pick up your VHF long before you can hear hers. You are unlikely to hear the vessel responding until you are
within 15nm of the RV. If you are coming to MV Genesis from the anchorage, please advise the vessel when you weigh anchor.
12. All weapons, equipment and team personal effects should then be passed down to the
S200 by heaving line.
13. On completion of the kit onload, the security team, if transferring, will embark the
S200, which will then head back to MV Genesis.
14. The SSO will subsequently send a confirmatory e-mail, recording the time of transfer.
Additional Notes
15. Safety. For safety reasons, transferring personnel are not to carry or wear any day sack
or bags, but to lower/raise them with team equipment. Please clear 10 metres either side of
transfer position any ships defences, including razor wire, defensive spokes or any other kind of
security equipment that may cause damage or injury the boat crew below.
16. Preparation. We frequently service a number of transfers in short order and therefore, we
would be grateful if you would ensure that all ship's formalities for the disembarkation of the team
are completed in advance of the arrival of our transfer S200, which will be alongside your vessel
at the agreed RV ETA. In this way we can effect the transfer as quickly and as smoothly as
possible, without subjecting your vessel to unnecessary delay, or delaying another vessel. We are
most grateful for your cooperation in this regard.
17. Weather. At certain times of the year, weather can impede the launch and/or operation of
the S200, rendering transfer operations unsafe. In these circumstances, for the safety of those
involved, the transfer will be postponed until the weather improves. The SSO will send two-hourly
situation reports to all concerned, and MNG Maritime, through your security team provider, will
alert your Company’s operations team. At these times, the weather tends to be better in the
mornings, and worsen throughout the day, clearing up again by the following morning. Sea state is
the biggest threat to the transfer, with sea states above SS6 likely to render the transfer unsafe.

Contact Details

S200 / Transfer Vessel Callsign: Yasmeen: JVYQ4 ; MR280: 8RGB1

MNG Maritime Operations Centre:
SSO e-mail:

MNG Maritime Operations Centre: +971 52 690 3535

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