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There is a debate among experts about whether talent is innate or acquired.

Some believe that

talent is largely innate, meaning that people are born with certain abilities and aptitudes that
cannot be developed by training alone. On the other hand, others believe that talent is acquired
through a combination of natural ability and hard work, and that anyone can develop skills and
talents with enough practice and dedication.

While it is true that some people seem to be naturally gifted in certain areas, such as music or
sports, research suggests that practice and training play a significant role in developing
expertise. In fact, many studies have shown that deliberate practice, which involves focused and
purposeful training, can lead to significant improvements in performance even for individuals
who initially show little natural talent in a particular area.

Therefore, while innate ability may give some individuals a head start, hard work, dedication,
and deliberate practice can often help individuals achieve success and develop their talents.

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