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Khursheed College of Science

First Year: Chemistry

Q2. Write short answers to any eight questions. (16)

i. Derive ionic product of water and what is its value at 25oC?

ii. What are application of buffer in daily life?
iii. What is Henderson equation and for which purpose it is used?
iv. Define Charles law by kinetic equation of gases.
v. What is molecular ion? Write down formulas of any two of these ions.
vi. Differentiate between empirical and molecular formula.
vii. What is r value? Why does it has no units?
viii. What is partition chromatography?
ix. What is Le-chartelier principle?
x. Define absolute zero temperature.
xi. What are ionic solids? Give two examples.

Q3. Write short answers to any eight questions. (16)

i. Define anisotropy with example.

ii. What is symmetry of a crystal?
iii. Define isomorphism with example.
iv. Define unit cell. Give its crystallographic elements.
v. What is Moseley’s law?
vi. Define Hunds’rule.
vii. Discuss briefly principal quantum number.
viii. What is Aufbau’s principle?
ix. What are discontinuous solubility curves?
x. Define colligative properties. Give two example.
xi. What is meant by homogeneous catalysis, give one example?

Q4. Write short answers to any six questions (12)

i. Why the size of a cation is smaller as compared to its parent atom?

ii. What is octet rule? Give one example.
iii. Define coordinate covalent bond. Give one example.
iv. Dipole moment of co2 is zero but so2 is 1.61D. why?
v. Define thermochemistry.
vi. Define enthalpy of formation. Give example.
vii. Describe enthalpy of neutralization by taking example of HCL and NaoH.
viii. Describe Nickel Cadmium Cell.
ix. Define anode and cathode.

(PART – III) Attempt any three questions (8 × 3 = 24)

Q5. (a) Explain the structure and function of voltaic or galvanic cell.

(b) Write four properties of covalent solids.

Q6. (a) Calculate the mass of 1dm3 of NH3 gas at 30oC and 1000mmHg.

(b) Explain sp3 hybridization by taking example of methane.

Q7. (a) State solubility curves and explain continuous and discontinuous solubility curves.

(b) What are the characteristics of a catalyst?

Q8. A draw the molecular orbital diagram for O2 and explain its paramagnetic behavior.

B. how the enthalpy of a reaction can be measured by using glass calorimeter?

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