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Dee ee) Determiner Questions Latest Determiner MCQ Objective Questions co CE RR A BL Ra leiia) Start Complete Exam Preparation Cec an a eee if Sen Practice ieee oc) Cree eet Jownload App Question 1: View this Question Online > Direction: Choose the correct word to fill up the blanks from the alternatives. I met_____European. 3. this 5. Not Attempted ‘a ‘Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 4:4 coaching India's Super Teachers for all ef Ay lA Otel Olu moles Go eae Stay updated with English questions & answerswith Testbook. Know more about Grammar and ace the conceptof Fill in the Blanksand Determiner Determiner Question 1 Detailed Solution Here, the correct answeris’a! © Key Points + Letus explore the given option The, a, an: @ The only articlesin English@rethe’ and ‘a/an’. @ We mustuse the articie"a or an’ to indicate eny non- specified member of a group or category. @ Ifa word begins with @ vowel sound, then the correctarticleis ‘an. If it begins with a consonantal sound, the correct articleis ‘a’ The definite article'the’ is used before a noun to indicate that the identity of the noun is known to the reader. @ Example @ We are looking foran apartment. Jowna catand two dogs. @ J love to visit the building. + The first sound of the word European (and Europe) is consonant (you) * So, we have to use"a” in the blank + "This" is used to point to something near you. Fora singularthing, usethis Example: / ike this phone a lot + Hence, the correct answeris Option 4. Correct sentence is: / met a European. & India's #1 Learning Platform Start Complete Exam Preparation @ Trusted by 1,86,00,449+ Student alee Bre ras Ds Colney Cresieaccig Ext) Question 2: View this Question Online >, Direction: The following sentence in this section hasa blank spacewith four options. Select whiter preposition or determiner you consider the most appropriate for the blank spaceand indi ur response on the Answer Sheet accordingly. children learn very quickly. 1. Some 3. Any 4. Much Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 1: Some Determiner Question 2 Detailed Solution The correct answer for the blank spaceis ‘some’. © Key Points + The correct answer for the spacein the sentence" "Some". + The completed sentence would be "Some children leam very quickly.” + "Some' isan indefinite determiner that refers to an unspecified quantity of children. it suggeststhat there are at least a few children who lear quickly, but doesnit provide a specific number. children learn very quickly" is * The other options listed aspossible answers suchas"a". "any" and "much" are not appropriate for this sentence. 'A" suggests singularity, which doesn't fit with the context of the sentence. "Any" implies an open or unlimited number of children, which also doesn't fit with the intended meaning. 'Much' refers to quantity, but not in e way that makessensein this context. & eRe amen Portia) Start Complete Exam Preparation CC Ar Seca Panne os had re Question Bank Download App Question 3: View this Question Online > Direction: The following sentencein this section hasa blank spacewith four options. Select whichever preposition or determiner you consider the most appropriate for the blank spaceand indicate your response on the Answer Sheet accordingly. Our train leaves from platform number 5. 3. the 4. No article Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 4: No article Determiner Question 3 Detailed Solution The correct answeris ‘No N © Key Points % * The use of “ No article’ is appropriate in this sentence because"platform number 5° is a specificand ai cca i ce acetate ais SANA ae cae + The absence of an article actually emphasizesthe specificity and uniqueness of the platform. od Pe a LT Beisel Start Complete Exam Preparation Renan keto Glo eed ete Doers Cree ea rg Download App Eye hie Question 4: View this Question Online > Direction: The following sentence in this section hasa blank spacewith four options. Select whichever preposition or determiner you consider the most appropriate for the blank space and indicate your response on the Answer Sheet accordingly. Can you pass. sugar, please? 4, No article Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 3: the Determiner Question 4 Detailed Solution The correct answer's ‘the. © Key Points + In this sentence,” the" is the definite arti it best fits the context of the sentence. The speaker is referring to a specificitem, in this cas sugar. The use of the definite article ‘the" signalsthat both the ESRC ERIN pega SNR UA I EN BERTI S RR EER Nee aC Te a A Sas A ty a EES Sa AN aE i + The other articleslisted as options, suchas "a" or “an’, are indefinite articlesand would not be appropriate here. A’ and ‘an’ are used when referring to any one of a group of similar things, and sincethe speaker is asking for a specificitem, the use of an indefinite article wouldnt make sense. + Additionally, there is an option for no article, but that would not be appropriate here either. Without any article, the sentence would read "Can you pass sugar, please?" and this would sound a bit awkward and unnatural. & Eee pera) Start Complete Exam Preparation RC Seca ieee ces eh Resco resend Exe) Download App Question 5: View this Question Online > Fill in the blank with the correct determiner in the given sentence: fault isit that we lose this game? 1. Whom ‘’ 3. Where 4. Who Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 2: Whose Determiner Question 5 Detailed Solution The correct answeris ‘Whose’ © Key_Points— + Asper the given sentence,'Whose’ is the mostappropriate determiner. + Whose canbe used in the following ways: + As adeterminer (introducing a director indirect question) @ Ex. Whose idea wasit to comehere? > AS introducing a relative clause @ Ex. The winitemmes an Indian player, whose name | have forgotten. + Here, in the given statem&fa direct question is asked by using the determiner whose As per the points mentioned above, we find that the correct answer is'Option 2'. &; Additional_Information + ‘which’ isused for asking for a specific choice from a limited number of possibilities + ‘whom’ is used instead of ‘who’ as the object of a verb or preposition + ‘who's’ is the usual way of saying or writing ‘who is’ or ‘who has. Top Determiner MCQ Objective Questions & CR ARE heli) Start Complete Exam Preparation aca eco Po Gites Download App View this Question Online > Direction: Fill in the blanks using the correct article. Do you know the name of artistwho painted this portrait? 1. the eS . None of the above Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 1: the Determiner Question 6 Detailed Solution The correct answeris ‘the’ © Key_Points— + In the above sentence, the noun "artist" is given which startswith a vowel sound. + Sowecan use either article an or articlethe. + But the noun artiste is defined by ‘who painted this portrait ' Thusa definite article (The) should be used. + Soarticlethe is the apprgpilate answer. Thus the correct sentence is: know the name ofthe artist who painted this portrait? sions S important Point + Let's learn a trick to use the definite article the: + When a noun is followed by the relative pronoun 'who.' Alwaysuse'the! article before that noun. @ Example: / know the man who visited you yesterday. & ra ieee amu Reet Start Complete Exam Preparation Rear Aoi ta Bie esd Porrceler Cree ea rg Question 7 View this Question Online > In the sentence given below, there are three blanks. Each blank has to be filled with an appropriate article. Choose the option which has the most suitable set of articles that can fil all the blanks correctly. It probably took me that I was doing hour to recover from good job. awkwardnessof acknowledging out loud 1. an,an,a 2. an, the,a, i 4. an, an, the Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 2: an, the, a Determiner Question 7 Detailed Solution The correct answerls option 2) le. an; the; a. © Key Points * In the given sentence, the noun ‘awkwardness 'is specificor particular. © Thedefinite article ‘the’ is used before singular and plural nouns when the noun is specificor particular. y ihe sentence, ‘hour’ and ‘job’ are unspecified general nouns. and_an are indefinite articles, which meansthat they refer to, or introduce, an unspecified noun. In other words, we use an indefinite erticle in front of anoun when we're not referring to a particular person, place, thing, or idea, but we want to convey that we're talking about any person, place, thing, or idea. + We use’a’ before a consonant sound (here good), and we use'an’ before a vowel sound (here hour). . re ~ Henes, as per the rules and glen context the most appropriste articlesto be placed in the + Also ir sentence are “an; the; an” ; Additional_Informati: + There are three articles'a, an, and the. Articles are used before nouns or noun. equivalents and are a type of adjective. RULES [COUNT NOUNS |NON-COUNT NOUNS (Specificidentity not known aan (no article) ‘Specificidentity is known the the [All things or things in general|__(no article) (no article) Correct Sentence: /t probably took me an hour to recovertrom the awkwardnessof acknowledging out loud that | wasdoing @ goodjob. as India’s #1 Learning Platform Rear te cesta Ala Mo (CM CMe l ace) Daily Live ve Download App Question 8 View this Question Online > Directions: Fill In the blank with the appropriate artic, The membess of the committee appointed him ____ president of the company. ™~ 4. No article required Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 3: the Determiner Question 8 Detailed Solution The correct answeris ‘the’. © Key Points x + The definite article 'the' is used before the nouns like ‘prime minister, president, chief minister, etc! but the name should not be mentioned in this case + Examples , + The prime minister is going to announce a new scheme. + The governor appointed her the chief minister. + From the given explanation and examples, we can understand that ‘the’ should be used in the given blank. + Therefore, option 3is the correct answer. Complete Sentence: The me hy ‘4 Hinglish + Defi 2 committeeappointed him the presidentof the company. Zt ite article 'the' SI Tal nouns Ga "prime minister, president, chief minister, etc Use al oid @! cia Qu AMA A AA OT Seek “el lal GIT Teal + Examples, © The prime minister is going to announce a new scheme. + The governor appointed her the chief minister. oR SAS + feu U, FH Wag Ud 6 fe fe AW blank GAA ‘the’ HI 7a fear IT 1 + HE option 3 Ta SRE! India's #1 Learning Platform Start Complete Exam Preparation iG Beets ened Tac Des clon oresiaiccag Exe r) ownload App Question 9 Insert the correct article in the blank given. Are you Engineer from the Gas Company? Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 1: the Determiner Question 9 Detailed Solution The correct answeris ‘the’ @Key-Points BOCAS eer View this Question Online > In the given sentence, the noun ‘Engineer ' is a specified noun (It is specifiedthat the Engineer's from the Gas Company). ‘The definite article ‘the’ is used before singular and plural nouns when the noun is specific or particular ‘A’ and ‘an’ are indefinite articles, which means that they refer to, or introduce, an unspecified noun . > We use’a’ before a consonant sound and we use'an' before a vowel sound . “No article” is used when we refer to general ideas, plurals, or uncountable nouns . + Offisa preposition that meansmoving away and often down from something . Hence, the correct answeris opti Complete Sentence: Are you >. the Gas Company? additional Information There are three articles: a,an, and the. Articlesare used before nouns or noun equivalents and are a type of adjective. RULES COUNT NOUNS NON-COUNT NOUNS Specific identity not known a, an (no article) Specific identity is known the the Allthings or things in general (no article) _—_(no article) Eee Eee) Start Complete Exam Preparation CeCe Arona Pras Pbecsc oman Download App Question 10 », View this Question Online > Fill in the blank with a suitable article darkest cloud has a silver lining. 1. An 4. From Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 3: The Determiner Question 10 Detailed Solution The correct answeris The’. © Key Points + The most suitable article for the given fill in the blank is The’. + The given sentenceis an example of a Superlative Degree. + We know that the definite article the’ is alwaysused before a superlative degree. Here, in the given question darkest’ is a superlative degree of ‘dark’. i + Superlative Degree: Thisdegree denotes the highest degree of quality and is used when one thing/person is compered to all other things/ persons. + The given sentenceis an idiomatic expression. |is meaning is: we should never feel hopeless because difficult times alwayslead to better days. > Example:Mohan is the smartestboy in the class. + Therefore, the correct ~ a The correct sentence is' The_darkestcloudhasa silverlining.’ ©; Additional Information. + When any object/ person is required to be shown superior to all other objects of its category, the former should be shown asthe part of the latter one. + Example: * sachin Tendulkaris the greatestof all other cricketers. % * Sachin Tendulkaris the greatestof all cricketers.“ ra Dee ae LT ac iecloal pene erect Start Complete Exam Preparation rea ented) Question 11 : View this Question Online > Directions : Each of the following sentencesin this section hasa blank spacewith four options. Select whichever preposition or determiner you consider the most appropriate for the blank space and indicate your response accordingly. ~~ place for thinking and leaming. An 3. The 4. Some Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 2:A Determiner Question 11 Detailed Solution The correct answeris ‘1 © Key Points| + The most appropriate word to fill in the given blank is'a’ out + Article: An article isused to modify noun, which is a person, place, object, or idea. + Example: A man, a cara gitl + A article When the indefinite article comes before ¢ word beginning with a consonant sound + Example: A book, a car. G + In the given blank, "university’ is a word that sounds consonant which is only explained b the article "a". + All the other options are cir oecaiteot this reason. Hence, option 2 isthe correct answer. Complete Sentence: A university isa place for thinking and learning. ©; Additional_Information A: Sey peeve: Bip enter Smear. SECS POR Se Nr Se Le ON ae On en, ene ee eee eee ee: + Example: An idea, an apple. * Definite articles (The): The definite article'the’ is used before the singular and plural nouns when the noun is specific or particular + Example: Gurmeet gets onthe bus. + Some: We use some in affirmative sentences. The indefinite pronouns all, any, more, Most, none, and some can be singular or plural . depending on how they are used. + Example: /'ve got some questionstor you a PS Ee SPR Rael) Start Complete Exam Preparation CR eet kota eee bes oo Doe cceery D Download App cesses Extra Question 12 View this Question Online > Direction: Choose the most suitable determiner for the given sentence. The Gupta family has very money and can't go for a holiday every year. 4. many 2. some 3. every 4, little Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option ittle ieee anu Reel! Start Complete Exam Pri (8) eee eed Mock Tests Doster) Jownload App ed ster & Quizzes Question 13 Directions: Fill in the blanks with suitable article. Itwas. unique sight. GCC Secs View this Question Online > 4. No article ‘Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 1:2 eee Ee) Start Complete Exam Preparation Dee ot Ds chen restau Ex ter) alee Papen es Question 14 View this Question Online > Directions: Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blanks. cart loaded with mangoes turned upside down on main road, Aa 2. The, the 3. A, the 4. Thea Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 3: A the GEER AR Rell) Start Complete Exam Pri ation eos Faber ) Mock Tests beter Cd ote Jownload App Question 15 Choose the correct article in the given sentence. English usesmany words of Latin origin 4. No article required Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 4: No article required by 1,86,00,449+ Student View this Question Online >

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