Imd224 - Article Review

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(Analysis of Inactive Archive Management Against Archives Retrieval at the




Week 6

I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my lecturer Madam Siti

Aisyah Mokhtar who gave me the golden opportunity to do this assignment on the
topic Article Review: Analysis of Inactive Archive Management Against Archives
Retrieval at the Archive Centre (RECORD CENTER) POLITEKNIK NEGERI
SEMARANG, which also helped me in doing a lot of research and I came to know
about so many new things I am thankful to them. Secondly, I would also like to thank
my parents and friends who helped me a lot in finalizing this project within the limited
time frame.

I am over helmed in all humbleness and gratefulness to acknowledge my depth

to all those who have helped me to put these ideas, well above the level of simplicity
and into something concrete. I would like to thank my parents who helped me a lot in
gathering different information, collecting data, and guiding me from time to time in
making this project, despite of their busy schedules they gave me different ideas in
making this project unique.

Thanking you,




ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ....................................................................................................................... i
ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................. 1
METHOD ............................................................................................................................................... 3
Analysis of Inactive Archive Management Against Archives Retrieval at the Archive Center
(RECORD CENTER) SEMARANG STATE POLYTECHNIC ........................................................ 4
CONCLUSION ...................................................................................................................................... 7
REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................................... 8
APPENDIX ............................................................................................................................................ 8


Archive is a collection of historical manuscripts, general records, and documents maintained

in any medium, as well as the location or structure that accommodates this storage. Archive
management is critical for ensuring the availability of timely. Archives play a crucial function,
but efficient records administration has been ignored in the past. The Archive Centre (Record
Centre) of Semarang State Polytechnic performs rather well in terms of inactive archive
management. Because there are still issues, such as the fact that shifting archives is still a
mix of archives and non-archives, and there is no list of archives or minutes of archive
transfers. Furthermore, there is insufficient storage space, outmoded buildings and
infrastructure, and insufficient human resources, all of which contribute to poor archive
management. The procedure of deleting inactive archives at the Semarang State Polytechnic
has only been done once since its inception, and it will be done again in 2015.

Keywords: Archive management, Archive Centre, Record Centre, archive

An archive is a collection of manuscripts, general records and documents of historical
importance stored in any form of media as well as the location or structure that houses this
storage. Archives are also one of the necessary sources of data and information for every
agency, whether government or private. It serves as a source of historical reference, decision
making material, evidence, or originality and as a source of memory. To ensure the availability
of fast, complete, and quality information, proper and efficient archive management is
essential. As we know, archives play an important role, but until now good records
management is often neglected. Most archives are easily damaged and difficult to find
because they are left unattended and not kept properly and securely. Lack of experts in the
field of archives, lack of employee awareness and limited infrastructure facilities are among
the causes of poor archive management in an agency. Based on this article, they have
conducted a study on several agencies and as a result most of these agencies do not use a
systematic records management system. Some stated that the archival search process was
difficult due to lack of facilities and infrastructure, unclear provision of archives, and lack of
archival officers. There are also agencies that state that they only differentiate archives based
on incoming and outgoing mail because they do not use standard storage systems in general.
Not only that, but there are also agencies that complain about the chaotic arrangement of the
archives and the way they are organized is ineffective and makes it difficult for them to process
the search.


The term archive is derived from the Greek word ‘archea’, which means a problem-
solving document or note. An archive is a collection of records that have been chosen for
permanent or long-term preservation due to their cultural, historical, or enduring value.
Archival records are almost always unpublished and one-of-a-kind, as opposed to books or
magazines, which may have many similar copies. Dynamic archives and static archives are
the two types of archives based on their functions. Dynamic archives are archives that are still
used in the office daily. According to the Law of the Republic of Indonesia, number 43 of 2009
on Archives, this dynamic archive has been further divided into two parts, namely active and
inactive, based on this article. Active archives are those that are used on a regular and
consistent basis, whereas inactive archives are those that are used on a less frequent basis.
Then there are static archives, which are archives that are no longer used in the office's daily
operations. Only archival institutions such as national archives, state archives, and university
archives keep static archives.


Based on Inactive Archive Governance Quick Guide, the record centre at Gajah Mada
University is a facility with special requirements meant to store, preserve, maintain, and
administer innovative archives. Its goal is to limit the number of inactive archives held in the
work unit (central file) and to ensure the physical and informational security of the original
archive. A good archive is due to the proper use of its storage system, decent archive facilities
and because it qualifies.


Records management is the process of storing, receiving, realising, and rediscovering

dormant archives while adhering to the principles of effectiveness, efficiency, and security. In
order to offer archives precisely, fast, and simply, inactive archive management is essential.
According to the Higher Education Archive Training Teaching Materials, the inactive archive
management procedure is archive transfer, which determines when records are transferred
under JRA, the files to be transferred, the storage space provided, and the receive at the
Record Center.

Next that is archive and storage management, in which the archive must be examined
first to verify it is entirely dormant, described, tested for integrity, grouped in groups, and
organised according to the storage system used before it is saved. Then, the next inactive
archive management process is the archive service. Archival services provided to users in the
form of archival loans for the benefit of the service. Last but not least is the destruction of the
archives. Destruction actions are carried out once the inactive archive storage term has been
finished in accordance with the archive retention schedule.

Storage systems that are suitable for usage as a standard storage system are a
chronological storage system in which it is a method of storing documents depends on the
order in which letters are received or sent. Secondly is the subject storage system, it is a
document storage system based on document content. Moreover, number storage systems
are storage based on numeric codes and not the name of a person or entity. Therefore, an
alphabetical storage system where it is a method of document storage based on the
alphabetical order of the words of the document response (name). Lastly is the geographic
storage system, it is the Storage of documents organized by location.


One of the activities in the realm of archives that tries to retrieve archives that will be
employed in an agency's administrative process is archive retrieval. The archive finding
procedure will be challenging if the archive management system is inadequate. Because it
includes data search and classification, archive recovery is strongly tied to archive
management systems.


For the research method of this article, it is divided into 6. Among them are research
methods and designs. Research methods are procedures or tools used to achieve the ultimate
goal of a study, and to achieve that goal must be supported by strategies of using various data
collection methods, called methodologies, in order for the study to achieve a level of reliability
and validity. This study uses a qualitative research method. Next, the objects and subjects of
the study. The objective of this study was inactive dynamic archive management, while the
study subjects were archive officers and users. In addition, investigation information. The
information in this study is that the officers and users of the archive are inactive, as they are
considered to know and understand the problems to be studied by the researcher.

The fourth method is source and type of data. Data sources in research are sources
that allow a researcher to obtain a certain amount of information or data needed in a study,
both primary data and secondary data. The fifth method, methods, and techniques of data
collection. Data collection methods are important in a study, because data collection methods
are a way to obtain the data needed in research. Data is something obtained through data
collection methods that will be processed and analyzed with something that can describe or
identify something. This study uses data collection methods such as observation method,
interview method and documentation method. Finally, data analysis methods and techniques.
Data analysis is a process of systematically finding and organizing data obtained from
interviews, field notes, and documentation, by organizing data into categories, breaking it
down into units, synthesizing, organizing into patterns, choosing which ones are important and
learned, and conclude so that that they are easily understood by oneself and others. This
study uses data analysis method that is Miles and Huberman analysis model. Miles and
Huberman’s analytical model was conducted with three types of activities in qualitative data

Analysis of Inactive Archive Management Against Archives Retrieval at



The arrangement of the Records Center, information, organization, protection, and

services are part of the inactive archive management at Semarang State Polytechnic. The
goal of management is to ensure that archives are delivered quickly, accurately, securely, and
efficiently so that archives are not damaged or lost and archives of charitable value are
maintained and protected.

First and foremost is the file transfer activity. The activity of transferring inactive
archives from a work unit to a records center, or vice versa, is known as archive transfer.
Inactive archives sent to the record center are still classified as archives and non -archives,
with no listing of archives or news events.

The second is the archive sorting activity. Academic archives, decrees, finance, and
other types of archives are available at this polytechnic. Envelopes, blanks, orders, envelopes,
and duplicates are not included. The Archive Center or Record Center tries to distinguish
between archival and non -archival activities.

Next, archival data entry activities. Semarang State Polytechnic uses Microsoft Excel
for data entry activities, then, the archive data will be sorted by subject or year of archive.

Next, is the archival description activity. Based on this article shows the archival
information activities in this polytechnic are still done manually by using archival information

Moreover, it is an archival maneuver activity. In this Polytechnic, the archive

information card maneuver is not performed during the inactive archive maneuver activity.
This is because the archive data is suppressed using Microsoft Excel, and all data input is
then printed, so there is no need to move the description card anymore.

Then, the activity of preparing the archives where the archives at the Semarang State
Polytechnic are stored on the floor and workspace of the archives. This is due to the imbalance
of archive storage space with the increasing number of archives. Each archive box contains
one series or several adjacent series depending on the thickness of the file. Then the box is
labelled with information including, problem number, box/shelf number, archive year and file

After that, is the activity of creating an archive list. In this article it is explained that this
polytechnic also uses a list of archive descriptions which include, classification number,
problem, work unit, year of archive, archive attachment, originality of archive, retention of
archive such as destroyed, re-evaluated or permanent. Year of destruction, file number,
archive condition and box/shelf number are also included. The Archive List (DPA) is used as
an archive search tool.

Next, the archive service. Archival services at this polytechnic are provided to users in
the form of inactive archive loans. Inactive archive users who are entitled to borrow archives
are only employees used to fulfill official interests.

Lastly is the activity of archival destruction. The polytechnic only destroyed one archive
in 2014, and a second archive destruction occurred in 2015. This shows there is still a lack of
eradication due to archive management procedures that only worked well three years ago.


The effectiveness of the implementation of archive management will be obvious if all

important files are easily searched and only restored to their original location. This retrieval
procedure is associated with archive storage and archive search tools. Archives that are
processed and stored in archival storage are there to help users find information relevant to
their needs.

At the Semarang State Polytechnic, they use an inactive archive search tool. This tool
is used to obtain archives, based on this article it shows that Semarang State Polytechnic uses
Microsoft Excel and archive description list (DPA).

Second, is the process of retrieving inactive archives. Based on the observation, the
dormant archive search procedure used in this polytechnic, users who need the archive can
go directly to the archive center or call. Users notify archivists when they are needed. Then,
the archive center uses archive search tools, such as computers and archive search lists, to
find the archives users need. After the archive is found, officers bring the archive to the archive
repository according to the available information. The archivist must record the archive to be
borrowed on the archive loan form (exit indicator). The archive loan form (exit pointer) includes
the borrowed file, borrower's name, loan date, renewal date, return date, number of records
and other information. Eventually, the officer will return the archive to its original place after
the user returns the borrowed archive.

Third, these polytechnics have inactive archive recruitment constraints. The first
difficulty encountered during the archive search procedure is, the user thinks that the record
center has all the inactive archives at the Semarang State Polytechnic. In fact, the archives
submitted to the record center are only a subset of the whole. This is due to the lack of human
resources to perform archive management tasks. Also there is no list of archive or archival
transfer records as they have not been processed or included.

Next are facilities and infrastructure. Plastic boxes, proof cards, file boxes, raffia ropes,
kiss paper, storage racks, computer sets, labels and stationery are used here to store files.
The maintenance of this polytechnic archive uses only simple cleaning equipment such as
dust birds, air-conditioned rooms, camphor and cleaning file boxes. Infrastructure and facilities
used to destroy archives with few paper options.

Then, are human resources. In this article it is stated that Semarang State Polytechnic
does not have sufficient archival officers to carry out archival duties. No professional staff for
inactive archive administration. Due to lack of human resources, archive maintenance will take

a long time to complete. If the archive is left to overlap, it will become corrupted, incomplete
and difficult to access if needed at any time.

Furthermore, there are barriers in inactive archive management activities in these

polytechnics. The archiving facilities of the record center here are still modest, but the facilities
are old, and there are no funds to carry out archive management. Archival submissions are
still mixed with non -archive submissions, and files are still classified as non -archive rather
than archived.

Finally, is the effect of archive management on the acquisition of archives at the

Semarang State Polytechnic record center. The effect of project archive management here is
good in terms of accuracy, but the speed has not yet been optimized. The archive search
method still takes 5-10 minutes on average.


Based on this article, I can conclude that the execution of inactive archive management
at the Semarang State Polytechnic Record Center assessed to be fairly good. There are still
flaws, such as the fact that the process of transferring archives from the work unit to the
Archive Center (Record Center) is still in a mixed condition of archives and non-archives, and
that a list of archives and minutes archive transfer has not yet been included. Poor storage
capacity, inadequate facilities and equipment, and a lack of human resources all contribute to
sub-optimal archive administration. Next is about archival search procedure. The archival
search procedure at the Semarang State Polytechnic Record Center has officially
commenced. The first barrier encountered in the search for archives is that archive users
believe that all archives are housed at the Record Center. This is due to a misunderstanding
between the user and the archivist. Second, certain archives have yet to be processed by
archival officials. Third, archival storage is available on shelves and on the floor. Lastly, the
average time it takes to retrieve an archive from official archives is about 5-10 minutes, but if
inactive records management has been carried out well, the process of retrieving the archive
only takes less than 5 minutes. In this study, it was found that the effect of inactive archive
management on archive acquisition is first, in terms of accuracy, Archive acquisition is correct.
Second, inactive archive management has an influence on archive retrieval.





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