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Components of Computer

Lesson Objectives

 To investigate input and output devices in a computer system

 To be able to categorise devices which input data into a computer and those that
output data from a computer.

 To investigate the components that form a computer system.

 To understand and Computer System and Computer Hardware Architecture

 What is a Computer?

 Different Types of Computers

 Components of Computer System and Its Function

 Computer System

 Computer Hardware Architecture

What is a Computer?
 A computer is a machine that is made up of various parts or components.

 Computer helps it in carrying out instructions which are in the form of arithmetic
commands or different algorithms for it to process.

 Computers are used in almost every field

like medicine, travel, education, entertainment, etc.

 It has made our work way easier than ever before.

Different Types of Computers
 Computer systems come in a variety of shapes and sizes.

 Some computer systems are quite big because they are utilized to do extensive
and complex tasks.

 Others are compact and portable that are even small enough to wear around your
wrist or as a pair of spectacles and even fit in your pocket.
Different Types of Computers
 Personal/Desktop Computers: Individuals utilize personal computers, often known as
general-purpose computers, for a variety of reasons. A monitor, keyboard, and mouse are
all common components of personal computers.

 Laptops/Netbooks: Many users choose laptop computers or notebook computers because

they have the same processing capabilities as desktop computers but are more portable. A
laptop computer is self-contained, with an integrated screen, keyboard, and mouse pad.

 Tablet Computers: Tablet computers are portable computers with screens that are
slightly smaller than a typical laptop. Their distinguishing feature is that all user contact is
done through touch. There is no keyboard or mouse. Users may initiate tasks, control the
mouse, and input data by swiping, pinching, dragging, and rotating icons on the screen.
Components of Computer
Parts of Computer
Computer Basic: Inside a Computer
What components are inside your computer?
Your computer is made up of many smaller components.
Components: What do they do?
Motherboard: This is the main circuit board found in a computer. It holds
other components such as the processor and memory. Components such as
hard disk drive and DVD-ROM also connect to the motherboard.

Random Access Memory: This is where open applications are stored while
your computer is running. Data is lost when the power is turned off. RAM is
measured in Megabytes (512MB) and Gigabytes (4GB).

Central Processing Unit : This is where all the calculations are performed.
It is known as the ‘brains’ of the computer. Processor speed is measured in
Gigahertz (GHz).
Components: What do they do?

Graphics Processing Unit : A GPU produces the images that you see on the
computer monitor. Without a GPU you would have a blank display. There are
many different types, some basic and some for gaming graphics.

Hard Disk Drive : This is where all of your data (Music, Pictures,
Documents) are stored as well as your operating System (Windows 10) and
all of your installed programs / apps. Storage capacity is measured in
Gigabytes (160GB) and Terabytes (2TB)
Components: What do they do?

Solid State Drive : This is very similar to a Hard Disk Drive, however it has
no moving parts and can be up to 10x faster than a traditional drive.

Power Supply Unit : This provides the electrical power for the computer. It
changes the dangerous 240 volts AC to a safe 12 volts and 5 volts DC.
Computer System
Basic Components of Computer

Before diving into the functions of the components of a Computer, let’s understand
the basic components of a computer:

 Input Unit

 Output Unit

 Memory Unit

 Control Unit

 Arithmetical and Logical Unit

Computer Hardware Architecture
Memory Sizes
Hardware and Software

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