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Habit 1: Be Proactive

Answer the questions as you read the chapter.

1. Complete Abraham Lincoln’s Quote:

a. People are just about as happy as they make up their mind to be.
2. What are the two types of people in this world?
Reactive and proactive
3. What are the differences between the two types of people?
Reative people make their choices based on feelings and proactive make their choices based on
4. What drink does Sean Covey compare reactive people to? Why?
Cola because they react easily to outside factors.
5. What drink does Sean Covey compare proactive people to? Why?
Water because they aren’t as affected by outside factors as soda would be.
6. List three examples of what reactive language sounds like:
a. Loud

b. Aggresive

c. Sudden

7. What does this reactive language do?

It only brings negativity and regret.

8. Why are proactive people a different breed? List the attributes of proactive people.
Proactive people are different because they are based on their values, they are smart, calm, and
understanding of whats going on.
9. Complete the table:

Things I cannot control Things I can control

My skin color My attitude

My age My personality

My name Kindess to others

My parents Reactive or proactive

My height My weight

10. What do some people believe that a “can-do” attitude is?

Do whatever someone tells you to do.

11. What is a “can-do” attitude really?

Be open to whatever and do it if you are able to.

12. What button should you press when things move too fast and get out of hand? Why?
Push pause
13. What are the power tools?
Tool Definition

Imagination Imagine new opportunities

Self-awareness Observe your choices

Conscience What is right or wrong

Willpower Power to choose

14. List the reactive language you use the most:

a. “What!”

b. “Whatever”

c. “Why?”

d. “Cmon”

15. Name one unhealthy habit and what you plan to do about it.
Use my phone less and do my work when I’m bored to get rid of my procrastination
instead on using my phone.

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