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Name: Julia Prewitt

Application Activity: Practice with Content and Language Objective

Fourth Grade
Content Objective—Language Arts
I can demonstrate comprehension of writing an opinion piece by organizing the parts of an
opinion piece using cut-up paragraphs.

Language Objective—Language Arts

I can orally explain the purpose of each part of an opinion piece using the frames:
This statement is part of the ___ in an opinion piece. Its purpose is to…
This part of the opinion piece tells the reader…

Content Objective—Language Arts

I can demonstrate analysis of distinguishing fact from opinion in an informational text by
highlighting examples of facts and/or opinions in a sample advertisement.

Language Objective—Language Arts

I can orally explain how they distinguished a fact from an opinion by completing the frame:

A fact in this advertisement is… An opinion in this advertisement is…

The words that make this statement a fact/opinion are …

TEKS 110.6 (6) Oral language proficiency holds a pivotal role in school success; verbal
engagement must be maximized across grade levels (Kinsella, 2010). For students to
become thinkers and proficient speakers in science, social studies, mathematics, fine
arts, language arts and reading, and career and technical education, they must have
multiple opportunities to practice and apply the academic language of each discipline
(Fisher, Frey, & Rothenberg, 2008).

TELPAS: Listening and speaking

Name: Julia Prewitt

2. G Understand the general meaning, main points, and important details of spoken language
ranging from situations in which topics, language, and contexts are familiar to unfamiliar

3. G Express opinions, ideas, and feelings ranging from communicating single words and short
phrases to participating in extended discussions on a variety of social and grade-appropriate
academic topics

- The difference between the content and language objective is that the content shows
you visually demonstrating the topic as for the language objective you are orally
explaining the topic and picking it apart piece by piece so that the students can properly
understand what's being taught. As for the TEKS, it discusses how oral language holds a
huge role in school success which means by using that in your language objective your
students will learn proficiency. The TELPAS which is listening and speaking describes
how breaking down content into separate points can help your students better
understand the content. Expressing your content in short phrases can especially help
any ELLs that may be having trouble understanding in your classroom.
- One activity that would be used to incorporate the content and language objectives
would be the website called Flipgrid. This website enables you to show demonstrations
through videos and it also provides you to orally explain through just your voice. So
therefore digital technology through this website would be the best.

TELPAS:( beginning, intermediate, advanced, and advanced high)

Beginner: For beginners, they have trouble understanding simple sentences and
determining certain words or phrases. To help accommodate their deficiencies the best
thing to use is a visual representation to help them understand the content given to

Intermediate: Intermediate learners can understand simple and short conversations as

long as they aren't spoken too fast. To help them understand in the classroom I think
Name: Julia Prewitt

speaking in a slower manner and using verbal cues will help them be able to grasp the
content being taught. Although they are slightly more advanced than a beginner I
believe using visual pictures and representations is still needed.

Advanced: Advanced learners have developed a higher level of understanding while

dealing with listening and speaking. Although they still require the teacher or speaker to
slow down when speaking by explaining the materials repeatedly and slowly they
should be able to understand most main points and details they need to succeed.

Advanced High: Advanced learners have reached almost the highest level of
understanding and are now able to understand longer, elaborated directions,
conversations, and discussions on familiar and unfamiliar topics. They also rarely
request the teacher/instructor to slow down or repeat content. Even though they are
more advanced than others I still believe that refining their skills through speaking and
listening can assist them in exiting the program.

- This independent practice has helped me thoroughly understand the different
levels of proficiency better. It has also helped me learn how to navigate through
different TEKS and find the right one for my content and language objectives.
Overall I think I have learned a lot by doing this assignment on my own. We have
touched on this in our breakout rooms in class but I feel like by doing this
individually we have learned more. Thank you for the opportunity and information
that I can use in my future classes.

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