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Student Name: ________________ Period: __________ Project Name: ________________

Group Evaluation Form

Teammate Always Sometimes Never

Contributed ideas to the
Was prepared to work

Listened and respected

group ideas

1. What were your contributions to the group project?

2. Who was the teammate that kept everyone on track?

3. Which teammate became distracted, disruptive, or not helpful?

4. Any other comments that you think are important to include?

Grading Rubric for Larger Than Life Project

Criteria 10 Points 8 Points 6 Points 5 Points

Participation Worked on the Worked well with Worked in the Absent more than
project every teammates. idea generating 3 times during
time they were in phase and the building
class. Was an minimal work phase of the
exemplary was done with project and or the
teammate. Took clay. idea generating.
lead and kept More of a
team on track to distraction than
complete. Or helpful.
worked on their
Use of Elements At least 16 inches Struggled with Lost focus on The project is
and Principles one way before idea. Short from idea. Delivered a vague, did not
shrinking. Stayed requirements but project that met meet size
within the idea of still is a small the idea of a requirements and
making a small object that was small object. veered from
object into made big. project
something big. requirements
Stayed with
original idea and
followed through.
Craftsmanship The project Treated it with Work done with No details and
and Technique shows much care some care but minimal care. sloppy work.
and details were lacks attention to Lacks detail and
added in a neat detail. neatness.
Creativity Work is unique Kept it safe, but it Used a basic Very basic and
and interesting is still somewhat shape but still not unique.
and took risks. unique. gave it flare and

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