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Fakultas Sastra
Jurusan Sastra Inggris

Research Methods in ELT

Semester :4 Academic Year: 2021-2022

Status : Compulsory
Credit/Hour : 2/2 Approval date: Aug 2021
Prerequisite : PINGUM6007 Advanced Reading Approved by:
Instructor : Siti Muniroh, Ph.D Course Coordinator:
Email :
Offering : A-A1,B-B1
Schedule : Thursday 3-4; Wednesday 1-2 Prof. Dr. Yazid Basthomi, M.A


This course helps students gain a positive attitude towards scientific research and develop
knowledge of research methodology in the areas of ELT. Students practice reviewing research articles,
are facilitated to have clear ideas of how to link topic(s) to possible and relevant methodologies, and to
devise a topic for a small-scale research proposal by developing research questions, research
hypothesis, relevant research design, relevant technique of collecting data, and analyzing data.


Upon completing the study program, the students will obtain the following attributes:

1. Subject Matter Knowledge and Skills

a. Communicate ideas effectively and appropriately in spoken forms both in formal and informal
b. Communicate ideas effectively and appropriately in written forms both in academic and non-
academic contexts.

2. Pedagogical Knowledge and Skills

a. Identify problems in ELT and provide solutions through reflective practice and research.

3. Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Knowledge and Skills

a. Realize the principles of work ethics covering discipline, responsibility, self-esteem and self-
confidence, and teamwork.
b. Demonstrate creative thinking and innovation in social and academic lives.

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c. Demonstrate independent and continuous learning habits to develop knowledge and skills in
ELT responsive to global advancement.


Upon completing the course, you will be able to:


1. Compare 1.1. Define qualitative research, quantitative, and 1a, 2a, 2b, 3b
qualitative, mixed method research
quantitative, and 1.2. Explain the distinctions between qualitative and
mixed method quantitative research
research 1.3. Explain the distinctions between qualitative and
quantitative research

2. Develop research 2.1. Discuss research topics, research questions, and 1a, 2a, 2b, 3b
topic, research hypotheses
questions, and use 2.2. Select research topics, research questions, dan
hypotheses in ELT hypotheses (in qualitative and quantitative
2.3. Develop research topics, research questions, and
hypotheses (in qualitative and quantitative

3. Review relevant 3.1. Describe the difference between empirical 2a, 3a, 3b
literature research literature and theoretical literature
3.2. Identify the steps in conduction a literature review
3.3. Analyze the gaps in the literature review (of the
research selected topic)
3.4. Write a summary of the literature review

4. Apply appropriate 4.1. Describe the main components of research design 2a, 3a, 3b
research design for and how questions, design, and data are
qualitative and connected
quantitative 4.2. Select appropriate research design for qualitative
research and quantitative research
4.3. Apply appropriate research design for qualitative
and quantitative research

5. Design appropriate 5.1. Discuss and describe kinds of qualitative and 2a, 3a, 3b
methods of data quantitative data collection methods
collection for 5.2. Select appropriate data collection methods for
qualitative and qualitative and quantitative research
quantitative 5.3. Plan data collection procedures
research 5.4. Design a figure/chart of the flow of
activities/procedures of data collection methods
for qualitative and quantitative research.

6. Use appropriate 6.1. Discuss the diversity in the analysis of qualitative 2a, 3a, 3b
data analysis for and quantitative data
qualitative and 6.2. Explain the nature of data analysis in qualitative
quantitative and quantitative research
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6.3. Plan how to analyze data for qualitative and
quantitative research
6.4. Design data analysis for qualitative and
quantitative research

7. Write 7.1. Select appropriate research design, data collection 2a, 3a, 3b
methodology method, and data analysis
section 7.2. Plan the methodology section
7.3. Compose the first draft
7.4. Write the final draft

8. Write introduction 8.1. Review research topic, questions, and hypotheses 1b, 2a, 3a, 3b
and literature 8.2. Construct the background of the study
review section 8.3. Review literature review and research gaps
8.4. Compose first draft of introduction section and
literature review
8.5. Write final draft

9. Produce a detailed 9.1. Reframe introduction, literature review, and 1b, 2a, 3a, 3b,
small-scale methodology section 3c
research proposal 9.2. Compose first draft of research proposal
(1500 words) 9.3. Write the final draft of a detailed small-scale
research proposal (1500 words)


Reading List
1. Creswell, J.W. (2012). Educational Research: Planning, Conducting and Evaluating
Quantitative and Qualitative Research. (4th Ed).Pearson Education, Inc.
2. Dornyei, Z. (2007). Research Methods in Applied Linguistics: Quantitative, Qualitative, and
Mixed Methodologies. Oxford University Press.
3. Efron, S.E. & Ravid, R. (2013). Action Research in Education: A Practical Guide. New York:
The Guilford Press.
4. Punch & Oancea. (2014). Introduction to Research Methods in Education. (2nd Ed.). Sage.
5. Wallwork, A. (2011). English for Writing Research Papers. Springer
6. Other relevant sources: Journal articles, theses, and other books on Research Methods


The course is delivered in 16 meetings. The classroom activities carried out cover the following activities:
a. The students read the references related to the topics before coming to the class.
b. The students are assigned to explain in class the topic that has been read.
c. The students do assignments related to the topic.
d. By the end of the course, the students will produce a small-scale research proposal by developing
research questions, research hypothesis, relevant research design, relevant technique of
collecting data, and analyzing data.
e. The course employs team-based learning, which position the lecturer to be the facilitator of the
learning process. Students will work in groups to carry out projects.

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To achieve the objectives of the course, the following are the meeting schedule and learning activities
used as a guide for this course.

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Learning Activities Assessment
Mee CLO/Sub Resources and/or
Contents/Materials Online
ting CLO Offline Assignment
Synchronous Asynchronous
1 1/1.1; Course outline 1) Students, in group, Course Profile 1) Students read
1.2 and the definition along with the teacher the references
of qualitative and discuss the CP. Creswell, J.W. (2012). (the specific
quantitative 2) Students, individually Educational Research: chapters).
2) Students
research set goals for the course. Planning, Conducting and design a smart
3) Students, in groups, Evaluating Quantitative and chart/table on
The distinction discuss the definition of Qualitative Research. (4th the differences of
between qualitative and qualitative and
Ed).Pearson Education, Inc.
qualitative and quantitative research. quantitative
quantitative 4) Students evaluate the research
Dornyei, Z. (2007).
research differences between
Research Methods in
qualitative and
Applied Linguistics:
quantitative research.
5) Students explain the Quantitative, Qualitative,
differences between the and Mixed Methodologies.
2 research. Oxford University Press.

Punch & Oancea. (2014).

Introduction to Research
Methods in Education. (2nd
Ed.). Sage.

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2 1/1.2;1.3 Qualitative, 1) Students, in group, Students are
;1.4 Quantitative review and explain the table assigned to read
Research, & Mix that they created in Ditto about how to
Method Research previous meeting. decide research
2) Students, in group, topics
Review of the discuss about mix
distinction method research.
between 3) The groups define mix
qualitative and method research.
quantitative 4) The group explain to
research; the other group about
mix method research.
The explanation 5) Groups design a poster
of mix method about the comparison of
research; qualitative research,
quantitative, and mixed
Presentation of method research.
quantitative, and
mixed method
research. Project
1 (Poster)

3 3 Developing the 1) Students, in group, Students are

Topic, Research discuss about the research assigned to read
Questions, and topic, research questions, Ditto about approaches
Hypothesis and hypotheses. to Action
2) The group analyzes Research
research topic and
questions of a empirical
research paper.
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3) The group analyzes
hypotheses of empirical
research paper.
4) The group brainstorms
a research topic and
questions, and
5) The group selects
appropriate topics,
research questions, and
hypotheses in qual and
quant research
6) The group develops
research topic and
questions in qualitative
research and hypotheses
in quantitative research.

4 2 Reviewing 1) Students, in group, In a group,

Literature discuss about empirical students find a
research and theoretical research article
Writing a literature. from a reputable
literature review. 2) The group analyzes the
difference between
Project 2 empirical research Ditto
literature and theoretical
3) The groups describes
the steps in conducting a
literature review.
4) the group conducts
literature review.
5) The group analyzes the
gap in the literature.

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6) The groups writes a
summary of literature

5 3 Action Research 1) The students, in group, . Peer and teacher

Design discuss and define what Efron, S.E. & Ravid, R. (2013). assessment
action research design is. Action Research in
2) The group describes Education: A Practical Guide.
the types of action New York: The Guilford
research design. Press.
3) Describe the
characteristics of action
research design.
4) The group describes
the phases in conduction
action research design.
5) The group explains the
steps in action research
6) The group develops
research problem and
plan an action research
design based on the

6 4,5 Qualitative 1) The students, in group, Creswell, J.W. (2012). Peer and teacher
Research – Case discuss and define what Educational Research: assessment
Study Design case study design is. Planning, Conducting and
2) The group describes
Evaluating Quantitative and
Applying the types of case study
Qualitative Research. (4th
qualitative design.
research designs Ed).Pearson Education, Inc.
– narrative design
Page | 5
& case study 3) The group describes Dornyei, Z. (2007).
design the characteristics of case Research Methods in
study design. Applied Linguistics:
4) The students, in group, Quantitative, Qualitative,
discuss and define what and Mixed Methodologies.
narrative design is. Oxford University Press.
5) The group describes
the types of narrative Punch & Oancea. (2014).
design. Introduction to Research
6) The group describes
Methods in Education. (2nd
the characteristics of
narrative design. Ed.). Sage.
7) The groups compares
case study design and
narrative design

7 6,7 Qualitative Data 1) Students, in group Peer and teacher

Collection discuss the selection of assessment
Methods participants. Ditto
2). The group discusses
Designing kinds of data collection
qualitative data methods in qualitative
collection research: the interview,
methods observation, focus group
discussion, and document
3) The group describes
how to do each method
4) The group selects the
data collection method
suitable for their

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5) The group plans the
data collection methods
and their procedures
6) The group designs the
flow of
activities/procedures of
qualitative data

8 8 Qualitative Data 1) Students, in group, Peer and teacher

Analysis discuss and describe assessment
different approaches of
qualitative data analysis Quiz 1
2) The group describes
the process of analyzing
and interpreting
qualitative data analysis.
3) The group selects and
plans the appropriate
analysis for their
4. The group designs the
process/procedures of
data analysis

9 Quiz (Knowledge 1) Students, in group,

Mastery Test) select appropriate
research design, data
Midterm Project collection method, and
Writing the data analysis
Methodology for 2) The group writes the
Qualitative outline of the
Research methodology section
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3) The group writes the
Writing first draft. 4) The group
methodology peer check and review
section for the first draft
qualitative 5) The group writes the
research/mix final draft.
method research
(Team Base
Project - 500

10 3 Quantitative 1) Students, in group, Peer and teacher

Research – discuss and explain what assessment
Experimental an experimental design is,
Design describe when to use it,
and how it developed.
Applying 2) The groups describe
experimental the key characteristics of Ditto
design experiments
3) The group discuss and
compares between-group
designs and within-group
or individual designs
4) The group plans an
experimental design.
5) Present the plan to the
class via a video

11 3 Quantitative 1) Students, in 8) Groups plan a Peer and teacher

Research Design – group, discuss and survey or assessment
Survey Design & explain what a correlational design. Ditto
Correlational survey design is,
designs describe when to
Page | 8
use it, and how it 9) Present the plan
developed. 2) The to the class via a
groups describe video explanation
types of survey
3) The group
describes the key
characteristics of
survey designs.
4) The group
describes how to
construct and use
5) Students, in
group, discuss and
explain what a
design is, describe
when to use it, and
how it developed.
6) The groups
describe two types
of correlational
7) The group
describes the key
characteristics of

12 4 Quantitative Data 1) Students, in Peer and teacher

Collection group discuss the assessment
Methods selection of
Page | 9
participants. 2). Ditto
The group
discusses the steps
of data collection
methods in
3) The group
describes how to
do each step
4) The group
selects the data
collection method
suitable for their
5) The group plans
the data collection
methods and their
6) The group
designs the flow of
es of quantitative
data collection.

13 5 Quantitative Data 1) Students, in 3) The group selects Peer and teacher

Analysis group, discuss and and plans the assessment
describe different appropriate analysis
approaches of for their research. Ditto Quiz 2
quantitative data 4. The group designs
analysis the
2) The group process/procedures
describes the of data analysis
process of
Page | 10
analyzing and
quantitative data

14 6,7 Writing 1) Students, in 3) The group writes Wallwork, A. (2011). Peer and teacher
Methodology for group, discusses the first draft. English for Writing assessment
Quantitative about the research 4) The group peer Research Papers.
Research design, questions check and review the Springer
or hypotheses, first draft
Writing data collection 5) The group writes
Methodology for method, and data the final draft.
Quantitative analysis
Research (Project
2) The group writes
the outline of the

15 9 Writing 1) Students, in 3) The group reviews Wallwork, A. (2011). Peer and teacher
Introduction and group, review literature and finds English for Writing assessment
Literature Review research topic, research gaps Research Papers.
(Blended) questions, and 4) The group Springer
hypotheses composes first draft
2) The group of introduction
constructs the section and
background of the literature review
study 5) The group writes
the final draft.

16 9 Final Project – 1) Students, Teacher

Writing Research individually, assessment
Proposal reframes
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literature review,
and methodology
2) The student
composes first draft
of research proposal
3. The student writes
the final draft of a
detailed small-scale
research proposal
literature review,
and methodology
sections (1500

The schedule is tentative and subject to change based on the classroom situations.

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This part describes how the students earn their credits as the evidence of their learning. The students’
progress is assessed based on their active participation in class and group discussions, and team-based
projects, midterm test, quality of the submitted final project, and their attendance and punctuality, as

Assessment Summary

Due Weight
Assessment Tasks CLO
Date ing

Team – Based Learning:

Project 1 - Poster 2a,2b,2c,2d,

Week 2 15%
Presentation of qualitative research, quantitative, and mixed
method research.

Team – Based Learning:

Project 2 – A Literature summary Week 4 15%
Writing a literature review.

Quiz (Knowledge Mastery Test) 2a,2b,2c,2d,

Week 8 5%
All materials learned from Week 1 - 8 2e,2f

Midterm Project:

Project 3 – Qualitative research methodology 2a,2b,2c,2d,

Week 9 15%
Writing methodology section for qualitative research/mix
method research (500 words)

Team – Based Learning:

Project 4 - Writing Methodology for Quantitative Research Week 11 15%
(500 words)

Final Project 2a,2b,2c,2d,

Week 16 25%
Writing small-scale research proposal (1500 words) 2e,2f

On a
Regular Attendance and active participation (Affective 2a,2b,2c,2d,
weekly 10%
assessment 5) 2e,2f

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Assessment Detail

A. Teacher assessment
The four assessment tasks listed in the assessment summary will be assessed by the teacher.
Assessment 1 : Project 1

Type : Team based project.

What you hand in : Poster
Due Date : Week 2
Weight : 15%
Task Description : The assignment requires you to make a poster of the distinction
between qualitative and quantitative research
Assessment procedure: Your poster will be evaluated using the following rubric.

Criteria Description Points Feedback

Concept Complete and correct concept of the distinction 50
between qualitative and quantitative research
Organization The written work is well structured covering all 25
the aspects of assigned topic. All resources are
used ethically and appropriately, and cited
Graphic All graphics are related to the topic and make it 10
relevance easier to understand. All borrowed graphics have
a source citation.
Language Few grammatical errors and employ suitable 15
vocabulary. Words are correctly spelled and
sentences are correctly punctuated.
Total Points 100

Assessment 2 : Project 2

Type : Team based project.

What you hand in : Writing a summary of literature review
Due Date : Week 4
Weight : 15%
Task Description : The assignment requires you to write a literature review (400-500
Assessment procedure: Your poster will be evaluated using the following rubric

Criteria Description Points Feedback

Problem Topic is clearly defined and context for research 20
statement/intro provided.

Organized Report goes from general to specific; transitions 20

progression relate sections

Coverage of Appropriate resources examined and covered in 20

content depth; significance of research critiqued.

Synthesis of Clear analysis and synthesis presented; 20

ideas demonstrated insight into problem; conclusions
strongly supported.

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Clarity of writing Writing is clear and concise; ideas are well- 10
developed and coherent
Citations/Refere In-text citations and reference list citations were 10
nces complete and properly formatted in APA style

Total Points 100

Adapted from

Assessment 3 : Quiz (Knowledge Mastery Test)

Type : Individual.
What you hand in : Online test
Due Date : Week 8/9
Weight : 5%
Task Description : The assignment requires you answer questions about qualitative,
quantitative, and mixed method research, research designs, data
collection and analysis for qualitative research.
Assessment procedure: Your response will be evaluated using an answer key.

Assessment 4 : Midterm - Project 3

Type : Team based project.

What you hand in : Writing a methodology section for qualitative research/mix-method
research (500 words)
Due Date : Week 9
Weight : 15%
Task Description : The assignment requires you to write a methodology section (500
Assessment procedure: Your writing will be evaluated using the following rubric.

Criteria Description Points Feedback

Research Clearly stated research question(s) and relate the 25
question theory or literature

Design and Detailed information about an appropriate 50

procedures design, and appropriate data collection and
analysis process based on the question
Language Few grammatical errors and employ suitable 25
vocabulary. Words are correctly spelled and
sentences are correctly punctuated.
Total Points 100

Adapted from


Assessment 5 : Project 4

Type : Team based project.

What you hand in : Writing a methodology section for quantitative research (500 words)
Due Date : Week 11
Weight : 15%

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Task Description : The assignment requires you to write a methodology section (500
Assessment procedure: Your writing will be evaluated using the following rubric.

Criteria Description Points Feedback

Research Clearly stated research question(s) and relate the 25
question theory or literature

Design and Detailed information about an appropriate 50

procedures design, and appropriate data collection and
analysis process based on the question
Language Few grammatical errors and employ suitable 25
vocabulary. Words are correctly spelled and
sentences are correctly punctuated.
Total Points 100

Adapted from

Assessment 6 : Final Project

Type : Individual project.

What you hand in : Writing a methodology section for quantitative research (1500 words)
Due Date : Week 16
Weight : 25%
Task Description : The assignment requires you to write a methodology section (500
Assessment procedure: Your writing will be evaluated using the following rubric.

No Aspects Target


1 Introduction: 20

Clear statement of the problems that you intend to solve (ELT related

2 Literature Review (Proposed Strategies): 20

Justification of the proposed solution – innovation (appropriate with 21st

century learning, current policy, ICT use)

3. Method: 40

Appropriate and relevant research method

4. Readability (language and display) 20

Total 100%

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The students will be provided with a final letter grade based on the criteria specified in Universitas
Negeri Malang Grading System Policies and Procedures. The instructor reserves the right to penalize any
additional facets of unprofessional and irresponsible work dispositions or conduct, if the need arises.
Partial evaluations will be made with numbers (weekly assignments, final assignment, oral explanation).
Letter grades of “A” through “E” (course final grade) will be awarded. The students’ grades will be based
on the following grading system:

Grade Grade Explanation Grade Points

A 85 – 100 4.0

A- 80 – 84 3.7

B+ 75 – 79 3.3

B 70 – 74 3.0

B- 65 – 69 2.7

C+ 60 – 64 2.3

C 55 – 59 2.0

D 40 – 45 1.0

E < 40 0

Grades are awarded in this courses only if the students are officially enrolled after the official record
date. The deadline to withdraw from this course is specified in the Academic Calendar for this semester.


Hurdle requirements are the compulsory requirements that must be met in order to achieve satisfactory
results in the course. Every week the students have to submit weekly assignments.


Faculty and students are responsible for understanding and adhering to the policies of Universitas
Negeri Malang. University policies are subject to change so it is important to read them at the beginning
of each semester as the policies may have changed since the last class. Please check the most current
Pedoman Universitas Negeri Malang and click on the following link to review the updated policies:


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