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Short questions

1. What is the bandwidth of a DSB-SC signal with a carrier frequency of

1000 kHz and a modulating signal with a maximum frequency of 5 kHz?

The bandwidth of a DSB-SC signal can be calculated as twice the

maximum frequency of the modulating signal. In this case, the maximum
frequency of the modulating signal is 5 kHz. Therefore, the bandwidth of
the DSB-SC signal is:
Bandwidth = 2 x 5 kHz = 10 kHz
So the bandwidth of the DSB-SC signal is 10 kHz.

2. Why is SSB-SC modulation preferred over conventional AM for long-

distance communication?
Spectrum Efficiency: SSB-SC modulation is more spectrum-efficient as it
occupies only half the bandwidth of conventional AM. In SSB-SC
modulation, one of the sidebands and the carrier wave are suppressed,
resulting in a narrower bandwidth. This narrow bandwidth allows for more
channels to be accommodated within a given frequency range, increasing
the spectrum efficiency.
Better Signal-to-Noise Ratio: Since SSB-SC modulation suppresses one of
the sidebands and the carrier wave, the transmitted signal contains only
the information carried by the remaining sideband. As a result, there is
less noise in the received signal, resulting in a better signal-to-noise ratio
(SNR) compared to conventional AM.
Less Interference: SSB-SC modulation also results in less interference, as
the transmitted signal occupies less bandwidth. This reduces the
possibility of the signal interfering with other signals operating in adjacent
frequency bands.
Less Fading: SSB-SC modulation is less prone to fading, which occurs due
to interference from other signals or due to changes in the propagation
environment. This is because SSB-SC modulation has a narrower
bandwidth and a more concentrated signal energy, which reduces the
effects of fading.

3. What is the relationship between the carrier frequency and the upper
and lower sideband frequencies in a DSB-SC signal?
In a Double Sideband Suppressed Carrier (DSB-SC) modulation
technique, the upper and lower sidebands are symmetrically spaced
around the carrier frequency, and the frequency separation between the
carrier and the sidebands is equal to the modulating frequency.
Therefore, the relationship between the carrier frequency (fc) and the
upper (fUSB) and lower (fLSB) sideband frequencies can be expressed as:
fUSB = fc + fm
fLSB = fc - fm
where fm is the frequency of the modulating signal.
For example, if the carrier frequency is 1000 kHz and the modulating
signal has a frequency of 5 kHz, then the upper sideband frequency will
be 1005 kHz and the lower sideband frequency will be 995 kHz. The total
bandwidth of the DSB-SC signal will be 10 kHz, which is twice the
frequency of the modulating signal.
Top of Form

4. What is the relationship between the carrier frequency and the upper
and lower sideband frequencies in a DSB-SC signal?
In a Double Sideband Suppressed Carrier (DSB-SC) modulation
technique, the upper and lower sidebands are symmetrically spaced
around the carrier frequency, and the frequency separation between the
carrier and the sidebands is equal to the modulating frequency.
Therefore, the relationship between the carrier frequency (fc) and the
upper (fUSB) and lower (fLSB) sideband frequencies can be expressed as:
fUSB = fc + fm
fLSB = fc - fm
where fm is the frequency of the modulating signal.
For example, if the carrier frequency is 1000 kHz and the modulating
signal has a frequency of 5 kHz, then the upper sideband frequency will
be 1005 kHz and the lower sideband frequency will be 995 kHz. The total
bandwidth of the DSB-SC signal will be 10 kHz, which is twice the
frequency of the modulating signal.
Top of Form
5. What is the main disadvantage of DSB-SC modulation compared to
conventional AM?
The main disadvantage of Double Sideband Suppressed Carrier (DSB-SC)
modulation is that it requires a coherent demodulation scheme. Since the
carrier is suppressed in this modulation technique, the receiver must have
a local oscillator that is synchronized with the transmitter carrier
frequency to extract the original modulating signal accurately.
If the frequency of the local oscillator is not matched to the transmitted
carrier frequency, the demodulated signal will be distorted, and the
recovered audio signal will contain significant noise and distortion.
Conventional AM, on the other hand, does not require coherent
demodulation since the carrier is not suppressed. Therefore, it is easier to
demodulate and recover the original modulating signal in conventional
AM, even if the frequency of the local oscillator is not perfectly matched
with the carrier frequency.
This disadvantage of DSB-SC modulation is overcome by using a more
sophisticated and complex demodulation scheme, such as synchronous
detection or coherent detection.

Long questions
1. (a)A message signal with a frequency of 2 kHz and amplitude of 4 V is
used to amplitude modulate a carrier signal with a frequency of 20 kHz
and amplitude of 10 V. Determine the modulation index.

The modulation index can be calculated as:
m = Vm / Vc
where Vm is the amplitude of the message signal and Vc is the amplitude
of the carrier signal.
In this case, Vm = 4 V and Vc = 10 V.
The maximum amplitude of the modulated signal is given by:
Vmax = Vc (1 + m)
The minimum amplitude of the modulated signal is given by:
Vmin = Vc (1 - m)
The amplitude of the message signal can be represented as a deviation
from the carrier signal, which is proportional to the modulation index. The
maximum frequency deviation can be calculated as:
Δf = fm x m
where fm is the frequency of the message signal.
In this case, fm = 2 kHz.
The bandwidth of the modulated signal can be calculated as:
B = 2 Δf
Substituting the values, we get:
m = Vm / Vc = 0.4
Δf = fm x m = 0.8 kHz
B = 2 Δf = 1.6 kHz
Therefore, the modulation index is 0.4, the maximum amplitude of the
modulated signal is 14 V, the minimum amplitude of the modulated signal
is 6 V, and the bandwidth of the modulated signal is 1.6 kHz
(b) Derive the expression for the power content and transmission
efficiency of a DSB-SC signal.
The power content of a DSB-SC signal can be calculated as the sum of the
power in the upper and lower sidebands. The power in each sideband is
proportional to the square of the amplitude of the modulating signal.
Therefore, we have:
Psb = (Vm^2) / 2
The total power of the DSB-SC signal is:
Ptot = 2 Psb
Substituting the value of Psb, we get:
Ptot = Vm^2
The transmission efficiency is defined as the ratio of the power in the
message signal to the total power of the modulated signal. Therefore, we
η = (Vm^2) / (Vc^2 + Vm^2)
where Vc is the amplitude of the carrier signal.
2.(a) Derive the expression for the power content and transmission
efficiency of an SSB-SC signal
The power content of an SSB-SC signal can be calculated as the power in
the upper or lower sideband, depending on which one is transmitted. The
power in the sideband is proportional to the square of the amplitude of
the modulating signal. Therefore, we have:
Psb = (Vm^2) / 2
The total power of the SSB-SC signal is:
Ptot = Psb
The transmission efficiency is defined as the ratio of the power in the
message signal to the total power of the modulated signal. Therefore, we
η = (Vm^2) / (Vc^2 + Vm^2)
where Vc is the amplitude of the carrier signal
(b) A message signal with a frequency of 5 kHz and amplitude of 2 V is
used to generate a DSB-SC signal with a carrier frequency of 100 kHz.
Determine the bandwidth of the modulated signal.
Message signal frequency (fm) = 5 kHz
Message signal amplitude (Am) = 2 V
Carrier frequency (fc) = 100 kHz
Bandwidth (B) = ?
The formula for the bandwidth of a signal is:
B = 2 × fm
B = 2 × 5 kHz = 10 kHz
So the bandwidth of the DSB-SC modulated signal is 10 kHz.
Top of Form

3. Draw the neat circuits and equivalent circuits (for different modes) of
ring modulator using diodes for generating DSB-SC signal.
Ring Modulator for The Double Sideband Suppressed Carrier
It consists of four diodes, an audio frequency transformer T 1 and an RF
transformer T2 .
The carrier signal is assumed to be a square wave with frequency fc  and it
is connected between the centre taps of the two transformers .
The DSB-SC output is obtained at the secondary of the RF transformer T2 .
Working Operation
The operation of the ring modulator is explained with the assumptions
that the diodes act as perfect switches and that they are switched ON
and OFF by the RF carrier signal . This is because the amplitude and
frequency of the carrier is higher than that of the modulating signal .
The operation can be divided into different modes without the modulating
signal and with the modulating signal as follows :
Mode 1 : Carrier Suppression
To understand how carrier suppression takes place, let us assume that
the modulating signal is absent and only the  carrier signal is applied.
Hence x(t) = 0
Ring Modulator for The Double Sideband Suppressed Carrier Generation
Diode Ring Modulator

Fig.1 shows the circuit diagram of a diode ring modulator .

Fig. 1 : Ring Modulator
It consists of four diodes, an audio frequency transformer T 1 and an RF
transformer T2 .
The carrier signal is assumed to be a square wave with frequency fc  and it
is connected between the centre taps of the two transformers .
The DSB-SC output is obtained at the secondary of the RF transformer T2 .
Working Operation
The operation of the ring modulator is explained with the assumptions
that the diodes act as perfect switches and that they are switched ON
and OFF by the RF carrier signal . This is because the amplitude and
frequency of the carrier is higher than that of the modulating signal .
The operation can be divided into different modes without the modulating
signal and with the modulating signal as follows :
Mode 1 : Carrier Suppression
To understand how carrier suppression takes place, let us assume that
the modulating signal is absent and only the  carrier signal is applied.
Hence x(t) = 0
(i) Operation in the Positive half-cycle of Carrier
The equivalent circuit for this mode of operation is shown in fig.2 
Ring Modulator for The Double Sideband Suppressed Carrier Generation
Diode Ring Modulator

Fig.1 shows the circuit diagram of a diode ring modulator .

Fig. 1 : Ring Modulator

It consists of four diodes, an audio frequency transformer T 1 and an RF
transformer T2 .
The carrier signal is assumed to be a square wave with frequency fc  and it
is connected between the centre taps of the two transformers .
The DSB-SC output is obtained at the secondary of the RF transformer T2 .
Working Operation
The operation of the ring modulator is explained with the assumptions
that the diodes act as perfect switches and that they are switched ON
and OFF by the RF carrier signal . This is because the amplitude and
frequency of the carrier is higher than that of the modulating signal .
The operation can be divided into different modes without the modulating
signal and with the modulating signal as follows :
Mode 1 : Carrier Suppression
To understand how carrier suppression takes place, let us assume that
the modulating signal is absent and only the  carrier signal is applied.
Hence x(t) = 0
(i) Operation in the Positive half-cycle of Carrier
The equivalent circuit for this mode of operation is shown in fig.2 .

Fig.2 : Equivalent circuit in Mode 1 (i)

As shown in the fig.2 , the diodes   D1  and  D2 are forward biased and the
diodes  D3  and  D4 are reverse biased .
We can observe that the direction of currents flowing through the primary
windings of output transformer  T2  are equal and opposite to each other .
Therefore, the magnetic fields produced by these currents are equal and
opposite and cancel each other .
Hence, the induced voltage in secondary winding is zero . Thus, the
carrier is supported in the positive half-cycle .
(ii) Operation in the Negative half-cycle of Carrier
In this mode also let us assume that the modulating signal is zero .
In the negative half-cycle of the carrier, the diodes D3  and  D4 are forward
biased and the diodes   D1  and  D2 are reverse biased .

In fig.3 , the currents flowing in the upper and lower halves of the
primary winding of T2 are again equak and in opposite directions . This
cancels the magnetic fields as explained in mode 1 (i) .
Thus, the output voltage in this mode also is zero .
Thus, the carrier is suppressed in the negative half-cycle as well .
It is important to note that the perfect cancellation of the carrier will take
place if and only if he characteristics of the diodes are perfectly matched
and the centre tap is placed exactly at the centre of the primary
transformer T2  .
Mode 2 : Operation in Presence of Modulating Signal
Now, let us discuss the operation  when RF carrier and modulating signal
both are applied .
(i) Operation in the positive half-cycle of Modulating Signal
As we apply the low frequency modulating signal through the input audio
transformer T1 , there are many cycles of the carrier signal, in the positive
half cycle of the modulating signal .
In the positive half-cycle of the carrier, D1  and  D2 are ON and secondary
of T1 is applied as it is across the primary of T2. Hence, during the positive
half cycle of carrier, the output of T2 is positive as shown in fig.4 (a) .
In the negative half-cycle of the carrier,  the diodes D3  and  D4 are turned
ON and the secondary of  T1 is applied in a  reversed manner across the
primary of T2 as shown in equivalent circuit of fig. (b) .
Thus, the primary voltage of T2 is negative and output voltage also
becomes negative .
(ii) Operation in the Negative half-cycle of Modulating Signal
When modulating signal reverses the polarities, the operation of the
circuit is same as that in the positive half-cycle discussed earlier .

Now, the only difference is that the diode pair  D3 D4 will produce a

positive output voltage whereas  D1 D2  will produce a negative output
voltage as shown in the waveforms of fig.5 .
Analysis of Ring Modulator
From the discussion till now, it is clear that in the positive half cycle of the
carrier, the message signal x(t) is multiplied by +1 and in the negative
half-cycle of the carrier, x(t) is multiplied by -1 .
Thus, the ring modulator is an ideal form of product modulator and hence
it produces the desired DSB-SC output .
The square-wave carrier signal can be represented by the Fourier series
as under :

hence, the Ring-modulator output is given by :

It may be noted that there is no output from the modulator at carrier

frequency . Therefore, the carrier is entirely eliminated .
4. Derive an expression for SSB-SC wave using the concept of pre-
Single-Sideband Suppressed-Carrier (SSB-SC) modulation is a technique
used in radio communication to transmit information using a single
sideband of the carrier signal, while suppressing the other sideband and
the carrier signal itself. The pre-envelope concept is a technique used to
simplify the mathematical representation of a modulated waveform.
The pre-envelope of a modulated waveform is defined as the envelope of
the modulating waveform before it is modulated onto the carrier signal. In
other words, it is the amplitude envelope of the message signal that is
modulated onto the carrier, before modulation takes place.
Let the message signal be denoted as m(t) and the carrier signal be
denoted as c(t). The pre-envelope of m(t) can be written as:
e(t) = |m(t)|
where | | denotes the magnitude of the signal.
The SSB-SC wave can be obtained by multiplying the message signal with
a carrier signal that has been phase shifted by 90 degrees, and then
applying a low-pass filter to the resulting waveform. Mathematically, this
can be expressed as:
s(t) = m(t)cos(ωct) - [e(t)sin(ωct)cos(ωct-90°)]
where ωc is the angular frequency of the carrier signal.
Expanding the above expression using trigonometric identities, we get:
s(t) = m(t)cos(ωct) - [e(t)sin(ωct)cos(ωct) + e(t)cos(ωct)sin(ωct)]
s(t) = m(t)cos(ωct) - e(t)sin(ωct)
This is the expression for the SSB-SC wave using the pre-envelope
concept. It can also be written as:
s(t) = m(t)cos(ωct) - |m(t)|sin(ωct)
The above equation shows that the SSB-SC wave consists of a cosine
waveform modulated by the message signal, and a sine waveform
modulated by the pre-envelope of the message signal. The sine waveform
represents the suppressed carrier signal and the unwanted sideband that
has been removed. The cosine waveform represents the transmitted
message signal.
Top of Form

5. Draw the frequency spectrum of DSB-SC modulation with necessary

mathematical expressions
Double-Sideband Suppressed-Carrier (DSB-SC) modulation is a type of
amplitude modulation (AM) where both the upper and lower sidebands
are transmitted, but the carrier signal is suppressed. The frequency
spectrum of a DSB-SC modulated signal can be plotted using the
mathematical expression for the modulated waveform.
Let the message signal be denoted as m(t), the carrier signal be denoted
as c(t), and the modulated waveform be denoted as s(t). Mathematically,
the DSB-SC waveform can be expressed as:
s(t) = m(t)cos(ωct)
Taking the Fourier transform of s(t), we get:
S(ω) = 1/2π [M(ω-ωc) + M(ω+ωc)]
where M(ω) is the Fourier transform of the message signal, and ωc is the
angular frequency of the carrier signal.
The frequency spectrum of the DSB-SC modulated signal can be plotted
using the above expression. It consists of two sidebands, each centered
around the carrier frequency, with a bandwidth equal to the frequency
range of the message signal. The carrier signal is suppressed, as seen in
the spectrum.
The frequency spectrum of the DSB-SC modulated signal can be shown
graphically as follows:
where Φ (f) is the Fourier transform of the message signal. The spectrum
consists of two sidebands, each centered around the carrier frequency (0
Hz), with a bandwidth equal to the frequency range of the message
signal. The carrier signal is suppressed, as seen by the absence of any
spectral component at the carrier frequency.

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