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Breathing clean and fresh air is not just a luxury, but is in-fact one of the most important natural
pre-condition for a peaceful coexistence of the humankind. The introduction of harmful substances
into the atmosphere causes harm to all the living organism creating worse scenarios and it has
become a major environmental issue worldwide with increasing public demand for better control
of highly polluted odorous emission.
The following are the benefits of Odour Control System:
 Protects your investment in the plant equipment.
Expensive equipment in the plant such as pumps, motors, fans, etc., are all mostly made of some
kind of metal. They might even anti-corrosive coatings on the top surface for protection. These
odorous gases are not just unpleasant smell, but also severely corrosive and erosive in nature. No
matter what metal grade, or what coating, they will start corroding your equipment from the surface
to core due to the porosity that these metals/coatings have. For instance, a pump which was
supposed to work for 10 years ends up malfunctioning in 6 months due to corrosion and then
eventually ending up damaging all your investments.
 Protects your own health, the surrounding biological life and Mother Nature.
Toxic killer gases like Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) and Ammonia (NH3) have led to deaths of numerous
people without them knowing that they have been exposed to such gases. Recent study says,
approximately 4000 people die per year due to effects of exposure towards toxic gases. These gases
can permanently damage your respiratory/nervous system when exposed to low concentration and
immediate fatal incident upon high concentrations.
 To comply the emission norms and standards set by the PCB.
The government has realized the effects of such toxic gases on the environment and have set strict
norms to be followed by both Industrial and the Domestic sector. All treatment plants/process
industries are to comply with the permissible outlet parameters concerning odorous emissions.
Domestic apartments/high-rise tower buildings have also been strictly advised to ensure that Odour
Control Systems are installed as an essential part of their in-house STPs.
Thus arises the need for an Odour Control System in such high mal-odorous areas/plants. The Odour
Control System is not only used to de-odourise the plant but also eliminate harmful gases generated
from the source before it gets released into the atmosphere, thereby protecting the society and
preventing equipment from any kind of corrosion/erosion.

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