Jlim Subs C0381

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Hi classmate!

How are you all?

We have an amazing topic for today.

Eight Rules in Life

I will explain the rules that I follow in life and why I reached where I am today.

Number one, focus on what you can control.


It’s very true.

You can see the difference between the wealthy, who only focus on the things they can do and control
in their lives, and the poor, who always focus on the things they can’t do anything about.

The poor make the government’s problem, their neighbor’s problem, what’s happening in the
Philippines their own problem.

They have so many problems but they forget to think about their own problems.

So, for me, you just need to focus on the things that you can and may do something about.

To the things that we can’t do anything about, let it go and leave them be.

Number two, you can control how you respond to the things happening to you, just like what happened
last year.

Way back March 15 of 2020, when President Duterte declared a lockdown, I asked myself “What can I
do during this time?”

We were helpless.

We can’t go out of our homes.

So, what I did that time, I read more books because we don’t have anything else to do.

I had more time for my baby. I think she was a year old at the time.

And the best thing is, I learned more about online [presence].

Before, 5 or 6 years ago, I already know apps like zoom but I didn’t do them because I had other options.

When COVID struck last year, I learned and maximized a lot of things.

I was able to appreciate more.

Just focus more on the things that we can do something about and at the same time on the things that
you were pessimistic about.

They just become negative because of how you respond to them.

It’s very true in our community.

Last year, we had bigger profits.

There were many Filipinos who lost their jobs and those whose businesses went bankrupt, but we
adjusted in as early as one day.

I still remember, March 15 is the lockdown. March 16, I immediately adjusted our community.

We went from offline to full-blown online and after just a few months we went into harvest period.

Number three, value time more than money or possessions.

I just learned this recently because before, from Manila to Bicol, I ride the ordinary bus.

My principle before was, “Why travel through airplane when it’s too expensive?”

That time, a one-way plane ticket from Legazpi to Manila costs about Php 2000 – 3000.

The fare on the ordinary bus is only one Php 150.

Imagine, just Php 150?!

So why would I take the plane? When you get to Manila, whether you take the plane or the ordinary
bus, you will look the same after a shower.

But as time goes by, I realized that what people wants is to save time.

Before, when going online is not a big thing yet, travelling for twelve hours inside the bus, you will have
nothing to do.

Taking the plane, it will take about an hour to reach Manila and you will be able to accomplish more.

True enough, it happened to me.

Before, I love to travel, going to different places here and there.

But when I grew a little tired of it, it came to a point that I have the people I talk to come to me.

Honestly, when you think about it, it’s cheaper.

When I make them come to me, I shoulder their expenses for travel and accommodations.

You will think, “You’re spending too much! Why do you have to pay for them?”

My point is, when I have potential clients that I talk to and what I did before was go to them, it came to
a point that I grew tired of it so I make them come to me instead.

But did you know, classmates? I was able to save more.


If I go to that person, I will also get into a plane, check in a hotel and my two days would be
unproductive because I would be going to the person, talk to them and go back to Metro Manila the
following day.

My lifestyle is a little affluent.

Normally, I’d go for a higher-class plane, better hotel and I’d be taking up two days.

If I have that person come to me, I can have them get on [SEAir (?)], Air Asia, Cebu Pacific, or any
cheaper plane.

Second, the hotel. I can check them in a cheaper hotel.

The best part is, I am able to meet and talk with the person in just two to three hours and my job is

So, if you compare in terms of plane, hotel and time, I was able to save on all of them.

Classmate, you can’t maximize your time yet, then that is what you need to learn first.

Don’t think of valuing time like how I go about it with my expense when you can’t even maximize it.

In my case, in the days I would be wasting, I will be able to accomplish more instead.

To you, if you are just starting, maximize your time, fill out your schedule.

You need to work at least 12 to 16 hours.

That is the formula of the people who become successful.

Don’t work for only eight hours because that is the formula of the average person.

Number four, you are the product of your own habits.

What you do every day is what your future will be.

This is my question.

Do you want to know if you will get rich or not?

Simple, beat your daily expenses.

For example, you are earning Php 500 a day and your daily expenses cost Php 300, good for you.

In the long run, you will get rich.

You will be able to save a lot of money.

Imagine you are earning Php 500 a day but you are spending Php 700 a day, obviously, in the long run,
you will be poor.

We don’t need to complicate things.

Life is so easy.
If you want your life to be beautiful, make beautiful choices.

If you want your life to be excellent, make excellent choices.

We make our own future.

Make the future you want into a daily routine.

If you want a very posh lifestyle, start with the decision of doing what will make your life better every

Number five, don’t suffer on the imagined troubles.

It’s like you’re riding a rocking chair.

You are doing something but you are going nowhere.

It is the same with worry.

You don’t have to worry so much about the future because first of all, we don’t know what will happen
in the future.

Even me.

Just yesterday, I was talking to an insurance agent,

They were asking me about my principles in life because they kept thinking of what will happen in 20 or
30 years.

My reply was very simple.

I don’t worry for that long.

I don’t worry about it because it’s still a long time away.

There is no guarantee of what will happen then.

They would ask me, “How would you secure your child’s future?”

I’d say, “I really don’t care.”

For me, my baby would make their own living.

They would grow up resourceful and will not need to rely on me.

The things that you don’t really need to make a big deal out of, don’t think about them.

It is just going to be our loss.

For me, I just enjoy every day, every hour, every single moment of my life.

That is what I focus on.

If my day will be perfect, and the following day is also perfect, and the next one after that is perfect,
then I would have a splendid living.
Rather than worrying about the future, just do your best daily and for sure you will have an amazing life
every day.

Number 6, never ever let yourself be heard complaining.

As much as possible, don’t complain because complaining won’t solve anything.

Just focus on the things that you can do.

Let go of the things that you can’t do anything about.

When I started my career in network marketing, it’s one of my values that I most remember.

There was never a time that I complained.

I would travel to far places happy.

I was hungry but still happy.

Even though I was sleeping on the floor, I was happy.

There was a time that I haven’t changed my underwear for three days because I haven’t gone home, but
I was still happy.

Even my shoes, my socks were soaking wet because of the rain, I just hung them to dry, and it was all

Did you know when I used to sleep over my colleagues’ place, I would use my clothes for a pillow.

I would roll them and place the roll at my nape and sleep even if it’s on the floor.

It’s all good.

Always remember, a lot of things will happen in our lives which may or may not be favorable.

If the situation is not in your favor, think of a way to make it favorable.

I remember, we were going to conduct a seminar.

We were expecting 40 to 50 attendees but only 20 arrived.

The problem is, you already ordered from the restaurant fifty sets of a burger and soda so now you have
an excess of thirty.

Normally, one would complain, “It’s our loss because there were less people than expected.”

But I am still happy because I have 30 excess burgers and when I come home, I can invite my colleagues
for a drink.

I’ll take care of the snack and they can buy the drinks.

The snacks will come from the burgers by getting the patties and reheating them.

The buns left behind can be eaten the next morning by making it an egg sandwich.

That’s how easy life is.

We should focus on the things that will make us happy, the things that will make our lives better.

Number 7, there is a reason why we have two ears and one mouth.

Listen more, talk less.

I am normally chatty in a situation like this - making vlogs.

I’m also talkative when it comes to giving tips, motivation and inspirational words to the people in my
community who are under me.

But when I’m with people from higher positions than me or people I don’t know well, I am usually quiet.

Why am I quiet? Because I like to listen more to people on higher positions.

I’m a keen observer of how they move, how they decide, what they do.

I like to closely observe because there is a reason why a person is successful.

I want to hack into that learning instead of going through their past experience.

Did you know that all successful people read a lot?


It’s important that we read books because we learn a lot from them.

My logic is simple.

What if you read a book and this book took ten years to complete detailing past experiences, how many
years would you have saved?

You would be adding ten years of learning from just one book.

What you read ten with ten years of experience each?

You will have an additional 100 years of learning.

It’s important to listen more and talk less.

Starting now, learn to listen well.

Listen to successful people and even to the not-so-successful because we can still learn from them.

Most importantly, starting now, we learn from the people around us.

Number 8, there is always something you can do.

I’m giving you the power, classmate.

You can change your life starting now.

Do you not like your body?

Every time you look in the mirror, you are repulsed?

Then what’s stopping you from changing your lifestyle?

What’s stopping you from exercising, from having the dedication to make your body beautiful?

Do you not like your income?

If you don’t like your income, what’s stopping you from looking for additional income?

What’s stopping you to be more diligent? Render overtime and more overtime to increase your income.

Do you know why an OFW can save up?

Did you know that there are many OFWs that have the same salary as here in the Philippines?

I know some domestic helpers that are just earning Php15000, Php20000 or Php30000 a month.

But at the end of the day, why are they able to save?

Why is the Filipino in the Philippines earning the same amount not able to save?

For these simple reasons.

One, if the OFW’s income is not enough, they look for a second job, even a third job.

Here in the Philippines, if the income is not enough, people would go on a protest, complain.

Bottomline, there is something you can do about your life.

No matter how bad you think your situation is, you don’t like your lover, you’re not happy, then what’s
stopping you from breaking up with them?

Why can’t you leave them?

If you don’t like where you live because your neighbors are gossiper who always notice you, what’s
stopping you from leaving the place?

You don’t like how your house is run, what’s stopping you from leaving?

Endpoint, there is always something you can do.

I hope that you do and use these 8 rules in life.

Of course, share with me how your life changes with my advice.

Bye, classmate.

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