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Finally! It’s here!

Do you know what it’s called?

It’s called Ant Mentality.

Now, why did I choose it as a design here in my office? Because I just want to be reminded how
remarkable ants are.

Now let’s talk about this first. Ants are blind insects. Yes, ants are blind. They rely their movements
through smelling.

Now, this is what I really liked about ants. Number 1 is they never quit. Yes, they don’t quit, they just
change their approach. They are very flexible!

No matter what we do to them… Before, I even block their path! If you block them, what they just do is
they never complain. Like they say, “This is my right.” – they never do that.

Normally, if something blocks them like an obstacle, they just look for another way to pass or go to
where they want to.

The 2nd thing we learn from ants is they always give their best.

Yes, you won’t ever see ants that are complaining or doing nothing.

End is, they always do their parts, they do their jobs. If their job is to get food, they will get it. If one
needs help, they will do it.

That’s one of the best characteristics of ant - they always give their best.

For our number 3, they are very great collaborators.

Because even me, I don’t use the word “SELF-MADE”

Because for me, I won’t be successful alone. I became successful with the help of positive and negative.

People who doubted me helped me, people who say bad things to me helped me, and of course, the
positivity that they say to me helped me.

It’s the same with ants. They have different works.

There is the Queen and it’s job is to reproduce.

The job of the worker ants is to gather food and feed and serve the Queen.

And because of that, their achievements are huge.

Imagine how beautiful their kingdom is. If we can just go inside, we’ll see how systematic they are, and
how organized they are!
Imagine, we belittle these ants just because they don’t think like us, but at the end of the day, they get
their jobs done.

And number 4, the characteristic that I also really like is that they are very very persistent.

Would you imagine that 1 whole elephant can be devoured by these ants?

Yes! They can’t finish it in 1 day but if they keep on doing it, eventually they will finish it off.

And I hope we can learn from it. Because even us, no matter what we want, we can achieve it as long as
you’re persistent.

It’s always been my inspiration – Henry Sy, Lucio Tan.

Henry Sy of SM. Lucio Tan of Allied Bank, Philippine Airlines.

They are my inspiration! Imagine it, in their one lifetime, they were able to be insanely rich!

And especially right now that everything is easier because of social media. Getting rich or being rich
these times does not require a lot of time, you don’t need to get old, and you don’t need to be super

The most important is to be persistent. Just keep on doing it. No matter what you want in life, just keep
on pushing for it because I’m certain you will achieve it.

For our last, number 5. Ants always plan ahead.

We all know that especially when it’s rainy season just like here in Bicol, it’s rainy!

Normally when it’s rainy, you won’t see ants. What the ants usually do is they already have stored food
so that no matter what happens, they can still survive.

And for me, that’s one attitude I used towards networking.

I remember. What they usually say about network marketing is that “Ber” months is the lowest moment
of networking income.

During “Ber” months, there are many occasions celebrated, there are many vacations and that typically

But what I did is I reversed it. What I did is simple. When “Ber” months is near, I work harder, and I
perform excellently. So what usually happens to me is – the lowest time or weakest season for most
networkers is became my strongest.

So it means that you should not instantly believe what most people believe in because there is
something that we can always do.

Just like these ants. Even if they are small, they have no government, and they didn’t go to school.

End of the day, when the rainy season comes and they can no longer look for food. It will be hard for
them because they won’t be able to smell food due to the rain. But since they already saved and stored
food, until now there are still ants here and they are surviving.
So I hope that we should do the same – stop complaining, focus on things that we can do.

This is where changes will start in our lives.

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