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British Journal of Ophthalmology 1997;81:299–301 299

Comparison of the eYcacy of diclofenac and

betamethasone following strabismus surgery

Br J Ophthalmol: first published as 10.1136/bjo.81.4.299 on 1 April 1997. Downloaded from on May 1, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Mark Wright, Zahida Butt, Gawn McIlwaine, Brian Fleck

Abstract Ophthalmics and were packaged in identical

Aims—To compare the relative anti- bottles labelled right or left eye.
inflammatory potency and safety of topi- Patients were evaluated at 1 and 4 weeks
cal diclofenac–gentamicin with beta- postoperatively by one investigator (MW). The
methasone–neomycin following strabismus conjunctival inflammatory response was ana-
surgery. lysed objectively by comparing the degree of
Methods—A single centre, single ob- conjunctival injection over the sites of the mus-
server, prospective, randomised, and dou- cle surgery against a series of colour photo-
ble masked clinical trial of 25 children graphs and allocating a ‘conjunctival inflam-
undergoing bilateral symmetrical hori- matory score’ for each eye. A score of 5
zontal strabismus surgery was carried denoted a severe inflammatory response and a
out. One eye received diclofenac– score of 0 denoted the absence of inflamma-
gentamicin and the contralateral eye re- tion. Patient symptoms were analysed subjec-
ceived betamethasone–neomycin; both tively by parental questionnaire assessing
treatments were instilled four times a day ocular pain, conjunctival discharge, and drop
for 4 weeks postoperatively. Ocular in- tolerance. The severity of each symptom was
flammation was assessed at 1 and 4 weeks graded on a scale of 0 (asymptomatic) to 3
postoperatively, objectively by compari- (severely aVected). All statistical analysis was
son with a photographic chart and subjec- performed using the Wilcoxon signed rank
tively by questionnaire. test.
Results—There was no statistically sig-
nificant diVerence in the rate of resolution
of the inflammatory response between
A total of 25 out of 29 children fulfilling the
each group at both visits.
selection criteria were successfully recruited
Conclusion—Diclofenac appears to be as
and follow up was complete. The mean age of
eVective as betamethasone in controlling
the study population was 4.3 years with a range
postoperative inflammation following
of 1–9 years, of the 25 patients, 17 were male
strabismus surgery and may oVer a safer
and 21 had an esodeviation.
alternative to the use of topical steroids.
(Br J Ophthalmol 1997;81:299–301)
The mean conjunctival inflammatory score
1 week postoperatively for the diclofenac–
gentamicin group was 3.0 (SD 0.7) compared
Patients and methods with a mean of 2.8 (0.9) for the
Written informed consent was obtained from betamethasone–neomycin group (Fig 1
all parents of 25 children aged between 1 and (upper)). There was no statistically significant
12 years of age undergoing primary bilateral diVerence between the two treatments, p =
symmetrical surgery for eso- or exodeviations. 0.12. The mean conjunctival inflammatory
Exclusion criteria included previous ocular scores at 4 weeks postoperatively were 1.0 (0.9)
surgery, a history or signs of ocular inflamma- and 0.9 (0.8) respectively for each group, with
tion, hypersensitivity to non-steroidal anti- no statistically significant diVerence between
inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or any other treatments, p = 0.255 (Fig 1 (lower)).
component of the study drugs. Analysis of the results of the questionnaire
All surgery was performed by or under the demonstrated that strabismus surgery was well
direct supervision of one surgeon (GMcI). tolerated with all of the children having only
Conjunctival incisions were either limbal or mild or no discomfort 1 week postoperatively
over the muscle insertions, esodeviations were and every child being pain free after 4 weeks.
realigned by bilateral medial rectus recessions, One child had a mild conjunctival discharge (at
exodeviations by lateral rectus recessions. The visit 2 in the betamethasone–neomycin treated
Princess Alexandra
Eye Pavilion, recessed muscles were reattached with 5/0 Vic- eye) which resolved spontaneously. Both treat-
Edinburgh ryl and the conjunctival incisions were closed ments were well tolerated with parents report-
M Wright with 8/0 Vicryl. ing either no (76%) or only mild (24%)
Z Butt One eye was randomised to receive topical discomfort after instillation of the drops with
G McIlwaine no diVerence between treatment groups.
B Fleck
treatment with betamethasone sodium phos-
phate 0.1%–neomycin sulphate 0.5% while the
Correspondence to: contralateral eye was treated with diclofenac PROTOCOL VIOLATIONS
Dr M Wright, PAEP, sodium 0.1%–gentamicin sulphate 0.3%. Both One patient inadvertently stopped the treatment
Edinburgh EH3 9HA.
treatments were instilled four times per day for 1 week early and a further two patients instilled
Accepted for publication 4 weeks postoperatively. All trial medications the treatment less frequently than instructed,
1 November 1996 were produced and supplied by Ciba Vision three times and twice daily respectively. The
300 Wright, Butt, McIlwaine, Fleck

Wilcoxon signed rank p value 0.12 incidence of one case per 3500–8000 opera-
Diclofenac–gentamicin tions4 5) and orbital cellulitis.6 It would be
Betamethasone–neomycin extremely diYcult because of the rarity of these

Br J Ophthalmol: first published as 10.1136/bjo.81.4.299 on 1 April 1997. Downloaded from on May 1, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
14 events to prove that the incidence of these

Patient numbers
12 severe complications were aVected by the rou-
10 tine prescription of topical antibiotics used
8 alone or in combination with anti-
6 inflammatory agents.
4 The results of this prospective randomised
clinical trial suggest that following strabismus
0 1 2 3 4 5 surgery, diclofenac–gentamicin and beta-
Conjunctival inflammatory scores methasone–neomycin are equally eVective and
well tolerated topical anti-inflammatory/anti-
Wilcoxon signed rank p value 0.255 bacterial agents. The conjunctival inflamma-
Diclofenac–gentamicin tory scores of the three patients instilling the
14 Betamethasone–neomycin treatment less frequently than instructed were
Patient numbers

12 consistently higher than the mean scores of

10 both treatment groups at both 1 and 4 weeks
8 postoperatively. It can be inferred that both
6 treatments significantly reduced inflammation.
Many surgeons continue routinely to pre-
scribe a topical antibiotic–steroid combination
0 1 2 3 4 5 for up to 1 month postoperatively. Raised
Conjunctival inflammatory scores intraocular pressure (IOP), increased suscepti-
bility to infections, in particular herpetic kera-
Figure 1 (Upper) Visit 1. Conjunctival inflammatory
scores 1 week postoperatively. (Lower) Visit 2. The titis, and delayed wound healing are all
conjunctival inflammatory scores 4 weeks postoperatively. recognised side eVects of topical steroids.7 Ohji
et al 8 demonstrated that 82% of children under
data from these three patients were still included 10 years of age receiving topical dexamethasone
and analysed as the eVects were symmetrical 0.1% three times daily following strabismus
and should not bias the final result. surgery demonstrated significant elevations of
IOP with half of the children having rises in
ADVERSE EVENTS IOP of greater than 15 mm Hg. NSAIDs pos-
Two patients returned at 1 and 15 days respec- sess none of these characteristics and in
tively after completion of the trial with bilateral addition have intrinsic analgesic properties.9
conjunctival injection. Both settled spontane- The anti-inflammatory properties of topical
ously within 2 days of presentation. diclofenac have compared favourably with
those of steroids following cataract surgery10 11
and excimer laser.12 Diclofenac directly modu-
Discussion lates the cyclo-oxygenase pathway and indi-
Ideally, the two treatments studied would only rectly modulates the lipoxygenase pathway
have diVered by the nature of the anti- reducing the production of prostaglandins and
inflammatory; unfortunately no steroid– leukotrienes which are the main mediators of
gentamicin combination is commercially avail- the inflammatory response.13 While there was
able in the UK (Ciba Vision Ophthalmics no observable increase in the degree of local
chose gentamicin in preference to neomycin subconjunctival haemorrhage following the use
because of its marginally superior antibacterial of topical diclofenac, it has been reported that
activity). Betamethasone–neomycin is the most topical flurbiprofen may cause an increase in
commonly prescribed steroid–antibiotic com- the bleeding tendency of ocular tissues in con-
bination and was chosen as the treatment with junction with surgery.14
which to compare diclofenac–gentamicin. The In conclusion, diclofenac appears to be as
primary objective of this clinical trial was to eVective as betamethasone in controlling post-
compare the relative anti-inflammatory poten- operative inflammation following strabismus
cies of the combination of diclofenac– surgery. NSAIDs have potentially fewer serious
gentamicin and betamethasone–neomycin ocular side eVects than topical steroids, there-
rather than their relative antibacterial eYcacy. fore we feel that diclofenac–gentamicin can be
The controversy regarding the merits of the recommended as a valid alternative to steroid–
routine use of topical antibiotics alone or in antibiotic combinations.
conjunction with an anti-inflammatory agent
following strabismus surgery has continued
for years. The results from some clinical trials The authors have no proprietary interest in Ciba Vision
Ophthalmics or their products.
have suggested that antibiotic treatment should
be used routinely,1 others have concluded that
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