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S70 V100R001C01 Smait S7 Upgrade User Guide

1. Upgrade mode
*Product Name *Upgrade Modes *Upgrade Software Name HID S7 1USB Upgrade 2SD Card Upgrade


UPDATA.APP version file unlmt.cfgSD update configuration file S70.xmlUSB update configuration file


Upgrade Compatibility


2. USB Upgrade
2.1 Preparation before Upgrade
*Preparation upgrade *Successful description upgrade before Install PC USB driver



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3. USB Upgrade Operation

1) Enter the mode of USB upgrade
After the system is on,press the buttons SEND and BACK at the same time as quickly as possible. If it is the first time when your PC uses USB upgrade,then system will prompt finding new device,(maybe prompting new device as following picture),it will indicate that the system has entered USB upgrade mode successfully:

2) Install USB device driver

If the driver has not been installed before,you must install the driver first on the computer. When you install the driver,you can choose the method of searching the directory or specify the inf file.If you use the second method,please use the file in the following path: \tools\s70_pc_suite\usbdriver\Win7\hwserupg.inf. If the driver is installed successfully,appearing port name is DBAdapter Reserved Interface,as shown in the following picture.


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3) Upagrade tools
It has been saved in the following path: tools\s70_pc_suite\usb_upgrade. When entering USB upgrade mode and the driver is installed successfully on PC,you can use upgrade tool.The tool is HUAWEI Optional UMTS MultiDownload Software:

WH62406270ML01Ver 1002.exe

The corresponding configuration file is s70.xml:


The USB driver can be downloaded from the website of Huaweidevice,the URL is: &flay=software&fileName=35285&attachmentName=huawei%20s7_usbdriver.rar When the tool is used,please refer to the following steps: 1. Choose upgrade package(refer to foregoing chapters in order to make upgrade package) and configuration file(Please use s70.xml), as shown in the following picture:
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2. Start to upgrade,click the button Scan&&Download, upgrade procedure will

scan the port connected to PC.If the configuration matches with the configuration file,upgrade operation will start,as shown in the following picture:

4) The possible problem

After clicking "Scan&&Download" button,maybe it will prompt "port open"
error.Please check if the driver is installed successfully,and make sure "DBAdapter Reserved Interface" is available.


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4. SD Card Upgrade
SD card upgrade is operated by SD card to realize the function of upgrading the software version.


Preparation before Upgrade

Project Description

*Preparation upgrade

UPDATA.APP version software file unlmt.cfgSD card update configuration file

*Successful description


There is a OK display on the screen

5. SD Card Upgrade Operation

SD card upgrade is operated by SD card to realize the function of upgrading the software version.

1) Copying upgrade package

Before upgrade, you need to copy upgrade package and configuration file into SD card,make sure that Upgrade package is put in the directory of dload in SD card. Upgrade package name is UPDATA.APP,configuration file is once.cfg or unlmt.cfg. The once.cfg means upgrade for only once,that means software will write version number into OEMINFO subarea and it is not able to upgrade next time.The unlmt.cfg means upgrade for unlimited times,and if this file is checked,upgrade will start.

2) Starting upgrade
There are two ways of starting upgrade: 1. Starting upgrade through screen interface: 2. Upgrade after manually restart:Insert SD card before starting the system,then start the system,in this process software will check the configuration file and upgrade package in SD card,then start the process of upgrade.
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3) Upgrade process
In the process of upgrade,LED indication light will shine slowly,about every 2 seconds.

4) Upgrade end
After upgrade is over,LED indication light and LCD screen will both show the upgrade result. If upgrade is successful,LED light will shine constantly,and upgrade schedule bar will show 100 percent. If upgrade fails,LED light will shine fleetly,about 3 times per second.

6. Making upgrade package

Upgrade tool is sd_packer,corresponding directory is shown as the following picture:

In the subdirectory of tools,there are tools software for package making process.In the subdirectory of S70,there are script file,input and output file for package making.

1) making upgrade package that contains only Modem side

1. Copying such compiled file as dbl.mbnfsbl.mbnosbl.mbnamss.mbn and

dsp1.mbn in Modem side and appsboot.mbn in APPS side to the directory of BINs,and cefs.mbn file to the directory of BINs; 2. Run the script in S70 directory: make_S70_modem_nonsec.cmd; 3. Copying UPDATA.APP and corresponding configuration file(unlmt.cfg and once.cfg) to the directory of dload in SD card.
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2) making upgrade package that contains only APPS side

4. Copying such compiled files as boot.img userdata.img recovery.img and

system.img to the directory of BINs. 5. Run the script in S70 directory: make_S70_all_nonsec.cmd. 6. Copying UPDATA.APP and corresponding configuration file(unlmt.cfg and once.cfg) to the directory of dload in SD card.

4. Package-making script description

Package-making script example(e.g.: make_S70_apps_nonsec.cmd) 1. Eliminate old upgrade package
@if exist dload\ del /f /a dload\

2. Calculate CRC of all files

..\tools\CRCgen -ibin BINs\header\boothd.img BINs\boot.img BINs\header\systemhd.img BINs\system.img BINs\header\userd atahd.img BINs\userdata.img BINs\header\recoveryhd.img BINs \recovery.img -o crc.mbn

3. Making CRC files into a package module

..\tools\bin2app -F -iBin crc.mbn addr0xF4000000 seccode0x4 8575538323230FF descinput -o crc_v.bin descHUAWEI_U8220_CRC _BEIJING

4. Making boothd.img into a package module

..\tools\bin2app -F -iBin BINs\header\boothd.img addr0xF500 0000 seccode0x48575538323230FF descinput -o boothd_v.bin de scHUAWEI_U8220_CRC_BEIJING

5. Making boot.img into a module

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..\tools\bin2app -F -iBin BINs\boot.img addr0x30000000 secc ode0x48575538323230FF descinput -o boot_v.bin descHUAWEI_U8 220_CRC_BEIJING

6. Making CRC module and boothd.img module into a package together,creati ng a temporary file temp13.bin
..\tools\bin2app -F -iAPP crc_v.bin boothd_v.bin -o temp13. bin descHUAWEI_U8220_BEIJING

7. Making temporary files temp14.bin and boot.img together,creating temporary

file temp14.bin
..\tools\bin2app -F -iAPP temp13.bin boot_v.bin -o temp14.bin descHUAWEI_U8220_BEIJING

8. Repeat the same operation as step 4 to 7,making system,userdata and recovery together,finally creating dload\UPDATA.APP.
..\tools\bin2app -F -iAPP temp19.bin dload/ descHUAWEI_U8220_BEIJING recovery_v.bin -o

9. Clear out all temporary files finally.

5. Notice 1) Function not supported now

a) starting upgrade on screen not supported b) partition.mbn upgrade not supported c) encrypted upgrade package not supported

2) Common questions and solutions

a). Run package-making script but no package created? Make sure that all compiled files needed are copied to the directory of BINs. b). Insert SD card and restart the system,but not enter the upgrade mode?
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Possibly upgrade configuration file(once.cfgunlmt.cfg) are not in the directory of dload. c). Why upgrade fails? The reason of upgrade failure is caused by several aspects:Firstly,when problem occurs,please make sure UPDATA.APP is in the directory of dload.Secondly,make sure if the subarea of present software version is consistent with the version after upgrade.Thirdly,please check if the package-making script is improper.There are two instances that must pay special attention to: 1). If SD card is formatted in android system,upgrade procedure may not be able to read the file correctly,so youd better format the SD card in Windows system and copy upgrade package to SD card again. 2). When copying large files by using adb push command,maybe data error will occur and cause CRC checkout failure.Therefore,youd better copy files in Windows system.

If you have any questions,you can contact me:Wuzerun(ID:00159629),and you can dial the number:0755-36839280.Thanks.


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