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NAME: Carla Ruiz


Exercise 1. A researcher is interested in the average IQ of the population of high-school

students. A previous study he found suggests that the population mean is 105, and the

standard deviation is 15. He thinks these conclusions are outdated and that the mean IQ

has changed.

a) Formulate the statistical hypothesis.

H0: µ = 105; H1: µ ≠ 105

b) Define the sampling distribution. What is the mean and the standard error (assuming the

population standard deviation has not changed).


SE: 15/√ 30 = 2.74 (assuming that the sample size is 30)

c) The researcher collects a sample of 30 students and calculates the mean IQ (110).

Calculate the sample error associated to this point estimation and the associated z-score

(as we saw in class, this is under the assumption that the Null hypothesis is true).

E: 110-105= 5

Z-score of the sample mean (critical value): (110-105)/2.74= 1.82

d) Calculate the p-value associated to the test statistic. With a confidence level of 0.95,

what decision should the researcher make regarding his statistical hypothesis?

P-value: 1-0.9656 = 0.0344

1-α=0.95 α = 0.05 (significance level), but since it’s a 2-tailed graph we use 0.025

0.0344≥0.025 WE ACCEPT
e) Given their results, what is the maximum confidence level he should have used to get

to the opposite conclusion?

A significance level of 0.069 (0.0345*2), then a confidence level of 0.931

f) Given their results, what is the minimum z-score he should have found to get to the

opposite conclusion?

The minimum Z-score we should have found it’s -1.81

Exercise 2: A researcher is interested in the emotional stability of university students (in a

10-to-60-point scale). A previous study they found suggests that the population mean is 30,

and the standard deviation is unknown. They think these conclusions are outdated and that

the mean emotional stability has decreased.

a) Formulate the statistical hypothesis.

H0: µ ≥30; H1: µ <30

b) The researcher collects a sample of 60 students and calculates the mean emotional

stability (33) and the standard deviation (10). Define the sampling distribution: what is

the mean and the standard error.


SE: 10/√ 60 = 1.29

c) Calculate the sample error associated with the resulting point estimation and the

associated z-score (assuming that the Null hypothesis is true).

E: 33-30= 3

Z-score of the sample mean: (33-30)/1.29= 2.33

d) Calculate the p-value associated with the test statistic. With a significance of 0.03, what

decision should the researcher make regarding their statistical hypothesis?

P-value: 0.9901

0.0099≤0.03 WE REJECT

e) Given their results, what is the maximum critical value (expressed in the same units as

the original scale) he should have used to get to the opposite conclusion?

f) Given their results, what is the minimum sample mean he should have found to get to

the opposite conclusion?

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