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Patient came in at ER with chief complaints of difficulty of breathing. He reported “kutas kayo ako
paminaw mam, daw mabugto ako ginhawa.” Productive cough for 2 weeks reported, on &off fever
for 1 week. Upon coughing you noticed he has blood tinged sputum. Further, patient verbalized “dili
ko makatolerate mohigda mam kay mura ko ug malumos.” Crackles noted on all lung lobes.
Anorexia noted. Vital signs are as follows: T: 38.9C, RR-40cpm, Chest retraction noted, nasal flaring
noted. PR-120bpm, BP-70/40mmhg, o2 sat: 88%. Bipedal edema notes.

You referred patient to the resident doctor with orders you carried out. Oxygen support started @
2lpm via nasal cannula. Assisted patient on Tripod position. Nothing per orem temporarily.
instructed. Complete bed rest without bathroom privileges instructed. Started venoclysis with
PNSS1L 2 10cc/hr at right metacarpal vein. Paracetamol 500mg 1 tab given per ore. Hydrocortisone
250mg given IVTT. Furosemide 40mg IVTT given. Ceftriaxone 2g IV drip OD started. Dopamine drip
started with D5W125 + 200mg Dopamine at 10cc/hr. Labs are as follows: wbc:21T (reference normal
range 5-10T). Chest xray reveals Pulmonary Tuberculosis with atelectasis at right lower lobe. ECG 12-
leads done. Bp rechecked: 90/60mmhg, o2 sat: 95%, T- 37.7.

1. On the situation given, make a nursing care plan.

2. Interventions are already given in the situation. So, everything in your ncp should be based on
the situation.
3. Email it to me at once done.
4. Deadline: September 13, 2022 until 2pm.

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