Sarthak Dadkar EVS Assn 2 PDF

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Sarthak Dadkar

IO322 |||lsy Btcch


E VS Assignnent -2

i) DePine Pollutants and cxplojn types Pollutants.

A pollutants is any substance that does not belong trad tiona
in a cestain ccosystem and docs ham to the ecosystemhey
come in various forms They can be anthropogenic
natura. They are o the followng types.
>Chemical PoJutants
Substances ike Pesticides, Heavy metals, industrial wastes
» Biological Pollutants
$Organisms ike Bactesi , Viruses & Pung:
>Physica) Pollutants
Noise, Heat, Energy and Radiation that alfect ecosysters,

2ShotNote Nuclcar Hazavds R their effects.

NucleaY Hazards occuY due to unsafe cxposure to radiation
by Yadioactive elements.They can affect all aspecte o an ecosys
-tem. Thbe most prominent o this dang ex is due to unsafe
dumping o radiooctive elements jn the Pacific ocean.
Theireffeet are
")Mutations. the Biotic elements
-) Loss t soil fertility
") Huge lass lives inecosystems
o) Long duration o efects


93 Role ot Engincers in Sustainable Developement with
Engineers do pay acritical yole in Sustainable developme
as industries. are a huge contibuter to pollutants. Hence
engineerS must actproactively to care fo the environ mCnt
> Practice the Yeduce xeuse,recycle motto and pay
close. attention to the pollution they may or may not cruse,
>Aete Actively rescavch fox better diaposalk wOste
>Iry to fostex environment that values theiy socal
Yesenponsibility and not just economic qain.

q4 Compair ed to other metro cities,why is Delhi so polluted

Delbi is considexed one of the nost
most polluted cties
in Lndia. This duc to vasious factors Iike
a) High population density l vehiculas pollution is a buge
contributos in delbis snooqy cnviroAment
b) Delhis geography also baps the pollution in thc city.
in cold tempreture the polluting qascs Gcttle i the
l) Lndustnal activities B constructian projects also add ine
dusts& chemical pollutonts jn the qir.
d) Aqviculbural projets around
aro und he city Jike stubble burning.
also add t othe
the prpblerm,


g5 Write a innovative technique fo controlling any one type t
A good chunk in the pollution landse cope is th air
pollution by ind ustries. Abo bein learning to become an

cngineex hos. made it my xespons ibility to try to reduce

pollution in any way that I mnay be able to. Hence, sO me
solutions to air polubions can be to make cheaper cataly tic
convaters that convert barmful gascs Like Carbon Monoxides
, Nitrous oxides in to less harmu) qases. Scrubbers can
Yeduce 50 9a5c and acid qases. De sign better eficient
devices that rtquiYe
require less cnexgy cxgo reduong energy rcqu'red
and reducing flue gases being genesated.


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