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European Literature II

European Literature refers to the Literature of Europe. It includes in many languages, among the most
important of the modern written works are those in English, Spanish, French, Dutch Polish, German,
Italian, Modern Greek, Czech and Russian and works by the Scandinavians and Irish.

German Literature

German Literature Comprises the written works of the German- Speaking peoples of Central Europe. It
has shared the fate of German Politics and history fragmentation and discontinuity. Germany did not
become a modern-nation-state, until 1871 and the prior history of the various German states is worked
by warfare, religions, turmoil and periods of economic decline.

Johan Wolfgang Von Goethe ( Yohan Volf-gang Fohn Guh-the) is a German Poet, playwright, novelist,
scientist, statesman, theatre director and critic.

“The Loved One Ever Near”

This poem is associated for his love one, who is far to him.


“Destiny grants us our wishes, but its own way, in order to give us something beyond our wishes.”

Thomas Kempis

Thomas A. Kempis an Augustinian monk who is known as “ Minnesinger of the love of God” is a German
Mystic and a religious writer. His most popular work is imitation of Christ.

“Knowledge of Thyself”

It emphasizes about the “knowledge of thyself’. According to Thomas “The humble knowledge of
Thyself is a sure way to God than the deepest search after learning”

Russian Literature

Russian Literature is a major part of the country’s culture, and education worldwide. Some of the world’s
most famous poets and novelists were Russians. These writers include Alexander Pushkin and Leo
Tolstoy. Their poems and books were about classic, issues of freedom, love and conflict.

Leo Tolstoy

Russian author Leo Tolstoy is considered a master of realistic fiction and one of the world's greatest
novelists, especially known for Anna Karenina and War and Peace. Oscillating between skepticism and
dogmatism, he explored the most diverse approaches to human experience.

“Where Love Is There God Is Also”

The theme of the Leo Tolstoy's "Where Love Is, God Is" is Christian love. As noted by the missionary who
chats with Martin, man should live for God. This means that Martin should not live for himself but do
God's work. He should love others as God loves everyone.

Group 7:
Rosa P. Palconit

Benjie Pabiran

Joy Amor Delantar

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