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(kissing the
forehead of his husband and his son while
GOD IS ALSO” coughing.)
Adapted from the story by Leo Tolstoy
(Elizabeth takes a rest. Closing her eyes is falling
of her tears on the right side.)
(Martin and His wife go to the cemetery to visit their MARTIN: Love?..Love?.. No.. (Crying..while
two children who died 5 years ago) hugging his wife.)

LOCATION: Naval Cemetery SCENE 3

Aldrin as STRANGER
MARTIN: Our two angels, I and your Mother miss
you so much. I have here a toy… This is all
for you… (The saddest face) (After that saddest happening in Martin’s Life. He
starts drinking Alcohol, smoking, and
ELIZABETH: (Putting a flower and lighting a walking on the street. Talking bad
candle). Our Angel, please guide us (while words.)
coughing, carrying their youngest son.)
MARTIN: (A stranger accidentally bumps him.
------------------FASTFORWARD---------------- While walking on the street holding a liter of
red Horse and a piece of cigarettes.)
SCENE 2 Bullshit.
(The Death of His Wife)
CHARACTERS: STRANGER: I’m sorry Boss… (taking a bow)
Jose Ponce as MARTIN AVDYEITCH MARTIN: God Damn it… Get Lost. (HE
(Elizabeth is lying on her bed while saying (The stranger quickly runs.)
goodbye to his Husband Martin and to his son.) (Martin pointed his hand to those people who are
watching his action.)
MARTIN: (Sorrowful Eyes).. My love,
please. Don’t give up. Don’t leave me, MARTIN: WHY ARE YOU LOOKING AT
please. (While his tears are falling slowly). ME? GOD DAMN IT… (HE SHOUTED)
ELIZABETH: My Love Please, take care of our
Son. His is your treasure. Promise me to
take care of Him.
MARTIN: I’ll promise you, my Love. (while
(Martin started his small business in repairing
ELIZABETH: I LOVE YOU... (while crying)… Let
me take a nap. I need to rest. Please.
MARTIN: Just promise me to wake-up..Okay?
(Kissing the forehead of his wife.)

MARTIN: My Kapitoshka,.
KAPITOSHKA: Thank you, Pretty Sister.

MARTIN: You will stay at your Aunt.

SISTER: Welcome, my Kapitoshka.. Just
KAPITOSHKA: But Dad. I don’t want to be far Behave Okay?
from you. (Kapitoshka is crying.)
MARTIN: Your Aunt can provide your needs.
She can send you to school. She will make (Kapitoshka is playing at the terrace (2nd floor) of his
you healthy my son. neighbor. He try to throw in the air his paper
airplane but it suddenly stocks on the roof.
KAPITOSHKA: Dad, please (Kapitoshka is crying.) He tried to get it but He accidentally step on
the brick and fall down on the ground with
MARTIN: You are sick, Kapitoshka.. I can’t nails.)
afford the bill in the hospital (Martin is (Sister Notice a notice then he suddenly checked the
Crying). terrace and she is curious that KApitoshka is
(Someone knocks on the Door) not around. She looked at the ground and
MARTIN: Your Aunt, is here. shocked what she see.)
AUNT: Come with me, Kapaitoshka. Your uncle is
waiting outside. SISTER: Oh my Good..KAPITOSHKA…
KAPITOSHKA: (Crying) No I don’t want to go
with you Auntie. I want to stay at my dad.
(When Martin notices that Kapitoshka is not in the
(Martin remember the time when he promised to his basement. Martin go to his neighbor to ask if
wife that he should take care of his Son.) Kapitoshka staying there.)
(Martin hold the hand of Imelda)
MARTIN: Hello Madam, Is kapitoshka here?
MARTIN: I’m sorry Imelda But I can’t…
IMELDA: Haisst, Alright I understand. MADAM: Wait I ask my Sister if Kapitoshka
visit her.
MARTIN: I’m sorry my son, I didn’t mean it. You
will stay with me. (He hugged his Son) (Sister running down the stair and shouted…)

KAPITOSHKA: ILOVEYOU DADDY. SISTER: Madammmm. I saw kapitoshka fell on the

(Martin hugged her son Tightly) ground.. His head is full of blood.

SCENE 5 MARTIN: (Nervous).. W-H-A-T?.. Where Is My

(The Death of Kapitoshka) Son?
SISTER: At the back uncle..
Percy as KAPITOSHKA (They Suddenly Run On The Back Of Their House
Mary Joy as MADAM And Saw Kapitoshka Dead.)
Carina as SISTER
nooooo..nooo..not again Lord!!!!(Martin is
SISTER: Kapitoshka????.. crying)
What..Kapitoshka. You’re here.
_______--------- Blackout Fast forward------______
KAPITOSHKA:Hi! Pretty Sister. Do you want to
play a paper airplane?

SISTER: Oh. Kapitoshka..I’m sorry. I need

to finished my task first. But You can stay
here as long as you want.
live. When you begin to live for Him, you
will not grieve.
MARTIN: But how can one live for God?

SCENE 6 VLADEMIR: Christ has taught us how to live for

(Old Martin) God. You know how to read? Buy a
Testament, and read it; there you will learn
(The death of Kapitoshka is another tragic scene how to live for God. Everything is explained
on life of Martin because of that He there.
refuses to go to the Church.) SCENE 8

(Walking outside of the Cathedral… Martin Wanted A brisk north wind tonight. (Takes off the
to go inside of the Church.. But because of what coat.)
happened to his family. He always stay outside and
These old bones have seen lots of cold
winters, but (checks thermometer on window),
MARTIN: Lord????? Why?? What I have my goodness, minus 38, in December?
done unto you? Am I not a good Husband? That’s unusual, even for Siberia. (Laughs.)
A father to My son?? Lord Why?. Just take Of course, I remember the winter of ’57…
my Life Lord. I don’t want to live in this
(Puts on apron.) Now, where did I leave my
world. I wish I am dead (Martin is Crying).
hammer? (Picks up hammer and shoe. Sits at work
SCENE 7 bench.)
Mrs. Robinivich wants her children’s shoes
Location: Outside the Cathedral ready for Christmas.
(Vlademir saw Martin crying outside the
(“O Come, O Come Emmanuel” played on piano.
Martin works on shoes. Gets up to pour himself a
drink of tea. Works some more. Gets up. Pulls
curtains. Puts “Closed” sign in window. Takes off
apron. Pulls out reading glasses. Opens Bible. Reads.
Remedio as VLADEMIR his friend
Goes to sleep at the bench.)
(As piano piece ends)
VLADEMIR: I heard about the tragic situation that O come, o come, Emmanuel.
you faced in the past year. But Martin.
(Vlademir give his a handkerchief) (Brief pause, as Martin sleeps. Music resumes.
Dancer enters as part of Martin’s dream. He sits up in
MARTIN: But what? What? Vlademir… What is my his dream. Watches dancer. Puzzled.)
purpose? Did God curse Me? Curse my
Family? Emmanuel? Is that you?
VLADEMIR: Not like That Martin…
MARTIN: I have no desire to live any longer, (Dancer reaches for Martin’s hand.)
I only wish I was dead. That is all I pray to
God for. I am a man without anything to
Coming to visit me? Tomorrow?
hope for now.
VLADEMIR: You don’t talk right, Martin, we
must not judge God’s doings. The world (Dancer leads Martin to the window. She peers from
moves, not by our skill, but by God’s will. one side. He the other.)
God decreed for your son to die,—for you— Watch for you? Outside my window?
to live. So it is for the best. And you are in
despair, because you wish to live for your (Dancer leads Martin back to work bench.)
own happiness.”
MARTIN: But what shall one live for?
VLADEMIR: We must live for God, Martin. He Tomorrow? Tomorrow.
gives you life, and for His sake you must
(Martin resumes sleeping position at the work bench. workbench and begins to work. A few moments later,
The dancer leaves as the music fades.) a woman carrying a small child appear at the
window. They are poorly dressed for the weather.
Martin walks to the window and notices them. Goes
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if Jesus came to to the door.)
visit? (Martin sleeps.)
Martin: Ma’am. Come inside. Come warm
(Martin awakes. Stretches. Opens curtains. Turns
sign to “Open.” Pours himself a cup of tea. Before he yourself and your baby.
drinks, he suddenly remembers his dream. Sets down
his cup and goes back to the window and peers Mother: Thank you. My baby won’t stop
around. He sees a woman shoveling snow.) crying. (Martin touches the baby.)

Oh my, she looks cold. Out shoveling this I fear he has the croup.
early in the morning. (Goes to the “door.”)
Come, my friend, come inside. Warm
yourself by my fire. Join me for a cup of tea! Martin: Oh my, you need something warmer
to wear.
(Surprised, she puts down her shovel and comes
Mother: My husband is away, in Moscow,
Martin: Sit down. Please. It’s another cold and won’t be home until spring.
Martin: He has work there?
Snow shoveler: Record low last night, they
said. Mother: Some. More than he had here.

Martin: Here, this will warm you up. (Gives Martin: (He retrieves his jacket from the coat tree.)
her a cup of tea.) Take this. It will keep you and your baby
SS: You’re very kind.
Mother: No, I can’t.
Martin: You’re very kind to shovel my walk.
It’s not easy at my age anymore. Martin: Please. For your baby’s sake.

SS: This really hits the spot. Thank you. Mother: You are very generous. Thank you.

Martin: Camomille. With just a little Martin: (As she leaves.) There’s some money
something extra. (They both laugh.) in the front pocket. For the doctor.

(Martin returns to his workbench. As he works, he

SS: Thank you. Your tea has warmed my
bones. Your visit has warmed my heart.
I won’t mind the cold as much now. Was I dreaming last night? I never dream.
(She goes outside, picks up her shovel and exits.)
But I remember seeing someone, dancing.
Martin: If you ever need a break from the Jesus.
cold, you’re always welcome.
Promising to be here today. I must remain
(Martin puts on his apron. Picks up a shoe. Goes to patient. Ready. How happy I’d be to have
the window and peers around. Sees nothing. Sits at Jesus as my guest!
(Pours himself a cup of tea. Opens Bible. Falls
(Outside the window, an elderly woman and child are asleep. Dancer enters, wearing/holding one item from
in an argument. The child has taken an apple from each previous character: apple, baby’s blanket,
her basket and is trying to run away. The woman has jacket.)
hold of his arm.)
Another dream? Who are you?
Woman: Stop! You’re stealing my apple! (Dancer puts down the apple beside Martin on the
Give it back to me! work bench.)
(Martin goes to the window, then to the “door”.) The woman this afternoon? No, who are you
Martin: Ma’am, let the boy go!
(Dancer puts down the baby blanket on the bench.)
Woman: He’s taken my groceries.
The mother with the baby? Who are you?
Martin: I’ll pay for the apple. (To child.)
You know it’s wrong to take things that (Dancer takes off the jacket.)
don’t belong to you.
The snow shoveler? No. No.
Child: (To Martin.) I’m sorry, sir. You’re, you’re Jesus, the dancer ….

Martin: No, don’t talk with me. Tell the (The dancer exits. Music stops. Martin awakes. Rubs
his eyes and looks down at his Bible.)
woman how sorry you are.
“I tell you, whatever you do for your brother
Child: I’m sorry, ma’am. Here’s your apple.
and sister, you do for me.”
I was just hungry.
Now, I understand! Emmanuel has come.
Martin: May I buy him the apple?
God is with us.
Woman: (Let’s go of child’s arm. Gives him the
apple.) That’s okay.
(Piano plays the refrain of “O Come, O Come
Emmanuel” and Martin exits.)
Martin: Looks like a heavy basket.

Woman: At our age it seems to weigh even


Child: I’ll help you carry it, ma’am.

Woman: That would be nice. (To Martin.)

Thanks for your help.

(Woman and child exit together. Child carries basket.

Piano again plays, “O Come, O Come Emmanuel.”
Martin takes off apron, closes curtain at window, puts
up the “closed” sign.)

Silly, I really thought I’d see Jesus today.

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