Ge-Lwr-Palconit, Rosa P.-4

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Republic of the Philippines

Biliran Province State University


School of Teacher Education








APR. 14, 2023

Activity 4. The Value of Education
Write a 500-word personal reflection on the value and significance of education in the
success of a person in the modern world. Keep in mind Jose Rizal's undying
commitment to education in writing your reflection.

"Without education and liberty, which are the soil and the sun of man, no reform is possible,"
said Jose Rizal. "No measure can produce the desired outcome." Rizal believed that education could
protect the Philippines from foreign influence. Citizens have rights and responsibilities. We conduct
research to gain more knowledge. According to Rizal, the purpose of education is to advance the
nation and cultivate the minds of its citizens. Rizal stated that education is the only way to liberate a
nation from oppression because it is the foundation of civilization and a prerequisite for social
progress. Education is a crucial achievement tool in the contemporary world because it reduces the
difficulties encountered in life. Due to the training of the human mind, acquiring knowledge through
education enables people to utilize their potential to the fullest extent. This paper focuses on the value
and significance of education in a person’s success in the modern world. First is education as a gift,
second education that helps us become better citizens of our country, and lastly, recognizing our
Knowledge is a gift that cannot be taken away and can assist us in achieving our goals in life.
Education is essential, particularly for those who cannot afford school due to socioeconomic status.
However, education is the most valuable asset that can be obtained. Through education, one can
acquire more information. Students will acquire knowledge and achieve educational success if they
are willing to study in class and participate in the learning process. With knowledge, anything is
possible, and it is a step toward achieving one's life goals. Instead of following the water's course like
a sleeping crab in a swiftly moving river, it would point us in the correct direction. Education can
assist in character development. It may benefit one's country in the future, as did our great heroes.
Moreover, education can help us become better citizens of our country and more respectable
individuals. Rizal always believed that education was a form of medicine or a solution to the colonial
Philippines’ problems. He supported politically and religiously neutral public education. He argued
that reform is impossible without Filipino-appropriate liberal education.
Unfortunately, only some have a solid motivation to study. The influence of online platforms
or social media is a familiar source of distraction for today's youth. They frequently view involvement
in school as "nerdy" or even overrated. Being knowledgeable diminishes one's coolness. However,
they need to recognize that education is the basis for achieving a higher quality of life and extends
beyond a student's daily routine. Let us prioritize education and do everything possible to ensure its
success. Young and old are nonexistent in education. As long as we are aiming for it, go for it.
Therefore, the value and significance of education in a person’s success in the modern world
are that we should consider that education is a gift, education will help us to be a better citizens in
our country, and lastly, valuing the way of recognizing our education. Like Rizal wanted us to reflect,
education is a goal and a valuable asset that can assist us in gaining knowledge.

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