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Grammar Quiz | Group B

Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Choose the correct option to complete the 3 Rewrite the sentences using would and
dialogue. making necessary changes. If would is not
Interviewer: Let’s talk about family life. possible, use used to.
0 Are you having / Do you have many 0 My cousins visited me quite often at weekends
house rules? during my childhood.
Celebrity: We have some, but our kids have it My cousins would visit me quite often at
easier than I did! My parents 1 used / weekends during my childhood.
would to be very strict! My mum 1 In our old house, we had a huge basement.
2 will always tell / was always telling us _______________________________________
what to do. I 3 would / used to hate it at _______________________________________
the time, but it helped me grow up to be 2 I remember years ago when the neighbours
more organised. came round to celebrate New Year together.
Interviewer: So why don’t you use the same ________________________________________
approach? ________________________________________
Celebrity: Well, I don’t really need to with Mark. 3 Grandad, did you go home for lunch during the
It’s true that he 4 ’d / ’ll forget to do his school day?
homework occasionally, but surely _______________________________________
that’s normal. He 5 is always getting / _______________________________________
always gets good marks at school, and 4 In the past, people didn’t have anything like the
that’s the main thing. kind of technology we have today.
___ / 5 _______________________________________
2 Complete the sentences with one word in 5 Mum felt tired in the mornings last year, but she
each gap. feels better now.
0 Dad will often make pancakes for breakfast on _______________________________________
Sunday mornings and we like that! _______________________________________
1 Gary is my brother, but he is ______________ ___ / 5
taking my things without asking.
2 As kids, I ______________ hang out with my TOTAL ___ / 15
younger sister, but now we are adults I don’t see
her much.
3 I used ______________ know the names of all
the capital cities, but I’ve forgotten them now.
4 On Saturdays, Trevor ______________ stay in
bed late in the morning, especially if he’s tired
after a tough week.
5 We were ______________ getting into trouble at
school. I’m surprised the head teacher didn’t kick
us out.
___ / 5

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