Tle 8 Drafting Q4 M1 Week 1 Identify Drafting Tools

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Candon City, Ilocos Sur


Quarter 4 – Week 1 - Module 1:
Prepared by: Hanica N. Bucay

Mechanical Drafting Tools
1. Understand what are tools.
2. Identifying different mechanical drafting tools.
3. Determine the uses of mechanical drafting tools and
4. Appreciate the relevance of mechanical drafting tools. (TLE_ICTTD7/8UT-0a-1)


1. What are drafting tools and equipment?
2. Why do we need to know the different drafting tools and prepare them?
3. What are the different drafting tools and how are you going to prepare them.

Hello everyone!

Today, we are going to discuss about different tools needed to make your drawings and
provide accurate measurements.
Now let us define first what are “tools” and we’ll look later on the different drafting tools
and their functions.

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What are tools?
TOOLS is an item used for a specific purpose. It helps a person in completing the task
required. In Technical Drafting there are tools which we call DRAFTING TOOLS, and they are
materials use to create or draw specific objects or architectural plans with accurate


Who uses these tools?

 Drafting tools are used by student taking up the subject technical drafting or engineering
students to produce drawings with accurate measurement.
 Drafting tools are used by draftsman or licensed engineers in creating their architectural
plan (floor plan of house or building).

There are different types of drafting tools based on the job requirement:

1. DRAFTING PENCIL- is a tool use to draw certain objects and it goes along with other
tools to produce a drawing.


SOFT - is use for shading or final layout of your

MEDIUM- is used for general purposes in the
HARD PENCIL- this is use when starting or making
an outline on your drawing.

2. SHARPENER -This is used to sharpen your pencil

Remember: DO NOT TO USE a cutter, scissor

or even knife in sharpening because they might

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cut your fingers. Always use sharpener to sharpen your pencil always use the RUGHT
TOOL and NOT the alternative one.


This is where all drawings are being drawn.

They vary in sizes and types, some of these
types are expensive but good in quality.
Drawing paper is also known as drafting paper

This is the ordinary eraser. Comparing to the
electric eraser this is much more affordable
since it may only cost you 5 to 6 pesos. There
are also ordinary erasers that ranges from 10
pesos above depending in the quality of it. The
lower the cost the cheaper the quality is.

5. ERASING SHIELD - used to protect lines you do not want to

erase. It is very useful especially if you had a mistake at the
center of your drawing.

How to use this tool?

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 Place your erasing shield in area that you wanted to erase only. Find the exact shape in
your erasing shield that is the same in your drawing. You are now ready to erase.

This is very useful especially if

you had a mistake at the center of
your drawing.


The T-
is use
to make horizontal and vertical lines. This tool
always supports the triangle in making lines.

In using the T-SQUARE, we simply put the head of the T-square in the edge of the table
and allow your pencil to draw a line. The head of the T-square could either be put in both sides,
upward or below. Now in the picture you can only see that the head of the T-square is in the left
side of the table.

Masking tape, this tool will support the drawing paper.
(Click to the next slide to see the illustration/picture)

“Why do need to use drafting tape?

Because it will support drawing paper There will be instances that while doing, you are
work your drawing paper will move slightly that leads to making small mistakes in your
drawing. Remember never belittling small mistakes in your drawing because it will be the
reason of bigger mistakes or producing an inaccurate drawing.

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Used to measure and lay out angles. Locate angles in

your drawings.

This tool will help you not only in measuring angles but
also in locating what angles are you looking for. Say
for example, you draw a circle and you wanted to find
the angle of 35⁰, just place the base of your protractor
at the center of your circle and then look for the angle.

Compass will help you in creating

perfect circles or even arcs. This tool
is movable, and you can adjust it.
Whether you want to make a small
or even big circles, the compass has
two parts the first is the needle and
the other is the one with a pencil.
In using the compass, you just need to place the
needle part in your desired center of circle and then rotate the part of compass where it has pencil
counterclockwise. You may also adjust the compass since it is

9. IRREGULAR CURVE -This is used to make or draw non-circular



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This is used in making circles and arcs. This is advisable to be used by those who are
having a hard time using the compass BUT still as a drafting student it is important to master
all uses and functions of drafting tools.

This is a drawing instrument used when transferring measurements, dividing lines and arcs
into the desired number of equal parts. It can easily
transfer accurate
measurements by adjusting the divider points. Constant
correct practice is necessary before doing an actual work
for a quick and easy control when use.

12. AMES LETTERING GUIDE- this is used to draw guidelines for lettering

How to use this?

Put the head of the T-square in the edge of the table to

support the AMES lettering guide. The dots in the AMES will
help you in making guidelines for the lettering.

13. TRIANGULAR SCALE – A tool used in measuring

drawings in metric. (mm,

14. RULER- Used to measure distances of line in your

drawing. Ruler is usually used in
measuring in inches.

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15. ELLIPSE TEMPLATE - Ellipse Template is used to draw ellipses.


45x90 Triangle - Used to draw 45 and 90


30x60 Triangle - Used to draw 30- and 60-

degree angles

You can make use of triangles supported by the T-square. The triangle is very helpful in
making straight vertical, horizontal, and diagonal lines with short distances as long as it is
supported by the triangle.


to draw symbols on floor plans

18. DRAFTING TABLE – The drafting table has a smooth surface. If you can still remember
the use of drafting tape, is to fasten the drawing paper in the table
to support it. Due to the smooth surface of the table, the drawing
paper can easily slide down so the drafting tape will help you in it
to slide down.

Why is it important to prepare these tools?

1. You will know in advance the tools that are missing or lacking.

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2. You will be able to finish your drawing on time or just before the time allotted.
3. You will not waste your time looking for tools while making your drawing.

How are you going to prepare these tools?

1. Take all the tools that you only needed.
2. Check all the tools that you needed before using them.
3. Make sure to return the tools to its cabinet in preparation for your
next drawing.

If we are to adopt or do all of these, you will be able to develop one good characteristic and that
is being discipline before, while and after using tools.


Here are some of the drafting tools and how they are used.

T-square Ellipse Template AMES Lettering Guide

Divider Compass Drafting Tape


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Today we have learned that a TOOL is an item used for a specific purpose. It helps a
person in completing the task required. In Technical Drafting there are tools which we call
DRAFTING TOOLS, and they are materials use to create or draw specific objects or

architectural plans with accurate measurements. Drafting tools are used by student taking up

the subject technical drafting or engineering students to produce drawings with accurate

measurement. Drafting tools are also used by draftsman or licensed engineers in creating

their architectural plan (floor plan of house or building).

Drafting Tools are very important in order for you to complete all your drawings.
Without these tools you cannot create and give accurate measurements to your drawing. This
module presented all drafting tools that you needed and its functions.

Activity 1: Name the tool that may be used in making the following:

Arc - Triangle -

Circle- Window Edge -

Box - Cylinder -

Line - Ring -

Arrow - Wall –

Activity 2. Name Me!

Instructions: Name the tools presented below and write the function of each. Write your answer
in the space provided beside each tool.

1. ____________________________________

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2. ____________________________________

3. _________________________________

4. __________________________________

5. __________________________________

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Dante B. Bermas, et. al, 2006. Mechanical Drafting K to 12 - Technology and Livelihood
Education 8 , pp. 9-15


Activity 1
1. Compass, Protractor 6. Triangle, T-square
2. Compass 7. T-square
3. T-square, Triangle 8. Ellipse Template, T-square
4. Ruler, T-square 9. Compass
5. T-square, Ruler 10. T-square

Activity 2 Activity 3 1
1.Drafting Tools 1. T-square
2. Drafting Pencil 2. Drafting Paper
3. Eraser 3. Pencil
4. T-square 4. Eraser
5. Ruler 5. Divider
6. Drafting Table 6. Triangle
7. Protractor 7. Ruler
8. Drawing Paper 8. Masking Tape
9. Compass 9. Protractor
10. Masking Tape 10.Compass

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