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I Mohd Nafees Son of Fazlur Rehman Aged about 57years, resident of 8156,

fifth floor, Chimni Mill, Bara Hindu Rao, Delhi 110006, do hereby make this
my will and testament, this ……….. the day of ……… 2023 at …………; and I
hereby revoke all wills and codicils and other testamentary dispositions by me at
any time here to before made, and declare this to be my last will. It will take effect
after my death. It is my wish and desire that after my death my wife Ms. Arjuman
shall be entitled to all my estate and effects thereof.

I, hereby, leave give and bequeath absolutely and forever to my said heirs
executors and assigns for her use and benefits absolutely and forever all that my
property, movable and immovable, standing and subsisting in my name on the day
of my death. Accordingly, I declare her as my sole beneficiary and legatee of my
this Will. And I hereby appoint and constitute her my sole executrix of this will
who will be entitled to obtain a probate without being required to furnish any

In witness whereof I have hereunto set and subscribed my hand and

signature this ………….. day of ……….. 2023 in the presence of the two
witnesses who have also on my request subscribed their respective signatures as
attesting witness in the presence of each other and in my presence.



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