Conworld Midterms 1

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1. It is the main means of mass communication and is the outlets and tools used to restore and
deliver information or data. MEDIA
2. It is the transmission of ideas, meaning, and characteristics of a group through media. GLOBAL
3. It is the process of implementing and developing technical standards based on a consensus of
different parties that include firms, users, interest groups, standard organizations and
governments, etc. STANDARDIZATION
4. It is a process by which one country dominates other countries’ media consumption and
consequently dominates their values and ideologies. CULTURAL IMPERIALISM
5. It is the blending of elements from different cultures. CULTURAL HYBRIDIZATION
6. It is the study of population globally based on factors such as: age, race, sex, and a study how
birth rates and death rates change. GLOBAL DEMOGRAPHY
7. It is the number of people who are young or too old to enter the workforce. Often dependent on
the working forces. DEPENDENCY RATIO
8. It is the average period that a person may expect to live. LIFE EXPECTANCY
9. It is the result of improved nutrition, public health infrastructure and medical care.
10. It is a sector of production that extracts/harvests raw materials from our environment. Activities
under this sector are agriculture, fishing, farming, mining, and hunting. PRIMARY SECTOR
11. It is a sector of production that focuses on manufacturing finished goods. Activities under this
sector are metal working, smelting, engineering, breweries and bottlers, and constructions.
12. It is a sector of production that focuses on the service industry. Activities under this sector are
entertainment (cinemas, theaters, television, music, etc.), transportation and distribution,
insurance, health care, restaurants, and bank. TERTIARY SECTORS
13. It is the sole social institution that handles all production, consumption, and the trade of goods
in our society. ECONOMY
14. It is a system in which all natural resources and means of production are privately owned. It
emphasizes profit maximization and competition as the main drivers of efficiency. CAPITALISM
15. It is a system in which the means of production are under collective ownership. SOCIALISM
16. It was created to monitor the exchange rate of every country and would make sure everything is
just and proper, preventing over the top rates for monetary exchanges. INTERNATIONAL
17. It a trade between United Sates, Canada, and Mexico. It helps in developing and expanding
world trade by broadening international cooperation. NORTH AMERICAN FREE TRADE
18. It is a social-cultural system of designated behaviors and practices, morals, world views, texts,
sanctified places, prophecies, ethics, or organizations that relates humanity to supernatural,
transcendental, or spiritual elements. RELIGION
19. It is the traditional religion of Japan which incorporate a vast array of local beliefs and customs
across the nation. SHINTO
20. It is not a religion in a strict sense, it is a philosophy that draws on the folk religion of China.
21. It is a young religion founded in the early 1500’s in Punjab (Northern India) by Gure Ganak.
22. It is the movement of a person or a group of people, to settle in another place, often across a
political or administrative boundary. GLOBAL MIGRATION
23. These are factors in the destination country that attract the individual or group to leave their
24. These are factors that force people to leave their homes. PUSH FACTORS
25. This refers to those in need, that is, the world’s poor sectors. NEEDS
26. This refers to those “imposed by the state of technology and social organizations on the
environment’s ability to meet the present and future needs”. LIMITATIONS
27. It is one of the dimensions of sustainable development that refers to the rates of renewable
resource harvest, pollution, creation and non-renewable resource depletion that can be
28. It is one of the dimensions of sustainable development that refers to the process that promotes
wellbeing within an organization’s own members while also supporting the ability of future
generations to maintain a healthy community. SOCIAL SUSTAINABILITY
29. It is one of the dimensions of sustainable development that refers to the practices that support
long-term economic growth without negatively impacting social, environmental and cultural
aspects of the community. ECONOMICAL SUSTAINABILITY


30. Fake news can lead to identity theft and loss of privacy. TRUE
31. An example of cultural hybridize is creolization. TRUE
32. Rapid and significant demographic change places new demands on national and international
policy making. TRUE
33. Demographic transition is a model that describes population change over time. TRUE
34. In the Demographic Transition Model, the late expanding stage or stage 3 includes pre-industrial
society, death rates and birth rates are high and roughly in balance, and population growth is
typically very slow and constrained by the available food supply. FALSE
35. In the Demographic Transition Model, the early expanding stage or stage 2 states that the death
rates drop rapidly due to improvements in food supply and sanitation, which increase life spans
and reduce disease. TRUE
36. Global Demography encompasses the study of the size, structure, and distribution of these
populations and temporal changes in them in response to birth, aging, death, or incidence of
disease. TRUE
37. Collective action is important to address global issues. TRUE
38. Economy can also be called as market. TRUE
39. The first big economic change that shaped history is Industrial Revolution. FALSE
40. In agricultural revolution, farmers learned how to domesticate plants and animals. They learned
that is more productive than hunter-gatherer societies. TRUE
41. Bretton Wood System was established after World War 1, the Great Depression in 1930s, and
World War 2. TRUE
42. Bretton Wood System was established to make sure that money would be of value and be used
to kick start the economy of most fallen countries and create a harmonious relation with the
other nation after the disasters that besotted them. TRUE
43. Globalization helps to increase greater religious tolerance. TRUE
44. Some terror groups may use their political agenda by using religion as tool to fulfill their political
gains. TRUE
45. Migration can only be permanent and voluntary. TRUE
46. In migration, both the country losing people and the host country may experience advantage
and disadvantage. TRUE
47. Activities under secondary sector of production are metal working, smelting, engineering,
breweries and bottlers, and constructions. TRUE
48. We should keep in mind that every religion has its own belief and perspective. TRUE
49. Improvements of basic necessities such as food, water, and medical care may increase death
rates. FALSE
50. How people migrate depends greatly on each nation’s current immigration laws and the safety
of the route itself. TRUE

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