Germination Response of Black and Yellow Seed Coated Canola PDF

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Plant Growth Regul (2010) 60:105–114

DOI 10.1007/s10725-009-9425-5


Germination response of black and yellow seed coated canola

(Brassica napus) lines to chemical treatments under cold
temperature conditions
Wentao Zhang • Lawrence V. Gusta

Received: 28 June 2009 / Accepted: 30 November 2009 / Published online: 10 December 2009
Ó Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2009

Abstract Seed quality is a key critical component to germination than GA4?7, however, unlike GA4?7, it was
produce well established and vigorous seedlings under cool unable to overcome the inhibitory effect of paclobutrazol, a
soil (\10°C) conditions experienced in Western Canada. A GA biosynthesis inhibitor. Fluridone, an ABA biosynthesis
simple, relatively quick germination assay is required to inhibitor, was unable to overcome the inhibitory effects of
separate small differences in seed germination which can a saline solution suggesting that the inhibitory effect was
have a significant impact on seedling growth. It has long not due to elevated ABA levels. Ethylene, a stimulator of
been established that phytohormones regulate seed germi- germination did not appear to be involved in the germi-
nation: abscisic acid inhibits germination whereas gibber- nation of these two lines. Controlled deterioration at 35°C,
ellins enhance germination. We investigated the effects of 85% RH could be either partially or completely overcome
ABA, GA, ethylene and inhibitors of these phytohormones by exogenous GA4?7. This study demonstrated the effect
alone and in combination on the germination rate of a black of hormones, salinity and testa on the germination of
and a yellow seed canola (Brassica napus) imbibed at 8°C. canola seeds under less than ideal environmental
The effects of either saline solutions, osmotic solutions, conditions.
fusicoccin or testa on the germination of canola seeds
imbibed at 8°C were also investigated. This temperature is Keywords Abscisic acid  Alkalinity  Brassica napus 
representative of the soil temperatures experienced in the Canola  Gibberellin  Testa
early spring of Western Canada. The two canola seed lines,
especially the yellow seed line, were very sensitive to
increasing concentration of saline solutions at 8°C, but not Introduction
at 23°C; however, iso-osmotic solutions that reduced water
potential were more inhibitory. The seed coat (testa) Seed vigor, a measure of seed quality, has been identified
including the endosperm was a major factor affecting the as a key critical component for the production of well-
germination rate of the yellow seed line at 8°C, however, established canola (Brassica napus) seedlings under
GA4?7 overcame the inhibitory effect of the testa, whereas stressful environment and soil conditions experienced in
ABA exacerbated it. Fusicoccin was more stimulatory to Western Canada. Seed germination is initiated by water
imbibition that results in the enhancement of key enzymes
involved in the catabolism of seed storage reserves. These
W. Zhang events are under the control of the genetic make-up of the
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Saskatoon Research Centre,
seed but environmental conditions are also important
107 Science Place, Saskatoon, SK S7N 0X2, Canada
(Gusta et al. 2004). Low soil temperatures, the lack of
L. V. Gusta (&) available soil moisture and osmotic stress reduce canola
Department of Plant Sciences, College of Agriculture and seedling emergence. In Western Canada, it has long been
Bioresources, University of Saskatchewan, Room 4D66,
established that applied fertilizer can dramatically reduce
Agriculture Building, 51 Campus Drive, Saskatoon, SK S7N
5A8, Canada canola seed germination, particularly when the seed bed is
e-mail: relatively dry (Rostad et al. 1995).

106 Plant Growth Regul (2010) 60:105–114

Phytohormones are involved in seed germination par- aging may impair GA biosynthesis (LV Gusta, University
ticularly the gibberellins (GAs) and abscisic acid (ABA) of Saskatchewan, Canada, unpubl. res).
(Bewley and Black 1994; Kucera et al. 2005). Ethylene In this study, we investigated the effect of salinity, os-
promotes germination in a wide range of species (Ketring moticum, ABA, GA, ethylene and inhibitors of these
1997; Gianinetti et al. 2007). The use of ethylene inhibitors phytohormones on the germination of two lines of canola
such as aminoethoxy vinyl glycine (AVG) has shown, in (B. napus) seeds (black line N89-53; yellow line, YN01-
some species, that ethylene affects both germination per- 429) at 8°C. The effect of ABA and GA on testa break
cent (Machabée and Saini 1991; Calvo et al. 2004) and the down was also determined. Finally, the effect of GA on
germination rate (Gorecki et al. 1991). However, not all accelerated aging was determined. Results of these studies
species respond to ethylene or the promotive effects are not provide a basis for the development of seed vigour test that
very significant (Matilla 2000). Both GA and ethylene could identify superior seed lots.
promote endosperm rupture, however, only GA promotes
testa rupture (Groot and Karssen 1987; Leubner-Metzger
et al. 1995). In tobacco seeds, ABA delays endosperm Materials and methods
rupture but does not affect testa rupture both of which can
act as major physical barriers to embryo enlargement and Seed source (canola, B. napus)
radicle emergence (Bewley and Black 1994; Leubner-
Metzger et al. 1995). There is substantial evidence on the A black seed canola (B. napus) genotype (N89-53, also a
antagonism between ABA and GA; however, only recently, parental component in the pedigree of YN01-429) and a
has it been verified that GA can directly counteract the yellow canola (B. napus) seed genotype (YN01-429) were
effect of ABA (Kucera et al. 2005). obtained from Dr. G Rakow, Agriculture and Agri-Food
In recent years, it has been shown that ABA modulates Canada, Saskatoon, SK, Canada. All seeds were from the
gene expression in response to dehydration, low temper- same year, 2003, and the same research station. Germina-
ature and salinity (Zhu 2001; Shinozaki et al. 2003). tion of all seeds at 23°C was 97% or better and seedlots
Microarray-based analysis in response to ABA and were regarded as being of high quality.
osmotic stress has been done in numerous plants such as
Arabidopsis (Seki et al. 2001), rice (Lin et al. 2003), Germination test
maize (Wang et al. 2002) and barley (Ozturk et al. 2002).
Zhu (2001) reported that plants respond differently to Seed germination analysis was carried out at 8°C in a 9-cm
salinity, polyethylene glycol (PEG), dehydration and Petri dish with three layers of Whatman no. 1 filter paper
ABA. Buchanan et al. (2005) measured genome wide moistened with 4.5 ml of either distilled water or test
changes in gene expression in sorghum exposed to solutions which were pre-cooled at 8°C overnight. In pre-
salinity, osmotic stress and ABA. The results demon- liminary studies, seeds were imbibed at 23°C, however,
strated the existence of a complex gene regulatory net- 8°C was selected as it is most representative of soil tem-
work that differently modulates gene expression in a perature in early spring in Western Canada. Germination
tissue and kinetic-specific manner in response to ABA, curves were fitted to the data using a logistic curve, y = a/
salinity and water deficit. Although there was an overlap (1 ? be-cx). T50 was determined as the point on the
in gene expression there were distinct responses to each logistic curve that intersected the line for 50% germination
of the stresses. as described by Kettenring et al. (2006). All of the exper-
ABA is considered to be a key abiotic stress hormone iments were replicated four times in a completely random
(Zeevaart and Creelman 1988). Canola seeds primed with design with 100 seeds per dish. A seed was regarded as
ABA germinated earlier and showed a higher final per- germinated with the radicle protruded the seed coat (testa)
centage germination than un-primed seed, particularly (around 1–2 mm). For seed when the testa was removed,
under salt and osmotic stresses at low temperatures (Zheng first, we counted the seeds with radicles 1–2 mm, and after
et al. 1998). In contrast to priming, pre-soaking wheat the following days we counted again, if the radicles were
seeds in GA3 increased the germination potential at mod- longer the previous day, we define these seeds as having
erate levels of salinity; however, ABA did not (Radi et al. germinated the previous day.
The response of canola seed to accelerated aging has Testa removal
been suggested to be a means of evaluating seed vigor
(Elliot 2002, Patent 20040241635). Results from our lab- The testa and the endosperm were removed with forceps
oratory indicated that GA can partially overcome the after seeds were imbibed in 5 ml of distilled water after
effects of accelerated aging, suggesting that accelerated 5 min of imbibition at 23°C.

Plant Growth Regul (2010) 60:105–114 107

Test solutions Paclobutrazol solution

Saline solutions: K2HPO4–KH2PO4, pH 7.0 Paclobutrazol (11.75 mg) (Sigma–Aldrich) was dissolved
initially into 400 ll of DMSO and was added dropwise
A stock saline solution was made by adding 61.5 ml 1 M during stirring to 199.6 ml of distilled water to make a
K2HPO4 to 38.5 ml 1 M KH2PO4 then diluted with 700, 200 lM stock solution. A 50 lM paclobutrazol solution
1,150 and 2,400 ml of distilled water, respectively to make was made by diluting the stock solution.
120, 80 and 40 mM saline solutions with a pH of 7.0. The
osmotic potentials of the solutions were -0.85, -0.45 and Fluridone solution
-0.251 MPa, respectively. All the solutions were pre-
cooled at 8°C overnight and their osmotic potential then Fluridone (13.17 mg) (Sigma–Aldrich) was dissolved ini-
determined at 8°C in a cold room. tially into 400 ll of DMSO and was added dropwise during
stirring to 199.6 ml of distilled water to make a 200 lM
Osmotic solutions stock solution. A 50 lM fluridone solution was made by
diluting the stock solution.
Polyethylene glycol (PEG) 8000 (Sigma) was dissolved in
water to make 12% (w/v), 15% (w/v), 20% (w/v) solutions Aminoethoxy vinyl glycine (AVG) solutions
that had the same osmotic potential as 40, 80 and 120 mM
saline solutions, respectively. Osmotic potentials were AVG (Sigma–Aldrich) was dissolved in distilled water to
determined with a vapor pressure osmometer (WESCOR, make a 1 mM stock solution. 10, 25 and 50 lM AVG
550) as described in the manufacturer’s instructions. The solutions were made by diluting the stock solution.
osmolarity of the solutions was -0.251, -0.45 and
-0.85 MPa, respectively. All the solutions were pre- Controlled deterioration (CD) test
cooled at 8°C overnight prior to determination of their
osmotic potential at 8°C. Seeds were placed in an 85% RH equilibrated, sealed well
Wheaton dry-seal desiccator (100 mm) and then held at
Gibberellic acid (GA4?7) solutions 35°C, 85% RH for 0, 1, 2 and 3 weeks. Subsequent seed
germination tests were carried out at 8°C in 9-cm Petri
Gibberellic acid (14.8 mg) (GA4?7, Sigma–Aldrich) was dishes with three layers of Whatman no. 1 filter paper
dissolved initially in 400 ll of 95% ethanol and was added moistened with 4.5 ml of either distilled water or a 25 lM
dropwise during stirring to 39.6 ml of distilled water to GA4?7 solution.
make a 1 mM stock solution. A 25 lM GA4?7 solution was
made by diluting this stock solution. Data analysis

Abscisic acid solutions Data analysis was performed with SAS (SAS Institute Inc.,
9.1, 2002–2002) by using the repeated measurement with
Abscisic acid (10.6 mg) (S-ABA, a generous gift from mixed model (P \ 0.05).
Toray Chemical, Japan), was dissolved initially in 400 ll
of 95% ethanol and was added dropwise during stirring to
39.6 ml of distilled water to make a 1 mM stock solution. Results
A 50 lM ABA or a mixture of 25 lM GA4?7 and 50 lM
ABA solutions were made by diluting the ABA and GA4?7 The time to 50% (T50) germination of both the black seed
stock solutions. line and the yellow seed line was inhibited by approxi-
mately 1 day for seeds imbibed in either a 80 mM saline
Fusicoccin (FC) solutions solution or 50 lM ABA at 23°C (Fig. 1). There was no
difference in the germination rate or percent of germinable
Fusicoccin (27.23 mg) (FC, Sigma–Aldrich) was dissolved seeds between the black and yellow seed lines imbibed in
initially in 400 ll of 95% ethanol and was added dropwise either water, the saline solution or ABA at 23°C (water:
during stirring to 39.6 ml of distilled water to make a 1 mM P = 0.5151; the saline solution: P = 0.7412; ABA:
stock solution. A 10 lM FC, or a mixture of 10 lM FC and P = 0.8234).
50 lM ABA or a mixture of 10 lM FC and 50 lM The influence of the K2HPO4–KH2PO4 saline solutions
paclobutrazol solutions were made by diluting either FC, or and osmotic potentials generated by PEG on the germina-
the FC and ABA, or the FC and paclobutrazol stock solutions. tion of both the canola genotypes at 8°C is presented in

108 Plant Growth Regul (2010) 60:105–114

A 100 A 100


Germination (%)
T50: 3.8 days
60 Saline solution
Germination (%)

60 T50: 4.9 days
Saline solution
Water 40 80mM
T50: 0.5 day Saline solution
40 Saline solution PEG 12%
T50: 1.6 days 20 T50: 5.5 days
PEG 18%
T50: 1.6 days
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Time (days)

0 B 100
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Time (days)
B 100

Germination (%)
60 T50: 5.6 days
Saline solution
80 T50: 6.9 days
Saline solution
Saline solution
Germination (%)

20 120mM
60 PEG 12%
PEG 18%
Water PEG 25%
T50: 0.5 day
Saline solution 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
40 T50: 1.6 days Time (days)
T50: 1.6 days Fig. 2 Influence of KH2PO4–K2HPO4 (saline solutions), pH 7.0 and
PEG 8000 (osmoticum) on the germination of canola seeds at 8°C. a
20 B. napus N89-53 (black seed line); b B. napus YN01-429 (yellow
seed line). 40 mM saline solution is iso-osmotic to 12% PEG; 80 mM
saline solution is iso-osmotic to 18% PEG; 120 mM saline solution is
iso-osmotic to 25% PEG. Values are means ± SE of four replicates
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Time (days) During the first 5 days, the black seed line had a higher
germination percentage when imbibed in 40 mM saline
Fig. 1 Influence of 80 mM KH2PO4–K2HPO4 (saline solution),
pH 7.0 and 50 lM ABA on the germination of canola seeds at solution compared with 12% PEG (P = 0.001), however,
23°C. a B. napus N89-53 (black seed line); b B. napus YN01-429 after 7 days, the germination percentage was the same for
(yellow seed line). Values are means ± SE of four replicates both seed lines. PEG solutions were more inhibitory than
saline solutions at the higher comparable osmotic poten-
Fig. 2. In water at 8°C, the black seed line germinated tials. In comparing the two seed lines, the yellow seed line
faster than the yellow seed line (P = 0.008). The saline appears to be more sensitive to both saline and PEG
and PEG solutions inhibited the germination of the yellow solutions. For example, there was no difference in germi-
seed genotype to a greater extent than the black seed line nation percentage after 7 days for the 40 mM saline solu-
(40 mM saline solution: P = 0.0169, T50: 6.9 vs. T50: tion and 12% PEG solution for the black seed line, whereas
4.9 days; 12% PEG: P = 0.009, T50:[7 vs. T50: 5.5 days). 15% of the yellow seed line germinated in the 12% PEG
After 7 days of imbibition in 40 mM saline solution, solution versus 50% in the 40 mM saline solution. There
approximately 55% of the yellow seed line germinated, was a small difference in germination percentage for the
compared to 75% for the black seed line. Increasing the two seed lines imbibed in 120 mM saline solution: 10% of
concentration of the saline solution to 80 mM reduced the the black seed line germinated versus 0% for the yellow
germination percentage after 7 days to 45 and 25%, seed line. Neither the black nor the yellow seed line ger-
respectively for the black and yellow seed genotypes. minated in 25% PEG.

Plant Growth Regul (2010) 60:105–114 109

The effect of GA, ABA, alone or in a combination on 4 days compared with 50% if the testa was removed
the germination of both lines at 8°C with the testa on and (P = 0.0032). GA enhanced the germination rate of both
removed is depicted in Figs. 3 and 4. For seeds imbibed in lines if the testa was not removed (black seed line:
water, the testa reduced the rate of germination of both P = 0.0356; yellow seed line: P = 0.0004). The effect of
lines, but had no influence on the total number of seeds that GA on seed germination was less pronounced if the testa
germinated after 7 days. The germination rate for the black removed, especially for the black seed line. ABA influ-
seed line was higher compared with the yellow seed line, enced the germination rate more if the testa was present
especially if the testa was not removed. The time for 50% (black seed line: P \ 0.0001; yellow seed line:
germination (T50) in water for the black seed line was 4.2 P \ 0.0001); however, the total number of seeds that
versus 5.5 days for the yellow seed line. If the testa was germinated after 7 days was unaffected. The addition of
removed, the germination rate was enhanced, especially for GA4?7 partially overcame the inhibitory effect of ABA.
the yellow seed line. For example, if the testa was The T50 for the yellow seed line treated with a combination
removed, after 4 days, 80% of the black line seed germi- of ABA and GA4?7 was 1.5 days shorter compared with
nated compared to the 37% for those with testa on after ABA alone if the testa was not removed versus 0.9 days if
4 day imbibition in water (P = 0.006). In the case of the it was removed. The difference for the black seed line was
yellow seed line, only 15% of the seeds germinated after smaller: 1.2 versus 0.6 days.

A 100
A 100
80 Germination (%)
Germination (%)


40 T50: 5.5 days
40 Water
T50: 4.2 days GA
GA T50: 3.2 days
T50: 3.0 days 20 ABA
20 ABA T50: 8 days
T50: 6.9 days GA & ABA
GA & ABA T50: 6.5 days
T50: 5.7 days 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Time (days)
Time (days)

B 100 B 100

Germination (%)
Germination (%)

60 60
T50: 3.2 days Water
T50: 3.8 days
40 40
T50: 3 days T50: 2.8 days
ABA T50: 5.9 days
20 T50: 5.6 days
T50: 5 days
T50: 4.8 days
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Time (days) Time (days)

Fig. 3 Effect of GA, ABA alone and a combination of GA and ABA Fig. 4 Effect of GA, ABA alone and combination of GA and ABA
and testa on the germination of B. napus N89-53 (black seed line) and testa on the germination of B. napus YN01-429 (yellow seed line)
seeds imbibed at 8°C in either 25 lM GA4?7, 50 lM ABA or a seeds imbibed at 8°C in either 25 lM GA4?7, 50 lM ABA or a
mixture of 25 lM GA4?7 and 50 lM ABA. a B. napus N89-53 with mixture of 25 lM GA4?7 and 50 lM ABA. a B. napus YN01-429
testa; b B. napus N89-53 testa removed. Values are means ± SE of with testa; b B. napus YN01-429 testa removed. Values are
four replicates means ± SE of four replicates

110 Plant Growth Regul (2010) 60:105–114

Fusicoccin (FC), was more effective than GA in stim- overcoming the inhibitory effect of PAC, suggesting its
ulating germination of the two canola seed lines (black promotive effects is at a different site from GA. Fluridone
seed line: P = 0.0012; yellow seed line: P \ 0.0001) (FLU), prevents the biosynthesis of ABA by inhibiting the
(Figs. 2 or 3 compared to Fig. 5). FC completely overcame production of a carotenoid which is a precursor for ABA
the inhibitory effect of ABA (black seed line: P = 0.384; synthesis (Bartels and Watson 1978). Fluridone at 50 lM
yellow seed line: P = 0.467), whereas, GA did not (black did not overcome the inhibitory effect of 80 mM saline
seed line: P = 0.003; yellow seed line: P = 0.0018) solution (black seed line: P = 0.6754; yellow seed line:
(Figs. 2 or 3 compared to Fig. 5) even if 100 lM GA4?7 P = 0.5431) (Fig. 7) suggesting that ABA is not involved
was used (LV Gusta, University of Saskatchewan, Canada, in the inhibitory effect of the saline solution.
unpubl. res). PAC at 50 lM completely inhibited the ger- Ethylene has been implicated in the promotion of ger-
mination of both lines (P \ 0.0001) (Fig. 6), however, the mination by overcoming the inhibitory effect of ABA
addition of GA4?7, completely overcome the inhibitory (Kucera et al. 2005). The ethylene inhibitor AVG had no
effect of PAC (black seed line: P = 0.7842; yellow seed
line: P = 0.8668). FC only had a marginal effect on A 100

A 100 80

Germination (%)

Germination (%)

60 PAC
40 GA

20 FC
FC+ABA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
0 Time (days)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Time (days) B 100

B 100

Gemination (%)

Germination (%)

60 Water
40 GA

20 Water
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Time (days)
Time (days)
Fig. 6 Effect of paclobutrazol (PAC) on the germination of canola
Fig. 5 Effect of fusicoccin (FC) on the germination of canola seeds seeds imbibed at 8°C in either 50 lM PAC, 25 lM GA4?7, a
imbibed at 8°C in either 10 lM FC, 50 lM ABA or a combination of combination of 25 lM GA4?7 and 50 lM PAC or a combination of
10 lM FC and 50 lM ABA. a B. napus N89-53 (black seed line); b 50 lM PAC and 10 lM FC. a B. napus N89-53 (black seed line); b B.
B. napus YN01-429 (yellow seed line). Values are means ± SE of napus YN01-429 (yellow seed line). Values are means ± SE of four
four replicates replicates

Plant Growth Regul (2010) 60:105–114 111

A 100 A 100

80 80
Germination (%)

Germination (%)

FLU Water
20 Saline solution
AVG 10µM
80mM 20
Saline solution AVG 25µM
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0
Time (days) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Time (days)
B 100 100

Germination (%)

Germination (%)


20 Water
Saline solution
80mM AVG 10µM
Saline solution AVG 25µM
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Time (days) 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Fig. 7 Effect of fluridone (FLU) on the germination of canola seeds Time (days)
imbibed at 8°C in either 50 lM FLU, 80 mM saline solution or a
combination of 80 mM saline solution and 50 lM FLU. a B. napus Fig. 8 Effect of Aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG) on the germina-
N89-53 (black seed line); b B. napus YN01-429 (yellow seed line). tion of canola seeds imbibed at 8°C in either 10, 25 or 50 lM AVG.
Values are means ± SE of four replicates a B. napus N89-53 (black seed line); b B. napus YN01-429 (yellow
seed line). Values are means ± SE of four replicates

effect at the concentrations tested on both lines of canola Discussion

seed (at 50 lM concentration, black seed line: P = 0.4075;
yellow seed line: P = 0.5466) (Fig. 8). Germination studies on a black seed canola line N89-53
Controlled deterioration at 35°C and a relative humidity and a yellow seed canola line YN01-429 carried out at
of 85% resulted in decreased germination to less than 50% 23°C did not reveal any differences in germination rate or
after 2 weeks (Fig. 9). However, the addition of 25 lM percent of germination, however, significant differences
GA4?7 to seeds subjected to 2 weeks of controlled deteri- were observed at 8°C. Also, 8°C is representative of early
oration completely restored the total number of germinated spring soil temperatures in Western Canada. Our results
seeds, albeit the germination rate was reduced. Although revealed the difference in the vigour of seed lots when seed
the seed germination rate was reduced (P = 0.0023), the germination test was conducted at 8°C in the presence of
seed were still viable but impaired in germination potential. saline solutions, however, it was not detected at 23°C.
The addition of GA4?7 25 lM only partially overcome the The black seed canola line N89-53 and the yellow seed
effect of seeds subjected to 3 weeks of controlled deteri- canola line YN01-429 were evaluated for both percent
oration (P = 0.0085). germination and germination rate at 8°C when imbibed in

112 Plant Growth Regul (2010) 60:105–114

Water be taken up into the seed can either inhibit metabolism or
Week1 reduce the cell water potential. This may explain why, at
the same osmotic potential as the saline solution, PEG was
80 GA+Week1 more inhibitory.
The antagonism between GA and ABA with regard to
germination is well established (Bewley and Black 1994;
Germination (%)

Kucera et al. 2005). GA appears to be promotive in the
later stage of germination by controlling proteins involved
in radicle protrusion and testa rupture (Hilhorst and
Karssen 1992). There is also evidence that GA is involved
in cell cycle activity in early germination (Gallardo et al.
2002). GA has also been suggested to counteract the effect
of ABA by promoting ABA degradation (Kucera et al.
2005). Ethylene counteracts ABA effects and promotes
endosperm rupture, but it does not affect testa rupture,
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 whereas ABA inhibits both endosperm and testa rupture
Time (days) (Kucera et al. 2005). As shown in both Figs. 2 and 3, GA
Fig. 9 Controlled deterioration (CD) at 35°C, 85% (RH for 0, 1, 2
had a significant effect on the germination rate of both seed
and 3 weeks) of canola seed N89-53 (black seed line). Subsequent lines imbibed at 8°C. There was approximately a 1 day
germination at 8°C in the presence of either water or 25 lM GA4?7. difference in the T50 for the black seed line compared with
Values are means ± SE of four replicates the control, whereas there was approximately a 2 day dif-
ference for the yellow seed line. If the testa was removed,
either water, GA4?7, ABA, a saline solution, an osmotic the difference in T50 at 8°C was either small or not sig-
solution, or inhibitors of GA, ABA or ethylene. There has nificantly different. The testa including the endosperm has
been considerable interest in yellow seed canola due to its been shown to be a major barrier to radicle protrusion for
higher oil, proteins and fibre content compared to the black many seeds (Kermode 2005), therefore it is not surprising
seed line (G Rakow, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, in canola that the testa is a major barrier for the protrusion
Saskatoon, Canada, personal Communication; Burbulis and of the radicle. What is surprising is the large difference
Kott 2005). We established in this study that this black between the two lines at 8°C. At 23°C, there were little or
seed canola line exhibited higher seed vigor at 8°C than the no differences in the germination rate between the black
yellow seed line although both lines were obtained at the and the yellow seed lines (Fig. 1). Also, if the testa was
same location and the same year. Studies have demon- removed, there were little or no differences in the germi-
strated that the environment during seed maturation has a nation rates (LV Gusta, University of Saskatchewan,
profound effect on seed vigor (Gusta et al. 2004; Kucera Canada, unpubl. res). Therefore, these results suggested
et al. 2005). A saline solution of KH2PO4 –K2HPO4 and an that the effect of the testa on the germination rate can be
osmotic solution of PEG inhibited both the germination better determined at cool conditions. Under field conditions
rate and the total number of germinable seeds, however, where temperature and moisture are often limiting, the
solutions of PEG at the same osmotic potential as the saline difference in time to the rupture of the testa can have a
solution were more inhibitory. Zheng et al. (1998) reported substantial effect on seedling establishment.
that low soil temperatures in combination with low water As expected, ABA decreased the germination rate, but
potentials generated by either PEG or saline solutions not percentage germination seeds. The yellow seed line
reduced and delayed the seed germination of canola. In was more sensitive to ABA than the black seed line (T50 8
addition, Zheng et al. (1998) found that at -0.3 MPa, NaCl vs. T50 6 days, respectively). The difference in T50 was
solution inhibited germination more than PEG. Katembe partially attributed to the presence of the testa. If the testa
et al. (1998) working with halophyte seeds of Atriplex was removed, the T50 was reduced by approximately
species (Chenopodiaceae) also found that NaCl solutions 1.5 days for both lines. If GA was added in combination
were more inhibitory than iso-osmotic PEG solutions. with ABA, the inhibitory effect of ABA was partially
However, in cowpea and wheat, the results were opposite overcome even when if the testa was present for both lines.
(Murillo-Amador et al. 2002; Almansouri et al. 2001). In These results suggest that ABA is involved in testa rupture
our studies, the germination of B. napus seed was more as demonstrated by Kucera et al. (2005).
sensitive to PEG solutions than saline solutions, indicating Fusicoccin (FC), a diterpene glucoside, is more active
that water uptake is critical. PEG8000 is a non-penetrating than GA in stimulating the germination of both lettuce
solution that restricts water uptake, while ions which can and wheat seeds (Lado et al. 1974). Previous studies

Plant Growth Regul (2010) 60:105–114 113

revealed that FC is more effective than GA in overcoming Glick 2001), however, it may not be essential for germi-
the inhibitory effect of ABA (Lado et al. 1974). FC can nation or AVG was ineffective in this study.
mimic IAA and benzyladenine effects by enhancing and Resistance to accelerated ageing or controlled deterio-
stimulating cell enlargement (Cleland 1994). Although ration has been suggested by Elias and Copeland (2001) to
ABA exerts many effects, one line of thought is that it be a method to assess canola seed quality. The mechanism
inhibits germination by preventing the embryo from by which high temperatures and high humidity reduce seed
entering and completing the growth phase, but how it pre- germination is not known. In this study, GA4?7 completely
vents radicle elongation is not clear (van den Wijngaard restored germination to 100% for seeds subjected to
et al. 2005). These authors suggested that FC stimulates 2 weeks of controlled deterioration at 35°C with a RH of
radicle growth by up-regulating an osmo-pump protein 85%. The germination rate however, was reduced com-
which affects the activity of K? permeable ion channels pared to the control (T50 5.5 vs. 3.5 days, respectively).
in the plasma membrane. In our study, FC completely The stimulation of germination by GA4?7 was greatly
overcame the inhibitory effect of ABA; however, GA reduced in seeds subjected to 3 weeks of controlled dete-
only partially overcame ABA inhibition (Figs. 2, 3), rioration. Therefore it appears that at the early stages of
suggesting FC and ABA may be acting at a similar controlled deterioration, GA is either limiting or its
receptor site, but different from the GA site. GA appears reception sites are impaired.
to play a significant role in the later stages of germination
by promoting testa rupture (Hilhorst and Karssen 1992).
Paclobutrazol (PAC), a specific GA biosynthesis inhibitor,
retards radicle protrusion suggesting that testa rupture is
affected (Karssen et al. 1989). The GA inhibitor PAC,
Significant differences in the germination rate of canola
completely inhibited the germination of both lines, how-
seeds may be attributed to the testa. This difference may
ever GA completely overcame this inhibitory effect, FC
not be detected at warm temperatures, however, at cooler
had only a marginal effect on PAC inhibition (Fig. 6).
temperatures, the rate of breakdown of the testa has a
The finding that GA4?7 completely overcame PAC inhi-
major effect on the germination rate. Both salinity and
bition suggests that GA4?7 is a major bioactive gibber-
reduced water potentials dramatically reduced the germi-
ellin for canola seed germination.
nation rate and percent of germinable seeds. Genotype
The ABA inhibitor, FLU had no effect on the germi-
and seed lots difference can readily be selected following
nation of seeds imbibed in the saline solution. Numerous
the procedure described in this study and provide the
studies have demonstrated that increased concentrations of
basis for a seed vigour test. It had been demonstrated
salinity induce a proportional increase in ABA in plants
previously that ABA and GA affect germination. We
(Cramer and Quarrie 2002; Sharp and LeNoble 2002)
provided evidence that there is a strong interaction
including Brassica species (He and Cramer 1996). FLU has
between ABA and GA4?7 on seed germination, especially
been demonstrated to decrease ABA levels in lettuce seeds
at cool temperatures. There were little or no differences
subjected to supra-optimal temperatures (Yoshioka et al.
due to phytohormones or environmental constraints such
1998). These authors also suggested that maintenance of
as salinity at 23°C in contrast to profound differences
high ABA levels induced by high temperatures inhibits
observed at 8°C. This suggests that seed vigor tests
lettuce seed germination. In tobacco seeds, low tempera-
should be conducted at cool temperatures rather than
tures and salinity have been demonstrated to elevate ABA
warm temperatures.
and this could in part be the cause of reduced seed ger-
mination (Fellner and Sawhney 2001). These results pro- Acknowledgments This work was supported by a Natural Sciences
vide evidence that this phenomenon also occurs in the seed and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) strategic
germination process. However, our results do not provide grant to LVG.
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inhibitory effect of the saline solution is not due to elevated
levels of ABA or that FLU is not an effective inhibitor on References
ABA biosynthesis in canola.
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