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AKE 3030 Major American Playwrights


Response Paper on We Keep Our Victims Ready

Karen Finley's performance may seen as a pornographic or irritating food-included action

for some audience. However, the point that Karen Finley is trying to give us is the downtrodden

statue of women and how American men are arrogant about sexual assaults towards women.

Moreover, she even mentioned about the women's abortion rights.

My favorite part was "It’s my body it’s not Pepsi’s body it’s not Nancy Reagan’s body it

is not Congress’s body it’s not Supreme Court’s body it’s not Cosmopolitan’s pink twat body it’s

not George Bush’s ugly-conscience never be responsible let the world rot body...IT'S NOT

YOUR BODY" because of the decision taken by the USA last year. This performance was

clearly seeing the future about one of the most fundamental rights of women body. She was also

criticise the unpleasant aspect of American society on gay community and AIDS people.

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