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The study of human-computer interaction (HCI) focuses on how people interact with
technology. In order to enhance the user interaction with computer systems ,user-friendly
interaction designs are required. The traditional human computer interaction used to happen
with the help of numerous physical devices such as desktop , mouse , keyboard , joy etc. Due
to advancement in technology and human way of living there is an need for improved and
easy way of interaction . This paper will discuss the advancement in human computer
interactions where it focuses on the recent and current technologies. The main motive of this
paper is to do overall observation on the human computer interaction methods and analyse
those methods and contribute to the future research on the human computer interaction
Keywords: User-centred ,Tactile interface ,F-Tablet

HCI needs investigation of how people use computers, including the design of user-friendly
user interfaces, the examination of user behaviour, and the evaluation of user satisfaction .It is
an interdisciplinary field that incorporates theories and techniques from a variety of fields,
including computer science, psychology, design, engineering, and others. It aims to develop
computer systems that are user-friendly, effective, and efficient while also enhancing the user
experience. HCI researchers and practitioners use a variety of techniques to accomplish this
goal, including user-centred design, usability testing, and iterative design. Also, they take into
account the cognitive, social, and cultural aspects of human-computer interaction while
designing computer systems that are suited to the requirements and tastes of various users.
This could therefore result in a more positive user experience and more user satisfaction. HCI
research can contribute to the increased accessibility of new technologies for a larger range of
users by enhancing the usability and accessibility of computer systems. This is crucial for
users who might be less tech-savvy or who could face difficulties using conventional
computer systems due to impairments or other issues.
Therefore ,this paper gives an good insight about the human computer interactions , by
summarising all the human computer interaction methods and briefing out them with their
limitations and advantages.
A Comprehensive Overview of Available Methods
In the modern world, there are countless ways for individuals to interact with computers and
accomplish their tasks efficiently. However, each method comes with its own set of
advantages and limitations , and it is important to consider all these factors when choosing
the most appropriate option. One important consideration is whether the method requires
additional hardware components, which may require an extra investment of time and money
to implement. Additionally certain methods may require separate batteries to power these
hardware components, which must be regularly charged in order to maintain their

Table 1: List of all the available interaction methods along with their advantages and
Page Interaction Method Advantages Limitations
1 Keyboard and Mouse Easy to use and learn Slow and not accurate, it needs
hand and eye coordination

2 Touch Screen Best for mobile devices, Not accurate and can’t be used
supports multi touches for longer duration

3 Voice Recognition It won’t require use any body It is not suitable to use where
parts there is background noises, It
needs correct sounds of words
to interact

4 virtual Reality It is easy to use, can be It might require hardware and it

comfortable to use and Operate will not be comfortable for an
extended use

5 Brain Computer Accessibility is easy and it won't It might require hardware to

Interface require any hands to work work and the accuracy is not up
to mark

6 Joystick/Controller It is worth using for gaming The input given through these
purposes devices are nearly limited, it
will require hardware and also it
needs the user to have motor
7 Trackpad It is helpful in case of The space needed for the
implementing them on the trackpad might take table space.
laptop It also needs hand eye
8. Trackball It is good for limited desk space, The input using these devices
it only takes small amount of are limited, also the user should
input to control the operation be handy to use it

9 Pen Input It is good for making digital art The input using these devices
and for writing are limited, also the user should
have some motor skills

10 Infrared It is good for remote controls It require that particular line of

only sight and the distance is limited

11 Tactile Interface Good to be used by the blind The actions will be limited and
people needs hardware building

12 Eye Tracking It is good for accessibility and it Accuracy is limited, any move
supports hands free work away from the screen can lead
to some other operation on the

13 Motion Sensor It is better to use them for gym The range of them will be
applications limited & requires hardware

14 Chat bots It is best in case of information It is not capable of handling

retrieval from the user complex requests and needs
NLP(Natural Language

15 Wearable Technology Good for health and fitness It needs battery power which
monitoring and provides hands will be limited and it is not
free communication comfortable for extended use

16 Autonomous Systems These are good for automatic It require hardware & software
surveillances both and may raise safety

17 Recommendation It Works better in personalized It can handle only limited cases

Systems content and also in case of e-

18 Personalization It will be good for individuals It requires an large amount of

personal data and it will have
too many privacy concerns
Graph 1: The graph shows the different body parts or objects in interaction with their count

10 8 15
84 22




Head+Fingers Foot Object+Finger Hand+Objects

Hand+Finger Hand+Head Body Others
Fingers Multiple Hands Objects Hand

By the above following graph which describes the number of times an particular body part
was used during and human computer interaction. We can observe that the most used body
part if the hand that maps upto 20% of the total interaction time. It is because gesture based
interactions have become soo much popular today .As it is an easy way of interaction many
research has been done in that method of human computer interaction.

An Insight into Existing Research Methods of Human Computer Interaction

The traditional way of human computer interaction is being replaced by some more advance
Human Computer Interaction techniques. Advanced technologies are making use of varies
parts of the human body like an method in which web cam tracks an eye gaze to take
input[15] from it and process ,but these also lack with some limitations that needs to be
handled. Also the gesture based control has become more popular in contributing to advance
human computer interaction techniques but it also lacks with some of the disadvantages like ,
light property and camera clarity.In one more case where they use face for the interaction
purpose [18]and it gives good result by making use of huge GPUs .By observing all this we
can justify that it not only has advantages but also has lots of costlier works behind ,most of
them require an external physical device which only makes an cost impact.
Table 2: Summary of Existing Human Computer Interaction Techniques

Author Techniques Advantages Limitation

Ramsha Fatima, Eye gaze tracking Improved reading The threshold that they
Atiya Usmani, using webcam experience, Faster have determined varies
Zainab reading. with individuals

Itsaso Common Spatial Fast and accurate. The accuracy and

Rodriguez- Patterns (CSP) reliability of hand
Moreno et al. algorithm gesture recognition
[33] technology can vary
depending on the
quality of the hardware
and software.
Nhan T. Novel Modeling of Achieves high accuracy Expensive and requires
Cao[17] Combined Gray and can handle different lot of resource data.
Local Binary Pattern facial expressions.
Indriani MediaPipe and Important role in building Not cost-effective.
Moh.Harris et Kinect efficient human-machine
al. [34] interaction.
Attaqa Bashir et Gesture recognition can be used anywhere Needs to acquire data
al. [35] module using a without any working from more subjects for
smart sensor environment conditions or improving the training
Metawear and kNN limitations. of algorithm as well as
algorithm exploring other features
and classification.

Swapna MP-FEG system and Technique to interact with Severely degraded

Agarwal et al. Matlab’s graphical the computer in a non- performance in gesture
[36] user interface (GUI) tangible way and recognition tasks due to
controlling a media player the bad lightning
system in the real time conditions.
S.S.Deepika Circular Hough Low cost, easily It relays on images
and Transform technique accessible. captured every 2
G.Murugesan[1 seconds , making it
6] slow.
Wen-Shyong et Kinect sensor to measuring users hand Hand gesture
al. [37] capture the depth movement speed for recognition technology
and plane images. different users ages to can be more expensive
calculate the average than traditional input
moving speeds and to devices, which can
estimate hand movement make it less accessible
speeds according to the to some users.
RUHUL AMIN Deep Boltzmann Able to understand Requires high end
KHALIL[18] Machine algorithm complex patterns and GPUs and memory.
relationships in data.

Fei Shen,Le Using F-Tablet Natural Interface and good High cost and Learning
Kang[19] versatility. needed before use.

Altogether it can be concluded that there are various techniques available for Human
Computer Interaction , each with its own advantages and limitations. Some techniques are
cost-effective and easily accessible, while others require expensive hardware and software.
Some techniques are fast and accurate, while others may have limitations in their accuracy
and reliability. As we get forward in technology we also have to change the way of
interaction to make it match to our life style and development speed. Overall, advancements
in technology and research continue to provide new and improved techniques for Human
Computer Interaction , with the potential to revolutionize human-machine interaction.

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