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1. Оur family is quite big is consists of 9 people.

It's good that we have a

big house and there is enough space for everyone. So our family
consists of my father, mother and grandfather from the paternal side.
Besides, my older brother's family lives with us. My brother is
married and they have two children, twins, and I have a nephew and a
niece. In general, I have a lot of other relatives, only uncles and their
children. I once calculated that I have 15 cousins of brothers. Because
my grandfather on my father's side was married twice, and my
grandmother on the famous side also married more often.
2. My younger sister is married and lives with her husband's parents.
Her father-in-law and mother-in-law are elderly and need care. In
addition, she often communicates with her cousin, they are the same
age and have a lot in common. Almost all of the remaining relatives
live in other cities and rarely visit them.
3. My friend Branda comes from a very friendly and close-knit family.
They really care about each other and spend time together. I'm glad to
see that real family ties exist. I'm less fortunate, I come from a small
family in which there are only my parents and me. I would like to
have my own brothers or sisters, but I only have cousins and third
4. Bill was an orphan, he had only two close relatives, an aunt and an
uncle. They were a childless couple and became his named parents. In
addition, he often communicated with his cousin, she was a good
musician and took him to concerts.
5. The average British family consists of a husband, wife and two
children. Grandparents usually live separately. Children are brought
up at home or sent to kindergarten if both parents work. However,
nowadays the composition of the family is changing, more and more
families have only one child, many children are brought up in
families with one parent.
6. My father is quite old, he is 71. My mother is 15 years younger. This
is their second marriage. I have two brothers who are much older than
me. Although one of them is a half-brother, we have developed a
good relationship with him, we often communicate, call each other
and visit each other. The second brother is related, but we hardly
maintain a relationship with him because he lives and works abroad.
7. David is very proud of his pedigree. He comes from an ancient
wealthy family. All his ancestors were famous people. For example,
his great-grandfather was a duke and one great-grandmother was a
countess. When they come to visit him, he always shows them his
genealogical tree, which he compiled himself based on various
archives and chronicles.
8. I want to show you our family album, it stores the entire history of
our large family. Here are pictures of my great-grandfather and my
great-grandmother on my mother's side. They are so young here! I
remember my great-grandfather and grandmother on my father's side
rather vaguely, because they died when I was very young. I like to
look at these old photos to feel another time and life of other
generations. And here are photos of my own brothers Nick and Alex.
They are twins and it is difficult to tell them apart even now that they
are 35. And here are my uncle and aunt, my father's sister and her
husband. And these are their grandchildren, Nick's children. When we
get together for holidays or birthdays, we have a lot of fun.

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