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Sıdıka Cansu İnce


AKE 3008

1. Discuss the changes in the concept of wilderness and its related ideas from the Paleolithic

period to the Neolithic period. How did those changes transform the ways the value we

attricute to nature?

Turn To Dominator

After all those thousand years of living in the darkness, Paleolithic period finally

began with the discovery of fire. Besides fire, the skill of sculpting he animal bones and

turning them into various equipments started and developed.

During those times, people were living in small groups and they were hunter-

gatherers. They had not discovered the planting and agriculture yet so they saw nature as the

only bread boat of them. Genuinely, nature and human were not two different things as it was

in Neolithic times or now. In the Paleolithic era, humans were a part of nature. Let’s talk

about nature’s effect on human life instead of the human effect on nature. Because as the time

pass we will have negotiations about how bad human affects the nature a lot. Nature was the

most important subject of time human life in Paleolithic period. Because of the fact that our

only life purpose was trying to find food, trying to stay alive and ensure the continuation of

the generation. Nature was both providing those us and becoming the reason of us being

killed in the same time. That’s why we were afraid of nature. Nature is the unknown, nature

is the darkness that we pull off ourselves from. However now, we have the fire but still nature

is scary, as beautiful as it is scary. Therefore, Paleolithic people had this respect on nature

and saw it an essential part of their lives.

Time passed... And I am not talking about years or thousand years here. Almost 2

million years had passed and now we are in Neolithic age. Humanity developed itself and

now it is now more independent. Humans now do not need to throw themselves into the

unknown, wild bushes of life. Now they have discovered the agriculture. They domesticated

animals. Together with that, million years of dominated by nature now came to an end. By

domesticating animals and using them for humanity’s own purposes, society had a big step

on getting rid off being crushed under the wild and difficult circumstances of nature. In

consequence, human began to view nature as something to be controlled for their own

benefit, rather than seeing nature as something to have respect. This was the first place where

it began to get out of hand. As the agriculture improve so fast, people started to change the

nature more and more by ear. With starting a settled life, first villages was made and now

human do not need to find caves anymore to protect themselves from the danger coming from


In Paleolithic period, nature was the center of life and now in Neolithic period it

began to change and now it is a human-centered life and we destroy nature for our own

benefits no matter what. We were living in a harmony with nature and then we had a fight

with nature for thousand years. Now it looks like we are winning the fight. However, if we

win, we will lose.

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