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~~1.REGENCY CAMERAS. Buy two films and get one free. What does it say?

@@ Buy three for the price of two

@@ get a free film with every one you buy
@@ films bought here are printed free
@@ bay three for price of three
@@ no ticket left

~~2. “Lisa! Yvonne can’t go to the concert tonight. Let me know as soon as possible if you’d
like her ticket. If not, I’ll offer it to Marie” writes Sally.
Who should Lisa contact if she wants to go to the concert?
@@ Yvonne
@@ Marie
@@ Sally
@@ Lisa
@@ John

~~3. Mum, Could you pick up my skirt from the dry cleaner’s when you collect you jacket? I’ll
pay you back this evening. Thanks. Your daughter Sonja.
What will Sonja’s mother do?
@@ Receive money for the dry cleaning from Sonja tonight
@@ Fetch Sonja’s jacket from the dry cleaner’s for her
@@ Deliver her own clothes to the dry cleaner’s
@@ Deliver her skirt to the dry cleaner’s
@@ Deliver all clothes to the dry cleaner’s

~~4. Allow at least two hours visit to the castle. What does it say?
@@ Each tour of the castle lasts less than two hours.
@@ Two hours is the minimum time recommended for a visit to the castle
@@ Visitor are only allowed to spend two hours inside the castle
@@ Visitor are not only allowed to spend two hours inside the castle
@@ Less than two hours is recommended for a visit to the castle

~~5. “No bicycle against glass please” What does it say?

@@ Broken glass may damage your bicycle tires
@@ Your bicycle may not be safe here
@@ Your bicycle may not be lost here
@@ You may leave bicycle here
@@ Do not leave your bicycle touching the window.

~~6. “Watch Repairs.

Warning to Customers.
All unconnected items will be sold after twelve month”. What does it say?
@@ This shop will sell customers’ watches within the twelve months.
@@ This shop will keep customer’s watches for up to twelve months.
@@ This shop will look after customers’ watches for more than twelve months
@@ This shop will take care customers’ watches within the twelve months.
@@ This shop will buy customers’ watches within the twelve months.

~~7. What does it say in the letter?

Couldn’t wait any longer, didn’t want to miss the start of the watch! Problem at work? Here’s
your ticket – see you at the stadium.
Philippe and Stefano missed each other at the stadium.
@@ Stefano had to leave without Philippe to get to work.
@@ Stefano has given up waiting for Philippe to arrive
@@ Stefano has the problem at work.
@@ Philippe was in a hurry.

~~8. What does it say?

Parents: Complete and return your child’s from for next month’s school trip by Friday.
@@ Parents must return forms this week if their child is going on Friday’s trip.
@@ Parents cannot go on the next month’s trip unless they return their forms by Friday.
@@ The last day for returning completed forms for the trip is Friday
@@ Parents can go on the next month’s trip if they return their forms by Friday.
@@ Parents need not return forms this week if their child is going on Friday’s trip.

~~9. What does it say?

Lift service starts at ground floor today. For basement please use the stairs.
@@ It is not possible to use the lift above the ground floor today.
@@ The lift will not be going to the basement today.
@@ The stairs between the basement and the ground floor are closed today.
@@ Do not use lift today.
@@ Use only stairs today.

~~10. What does it say in the message? Gabi wants Jo to.

From: Gabi
To: Jo
I’ll be in town on business on Wednesday, so could we meet for dinner then, instead of on
Thursday as usual?
@@ Change an arrangement
@@ Cancel a regular event
@@ Come to a business meeting
@@ Call off the meeting
@@ Avoid the meeting

~~11. Choose the right word for the given definition “to take away”.

~~12. Choose the right word for the given definition “a movement”.

~~13. Choose the right word for the given definition “to look for”

~~14. Choose the right word for the given definition “to pick up”

~~15. Choose the right definition for the given word “whisper”
@@to join
@@to say quietly
@@to be brave
@@to throw
@@fixed in place

~~16. Choose the best translation of the word “engine”

@@қашықтық (дистанция)
@@мағлұмат (сведение)

~~17. Choose the best translation of the sentence “Коронавирус қаупіне байланысты Димаш
Құдайбергеннің еуропалық туры кейінге қалдырылды, жаңа күндер жарияланады”
(Европейское турне Димаша Кудайбергена отменяется, будут объявлены новые даты)
@@Dimash Kudaibergen’s European Tour Gets Cancelled, New Dates to be Announced
@@The new dates will be announced after negotiations with the hosting parties.
@@Coronavirus has affected the schedule of Dimash Kudaibergen’s «Arnau» world tour.
@@Kazakh singer posted on his social media that the upcoming concerts in Prague, Hamburg,
Dusseldorf, Stuttgart, and Minsk have been canceled and will be rescheduled
@@Dimash asked his fans to take care of themselves and stay healthy.

~~18. Choose the best translation of the word “diverse”

@@тұрақты (постоянный)
@@ғылыми (научный)
@@дәстүрлі (традиционный)
@@алуантүрлі (разнообразный)
@@біртүрлі (странный, неординарный)

~~19. Choose the best translation of the word “arc”

@@дұға (молитва)
@@кемпірқосақ (радуга)
@@іс (дело)
@@сөз (слово)

~~20. Choose the best translation of the word “accurate”

@@ұқыпты (акуратный)
@@алуантүрлі (разнообразный)
@@нақты (точный)
@@ұқыпсыз (неаккуратный)
@@тәртіпті (воспитанный)

~~21. Choose the best translation of the sentence “Алайда, қазіргі уақытта қауіпсіздік бірінші
орында тұру керектігін алға тартады.” (Однако, в настоящее время безопасность
настаивает на том, чтобы оставаться на первом месте)
@@However, the new dates will be announced after negotiations with the hosting parties
@@However, at present, security insists on staying in the first place
@@However, currently politics insists on staying in the first place
@@However, currently the people insist on staying in the first place
~~22. Choose the best translation of the sentence “Бір күні кешке күйеуі үйге шaт көңіл-
күймен қолынa үлкен конвертпен орaлды.” (Однажды вечером ее муж пришел домой с
видом полнейшей победы, держа в руке большой конверт.)
@@One evening her husband came home with an air of triumph, holding a large cat in his hand.
@@One evening her husband came home with bad mood, holding a large envelope in his hand.
@@One morning day her husband came home with an air of triumph, holding a large envelope
in his hand.
@@One evening her father-in-low came home with an air of triumph, holding a large envelope
in his hand.
@@One evening her husband came home with an air of triumph, holding a large envelope in his

~~23. Give synonym to the word “to obtain”

@@to aggregate; to cultivate
@@to eat; to consume
@@to intensify; to irrigate
@@to leave; to give up
@@to gain possession; to get

~~24. Give synonym to the word “adversely”


~~25. Choose the best translation of the sentence “Алматы. 10 сәуір. ҚазТАГ – Алматы
облысында коронавирустан бір адам жазылды, деп хабарлады мем.комиссияның жедел
штабынан.” (Алматы. 10 апреля. КазТАГ - В Алматинской области от коронавируса
выздоровел один человек, сообщили в штабе МЧС по чрезвычайным ситуациям.)
@@Almaty. April 10. KazTAG - First patient has recovered from coronavirus in the Almaty
region, reports the crisis center.
@@Almaty. April 10. KazTAG - First patient has recovered from coronavirus, reports the crisis
@@Almaty. April 10. KazTAG - First patient has recovered from coronavirus in Almaty region,
the headquarters of the Emergencies Ministry said.
@@Almaty. April 10. KazTAG - First patient has recovered from coronavirus in Almaty region,
the headquarters of the Emergencies Ministry said.
@@Almaty. April 10. KazTAG - One person has recovered from the coronavirus in Almaty
region, the headquarters of the Emergencies Ministry said.

~~26. Choose the best translation of the sentence “She was one of those pretty and charming
girls born, as if by an error of fate, into a family of clerks.”
@@Ол сұлу және сүйкімді қыздардың бірі қолөнершілердің отбасында туылған. (Она
одна из самых красивых и очаровательных девушек, рожденных в семье ремесленников.)
@@Ол тағдырдың тәлкегімен қолөнершілер отбасында дүниеге келген, жай ғана әдемі
бойжеткендердің бірі еді.(Она была одной из тех, кто по воле судьбы родился в семье
ремесленников, просто красивой девушки).
@@Ол зергерлердің отбасында дүниеге келген, көркіне көз тартар сүйкімді
бойжеткендердің бірі еді. (Она родилась в семье ювелиров и была одной из самых
красивых девушек).
@@Ол көркіне көз тартар сүйкімді бойжеткендердің бірі еді. (Она была одной из самых
очаровательных девушек).
@@Ол зергерлердің отбасында дүниеге келген, көркіне көз тартар сүйкімді
бойжеткендердің бірі еді. (Она была одной из тех очаровательных девушек, которые по
воле судьбы родились в семье ремесленников.)

~~27. Choose the best translation of the word “verse”

@@өлең (стих)
@@мекеме (учреждение)
@@біртүр (один вид)
@@нұсқа (вариант)
@@іс-шара (мероприятие)

~~28. Choose the best translation of the word “spectacles”

@@сахна (сцена)
@@қойылым (представление)
@@көзілдірік (очки)

~~29. Choose the best translation of the word “obstacle”

@@жеңіліс (поражение)
@@маңызды (важный)
@@балшық (глина)
@@мағлұмат (информация)
@@тосқауыл (препятствие)

~~30. Choose the best translation of the word “SWEAR”

@@балағат сөз айту (ругаться)
@@қылық (поведение)
@@бағдар беру (ориентация)
@@үнем (экономия)
@@мағлұмат (информация)
~~31. Choose the best translation of the word “inmate”
@@бір бөлмеде тұрушы
@@мағлұмат (информация)
@@қылмыскер (преступник)
@@жазықсыз (невиновный )
@@қашықтық (дистанция)

~~32. Choose the best translation of the word “merchant”

@@оқү (учеба)
@@мердігер (подрядчик)
@@саудагер (торговец)
@@одақ (Союз)

~~33. Choose the best translation of the word “secrecy”

@@құпиялылық (конфиденциальность)
@@қашықтық (расстояние)

~~34. Synonym of “completely”


~~35. Choose the best translation of the word “missive”

@@жолдама (послание)
@@ инструкция
@@қашықтық (расстояние)
@@мағлұмат (информация)
@@маңызды (важный)

~~36 Synonym of “stop”

@@ cover
@@ last
@@ exhausted
@@ halt
@@ start

~~37.Choose the best translation of the word “alliance”

@@тосқауыл (барьер)
@@оқыту (обучение)
@@жеңіліс (поражение)
@@одақ (Союз)
@@ иелену (владение)

~~ 38. Synonym of “limited”

@@ Fertile
@@ Completely
@@ Prolonged

~~ 39. What does the idiom "when pigs fly" mean?

@@ delicious
@@ never
@@ far away
@@ a meek man
@@ a passionate person

~~40. How do we translate the idiom "when pigs fly"?

@@ Ешкінің құйрығы көкке жеткенде (когда рак на горе свистнет)
@@ Ештен кеш жақсы (лучше поздно, чем никогда)
@@ Ит өлген жерде (За тридевять земель)
@@ Қол қусырып отыру (Сидеть сложа руки)
@@ Өкпесін қолына ұстай жүгіру (Бежать сломя голову)

~~ 41.How do we translate the idiom "Better late than never"?

@@ Ешкінің құйрығы көкке жеткенде (когда рак на горе свистнет)
@@ Ештен кеш жақсы (лучше поздно, чем никогда)
@@ Ит өлген жерде (За тридевять земель)
@@ Қол қусырып отыру (Сидеть сложа руки)
@@ Өкпесін қолына ұстай жүгіру (Бежать сломя голову)

~~42.What does the idiom "All in good time" mean?

@@ Уақыты келіп жетті (Время пришло)
@@ Бақыттан басы айналу (Быть на седьмом небе от счастья)
@@ Бәрі өз уақытымен (Всему свое время)
@@ Тапа-тал түсте (средь бела дня)
@ @ Қол қусырып отыру (Сидеть сложа руки)

~~43.How do we translate the idiom "Can't say bo (boh, boo) to a goose"?

@@ Іштен шыққан шұбар жылан (змея подколодная)
@@ Баяғы жартас, сол жартас (Давнишняя скала та же скала)
@@ Қой аузынан шөп алмас (он и мухи не обидит)
@@ Ештен кеш жақсы (лучше поздно чем никогда)
@@ Өз үйім өлең төсегім (в гостях хорошо, а дома лучше)

~~44.Which idiom is appropriate to describe a two-faced person/hypocrite?

@@ Wolf in sheep's clothing
@@ Charm the birds out of the trees
@@ The life and soul of the party
@@ Stickler for the rules
@@ Not have a nasty/ mean/ jealous bone in their body

~~ 45.What idiom is suitable to describe a person who does not change?

@@ Don’t judge the book by its cover
@@ Would not say boo to a goose
@@ Bark is worse than bite
@@ A leopard can’t change its spots
@@ Down-to-earth

~~46. What's the idiom here about anger?

@@ To be hopping mad
@@ Get a grip on yourself
@@ To be on the horns of a dilemma
@@ To be in one’s element
@@ Couldn’t care less

~~47. What does the idiom "To eat somebody for breakfast" mean?
@@ a man who easily defeats others
@@ a very meek man
@@ a person who supports a healthy lifestyle
@@ a hardworking person
@@ a talented but lazy person

~~48.What idiom means that it's still not too late to change everything?
@@ To keep the pot boiling
@@ It’s not over till the fat lady sings
@@ It takes two to tango
@@ To have ants in one’s pants
@@ To have no dog in this fight

~~49.What does the phrase "Dog-eat-dog" mean?

@@ Teamwork
@@ Be very hungry
@@ A situation where everyone is for himself
@@ A place where everyone hates each other
@@ A very friendly company

~~50.How else can we say "hard-working person"?

@@ Eager beaver
@@ To have no dog in this fight
@@ A different kettle of fish
@@ A piece of cake
@@ Eat humble pie

~~51.What does the phrase "Сouch potato" mean?

@@ Hard-working person
@@ Powerful man
@@ A person who supports a healthy lifestyle
@@ A lazy person
@@ A man who easily defeats others

~~52. How can we translate phraseology: Бір оқпен екі қоянды атып алу?
@@ When pigs fly, when the cow comes home
@@ Wolf in sheep's clothing
@@ Lead a cat and dog life
@@ As cunning as a fox
@@ To kill two birds with one stone

~~53.How can we translate phraseology: Спокойный как удав?

@@ When pigs fly, when the cow comes home
@@ Wolf in sheep's clothing
@@ Lead a cat and dog life
@@ As cool as a cucumber
@@ To kill two birds with one stone

~~54. Antonym of “Beautiful”

@@ alluring
@@ charming
@@ cute
@@ delicate
@@ ugly

~~55.Antonym of “important”
@@ meaningless
@@ significant
@@ momentous
@@ substantial
@@ consequential

~~56. Choose the best translation of the phrasal verb “to give out”
@@ беру (отдавать, дарить)
@@ тарату (раздавать)
@@ өткізіп жіберу (уступать)
@@ қайтару (возвращать)
@@ бас тарту (отказываться)

~~57.Choose the best translation of the phrasal verb “come up with”

@@ойлап табу (придумать)
@@соқтығысу (столкнуться)
@@бірігу (объедениться)
@@появляться (пайда болу)
@@көтерілу (подниматься)

~~ 58.Choose the best translation of the phrasal verb “look after”

@@жалғастыру( продолжать)
@@ қайтару (возвращать )
@@заботиться(қамқор болу)
@@ іздеу (искать)
@@ байқау (наблюдать)

~~59.How many components are there in cohesion?

~~60. Coherence means
@@To make words stick together
@@to separate your ideas
@@to conclude your paragraph
@@to confuses the reader
@@none of these

~~61. Synonym of the word “cohesion”

@@ bewilder

~~62. Translate this phrase “You’re tops”

@@Сіз керемет жұмыс атқардыңыз, бәріннен де керемет( Ты отлично справился, лучше
@@ Сен бірегейсің (Ты уникален)
@@Сен мұқиятсың, назарлысың (Ты внимательный)
@@ Сен кереметсің (Ты замечательный)
@@Сен жеңімпазсын (Ты победитель)

~~63. Synonym of the word “incredible”


~~64. All translation of the word “can”?

@@жасай алу(может)\консервтелген банка(консервированная банка)
@@Жаман иіс(плохой запах)\тиісті жаза(возмездие)
@@Жалғыз(единственный)\жан (душа)
@@Цент\хош иіс (аромат)

~~65.All translation of the word “flat”?

@@Жәбірленуші(жертва)\ жалбарыну(молиться)
@@Тегіс (плоский)\ пәтер(квартира)
@@Маңызды(важный)\ мазар(могила)

~~66.All translation of the word “blow”?


~~67.Give synonym to the word “shelter”


~~68.Choose the best answer.

What he says is clear and is obviously well-prepared, and this, among other things, has earned
him the high regard of his colleagues. How do his colleagues feel about him?
@@ They respect him
@@ They don`t understand him
@@ They ignore him
@@ They are jealous of him
@@ His colleagues feel ashamed

~~69.Choose the best answer.

Whether the horse had been bitten by a snake, or eaten bad food, or been attacked by a sudden
disorder, it was hard to say; but at all events, his sickness was ill-timed and unfortunate. What
caused the horse’s illness?
@@ it is uncertain
@@ a disease
@@ an injury
@@ poison
@@ bad food

~~70.Read the passage and choose the appropriate title.

An Englishman arrived at a hotel in France. Above the hotel door he saw words " All the
languages are spoken in here". He addressed the administrator in German, Spanish, English and
etc. No answer was given. He spoke to clerks in Italian, French and German. Nobody answered.
He became nervous and shouted:" Who on earth speaks those languages?".
@@ Spoken Language in the Hotel
@@ An Englishman Gets a Reply.
@@ A Clever Waiter.
@@ Polyglot Boys at the University.
@@ The Hotel Door Open to All.

~~71.Choose the appropriate periphrasis of the sentence.

It`s all settled: he`ll do it for us.
This sentence means:
@@ He has just agreed to do it.
@@ It is necessary for him to do it.
@@ It is his habit to do so.
@@ He`ll settle it.
@@ He is very kind.

~~ 72.Choose the statement that has the same meaning as the given one.
Before the ship had been sailing for 10 minutes I realized that Miss Brown was a remarkably
uninteresting person.
@@ That Miss Brown was a bore I realized before the boat had been under way for 10 minutes.
@@ Ten minutes had passed when I realized that Miss Brown was a bore.
@@ Miss Brown had been sailing for 10 minutes when I understood that she was shrewd.
@@ During the voyage Miss Brown looked pretty well and happy.
@@ After the ship had sailed ten minutes passed and I noticed that Miss Brown was exclusively

~~ 73.Choose the statement that has the same meaning as the given one.
Fainting is caused by a sudden drop in the normal blood supply to the brain.
@@ Fainting occurs when the brain suddenly loses its normal blood supply.
@@ The brain faints when the normal blood supply drops.
@@ Fainting happens when the brain gains its normal blood supply.
@@ The blood reacts to a drop in the brain regularly.
@@ The blood reacts to a drop in the normal blood supply to the heart.

~~74.Choose the statement that has the same meaning as the given one.
Although Bob seemed to be telling his friend the truth, Jack had a strange feeling that he was
being deceived.
@@ Though Bob seemed to be frank with Jack, the latter realized that he was telling a lie.
@@ Bob told Jack the truth and the latter believed him.
@@ In spite of Jack`s honesty, Bob guessed that his friend was frank with him.
@@ Both friends were always honest and never deceived each other.
@@ Though Bob regretted that he had been deceived by his best friend, he forgave him.

~~ 75. Choose the sentence which best gives the meaning of the given one.
If he had not run he would have missed the bus.
@@ He was only able to catch the bus by running after it.
@@ He`d catch the bus if he ran for it.
@@ He could have caught the bus by running for it.
@@ He`d have caught the bus even if he hadn`t run for it.
@@ He didn`t need to run to catch the bus.

~~ 76. Choose the best summary of the text.

Arthur left school when he was 17 and went to work at a bank. At first it was all rather strange
and difficult but soon he began to like his job. He worked hard and learned fast. After six months
he was sent to Manchester to attend a special course.
@@ Arthur is doing well at his first job at a bank.
@@ Arthur had a difficult time in Manchester.
@@ Arthur finds working at a bank rather boring.
@@ Arthur puts most of the money he has into the bank.
@@ Arthur earns a lot of money at the bank.

~~77. Give the synonym of the words "Gorgeous"

@@ Dumb
@@ Smart
@@ Brave
@@ Cheerful

~~78. Give the synonym of the word "Cruel"

@@ Annoying
@@ Brutal
@@ Dull
@@ Amazing
@@ Furious

~~79. Give the antonym to the word " Significant"

@@ Notable
@@ Available
@@ Unimportant
@@ Meaningful
@@ Expressive

~80. Give the antonym of the word "Hilarious"

@@ Hysterical
@@ Serious
@@ Amusing
@@ Ridiculous
@@ Silly

~81. Give the right translation of the sentence " If you want your money back on a product, you
can ask for a refund"
@@Егер сіз өнімді қайтарғыңыз келсе, оны қайтара аласыз.
(Если вы хотите вернуть продукт, вы можете вернуть его.)
@@Егер сіз тауарды алғыңыз келсе, оған ақша төлеуіңіз керек.
(Если вы хотите купить продукт, нужно платить за него.)
@@Өнім үшін ақшаңызды қайтарғыңыз келсе, ақшаны қайтаруды сұрай аласыз
(Если вы хотите вернуть свои деньги за продукт, вы можете запросить возврат средств)
@@Өнім үшін төлеген болсаңыз, түбіртек сұрауыңызға болады.
(Если вы заплатили за продукт, вы можете потребовать чек.)
@@Төлегіңіз келсе картамен төлей аласыз.
(Если вы хотите заплатить, вы можете заплатить карточкой.)

~82. Give the right translation of the sentence "I don't eat junk food"
@@ Мен салауатты өмір салтын ұстанамын
(Я веду здоровый образ жизни)
@@ Мен зиянды тамақтарды жемеймін
(Я не ем нездоровую пищу)
@@ Мен фастфуд жеймін
(Я ем фастфуд)
@@ Мен ботқа жемеймін
(Я не ем кашу)
@@ Мен теңіз өнімдерін жемеймін
(Я не ем морепродукты)

~83. Give the right translation of the word "debt"

@@ кiрiс(Доход)
@@ Қарыз(Долг)
@@Шығыс, шығын(Расход)
@@ табыс (прибыль)

~~84. Give the right translation of the word "greasy"

@@сараң(Жадный, скупой)
@@ Май, майлы(Жирный)
@@Адал(Честный, верный)

~~85. Give the right translation of the sentence "Күнді және оның ғаламшарларын Күн
жүйесі деп атаймыз"( Мы называем Солнце и его планеты Солнечной системой)
@@ The Sun is a star
@@ The moon is satellite of Earth
@@ We call the Sun and its planets the solar system
@@ We know nine planets revolve around the Sun
@@ We gained considerable knowledge of the Earth's satellite and our solar system

~~86. Choose the right definition for the given word “Boast”
@@ to go on your hands
@@ to be mean to people
@@ to move your head
@@ to talk about yourself
@@ someone on the other side

~~87. Choose the right definition for the given word “dominant”
@@ to be hurt
@@ a friend
@@ stronger
@@ a fight
@@ to talk about yourself

~~88. Choose the right definition for the given word “mercy”
@@ someone on the other side
@@ to push to the ground
@@ to not give punishment
@@ to feel terrible
@@ to be hurt

~~89. Choose the right definition for the given word “quarrel”.
@@ an argument
@@ to move your head
@@ a face of a clock
@@ to talk about yourself
@@ to not give punishment

~~90. Choose the right definition for the given word “strain”.
@@ to try very hard
@@ a friend
@@ stronger
@@a coloured patch or dirty mark that is difficult to remove
@@ to talk about yourself
~~91. What is the definition of the following word: Carefully
@@with great attention, especially to detail or safety
@@a fun or exciting thing that you do
@@something that scientists use in chemistry
@@something or someone bad or cruel
@@a room where a scientist works

~~92. What is the definition of the following word: Approach

@@come near or nearer to someone or something in distance or time.
@@a test that you do to see what will happen
@@something that scientists use in chemistry
@@something or someone bad or cruel
@@a room where a scientist works

~~93. What is the definition of the following word: Laboratory

@@come near or nearer to someone or something in distance or time.
@@a test that you do to see what will happen
@@something that scientists use in chemistry
@@something or someone bad or cruel
@@a room where a scientist works

~~94. What is the definition of the following word: Noise

@@come near or nearer to someone or something in distance or time.
@@an unpleasant sound
@@something that scientists use in chemistry
@@something or someone bad or cruel
@@a room where a scientist works

~~95. Choose the one that best fits the blank.

When the jar hit the floor, ___________
@@it made a very loud sound
@@it shouted on the ground
@@it was scared
@@the woods looked evil
@@went on an adventure

~~96. Choose the one that best fits the blank.

To test his idea, the scientist __________
@@went on an adventure
@@did an experiment
@@it shouted on the ground
@@it made a very loud sound
@@to be a laboratory

~~97. Choose the one that best fits the blank.

Your phone will not work ____________
@@if it does not create something
@@if you don’t carefully pay attention to your power supply
@@it is a chemical
@@it looks terrible
@@it made a very loud sound

~~98. Choose the one that best fits the blank.

The man told us to be quiet, __________
@@so I decided to stroll through town
@@so I knew it was not appropriate to talk
@@so I felt concerned about them
@@so I had to be patient
@@frequently, I would sit and read

~~99. Choose the word that is similar in meaning to the underlined words.
She looks like someone that I know well.

~~100. Choose the word that is similar in meaning to the underlined words.
The reason that I am doing this is to help children.

~~101. Choose the word that is similar in meaning to the underlined words.
There is a big difference between day and night.

~~102. Choose the word that is similar in meaning to the underlined words.
My teacher will make me want to get good grades.

~~103. Choose the right word for the given definition

To say that it should be done

~~104. Choose the right word for the given definition

To run after someone

~~105. Choose the right word for the given definition

A way that something is very different

~~106. Choose the right word for the given definition

The only one
~~107. Choose the one that best fits the blank
It started to rain, __________
@@So it hung on the wall
@@So I grabbed my umbrella
@@She proposed a party
@@She had huge fun
@@You might tear it

~~108. Choose the one that best fits the blank

When she heard I was leaving, ___________
@@So it hung on the wall
@@So I grabbed my umbrella
@@She proposed a party
@@She had huge fun
@@You might tear it

~~109. Choose the one that best fits the blank

Don’t pull on my shirt, or ___________
@@You might tear it
@@You might arrange it
@@She proposed a party
@@She had huge fun
@@You might tear it

~~110. Choose the one that best fits the blank

If you try hard, __________
@@No one will agree
@@You will be satisfied
@@She proposed a party
@@She had huge fun
@@You might tear it

~~111. Choose the one that best fits the blank

When I catch fish, ________
@@I usually release them back into the water
@@They require a good dinner
@@You might tear it
@@You might arrange it
@@No one will agree

~~112. Choose the word that fits the definition

Something difficult that you have to do

~~113. Choose the word that fits the definition

To do something to help succeed

~~114. Choose the word that fits the definition

For this reason

~~115. Choose the word that fits the definition

To stop someone from getting hurt

~~116. Choose the word that fits the definition

A person who paints, draws, sculpts

~~117. Choose the word that fits the definition

A way of doing something

~~118. Choose the word that fits the definition

How good something is

~~119. Choose the word that fits the definition

To decide that something is good or bad

~~120. Choose the word that fits the definition

Something used to make other things

~~121. Find the antonym of the given word: thin


~~122. Find the antonym of the given word: thick


~~123. Choose the sentence in which the word «Жақындау» «Подходить» was correctly
translated and used in a sentence in English language
@@Riding in the rough water was an approach.
@@The boy approached his school.
@@The baby carefully climbed down the stairs.
@@The scientist mixed the chemicals.
@@She created an igloo from blocks of snow.

~~124. Choose the sentence in which the word «Мұқият» «Внимательно» was correctly
translated and used in a sentence in English language
@@Riding in the rough water was an approach.
@@The boy approached his school.
@@The baby carefully climbed down the stairs.
@@The scientist mixed the chemicals.
@@She created an igloo from blocks of snow.

~~125. Choose the sentence in which the word «Жасау» «Создавать» was correctly translated
and used in a sentence in English language
@@Riding in the rough water was an approach.
@@The boy approached his school.
@@The baby carefully climbed down the stairs.
@@The scientist mixed the chemicals.
@@She created an igloo from blocks of snow.

~~126. Choose the sentence in which the words «Жауыз» «Қаскүнем» «Злой» was correctly
translated and used in a sentence in English language
@@Riding in the rough water was an approach.
@@They felt a strange, evil presence as they got closer to the house.
@@The baby carefully climbed down the stairs.
@@The scientist mixed the chemicals.
@@She created an evil from blocks of snow.

~~127. Choose the sentence in which the word «Тәжірибе» «Experiment» was correctly
translated and used in a sentence in English language
@@Riding in the rough water was an approach.
@@The student did an experiment in science class.
@@The baby carefully climbed down the stairs.
@@The scientist mixed the chemicals.
@@She created an evil from blocks of snow.
~~128. Choose the sentence in which the word «Шу» «Шум» was correctly translated and used
in a sentence in English language
@@The crying baby made a loud noise.
@@The student did an experiment in science class.
@@The baby carefully climbed down the stairs.
@@The scientist mixed the chemicals.
@@She created an evil from blocks of snow.

~~129. Choose the sentence in which the word «Қорқыту» «Напугать» in Kazakh language was
correctly translated and used in a sentence in English language
@@The crying baby made a loud scare.
@@The student did an experiment in science class.
@@The baby carefully climbed down the stairs.
@@The scientist mixed the chemicals.
@@My uncle was scared by what he saw in the room.

~~130. Choose the sentence in which the word «Айқайлау» «Кричать» was correctly translated
and used in a sentence in English language
@@The crying baby made a loud scare.
@@The student did a shout in science class.
@@The baby carefully climbed down the stairs.
@@Her boss shouted at her because she was late for work.
@@My uncle was scared by what he saw in the room.

~~131. Choose the sentence in which the word «Қорқынышты» «Ужасный» was correctly
translated and used in a sentence in English language
@@The crying baby made a loud scare.
@@The way he treated his classmate was terrible.
@@The baby carefully climbed down the stairs.
@@Her boss shouted at her because she was late for work.
@@My uncle was scared by what he saw in the room.

~~132. Choose the sentence in which the word «Орнына» «Вместо» was correctly translated
and used in a sentence in English language
@@The crying baby made a loud scare.
@@The way he treated his classmate was terrible.
@@The baby carefully climbed instead the stairs.
@@Her boss shouted at her because she was late for work.
@@He ate the carrot instead of the ice cream.
~~133. Choose the sentence in which the word «Сипаттау» «Описать» was correctly translated
and used in a sentence in English language
@@The crying baby made a loud scare.
@@The way he treated his classmate was terrible.
@@They described their tree as colorful, with gold ribbon and a star.
@@Her boss shouted at her because she was late for work.
@@He ate the carrot instead of the ice cream.

~~134. Choose the sentence in which the word «Есеп» «Отчет» was correctly translated and
used in a sentence in English language
@@She was happy to discover that she was accepted into her dream college.
@@She only has one day until her deadline to turn her report in.
@@They described their tree as colorful, with gold ribbon and a star.
@@Her boss shouted at her because she was late for work.
@@He ate the carrot instead of the ice cream.

~~135. Choose the sentence in which the word «Бірнеше» «Несколько» was correctly
translated and used in a sentence in English language
@@Troy was the best player on the soccer team.
@@The way he treated his classmate was terrible.
@@They described their tree as colorful, with gold ribbon and a star.
@@He had to read several books for class.
@@He ate the carrot instead of the ice cream.

~~136. Choose the sentence in which the word «Қолайлы, орынды» «Подходящий» was
correctly translated and used in a sentence in English language
@@His parents missed the event dedicated for his achievement.
@@The way he treated his classmate was terrible.
@@It's appropriate to wear a suit when you go the office.
@@He had to read several books for class.
@@He ate the carrot instead of the ice cream.

~~137. Choose the sentence in which the word «Қашқақтау, болдырмау» «Избегать» was
correctly translated and used in a sentence in English language
@@I suppose I should go home now.
@@Avoid the broken bottle on the floor.
@@It's appropriate to wear a suit when you go the office.
@@He had to read several books for class.
@@He ate the carrot instead of the ice cream.

~~138. Choose the sentence in which the word «Күту» «Ожидать» was correctly translated and
used in a sentence in English language
@@I suppose I should go home now.
@@I expect the bus to be here very soon.
@@It's appropriate to wear a suit when you go the office.
@@He had to read several books for class.
@@He ate the carrot instead of the ice cream.

~~139. Choose the correct translation of the word in English language: «Әдет», «Привычка»

~~140. Choose the correct translation of the word in English language: «Қанағаттану»,

~~141. Choose the correct translation of the word in English language: «Жиі», «Часто»

~~142. Choose the correct translation of the word in English language: «Нұсқау беру»,

~~143. Choose the correct translation of the word in English language: «Мәселе», «Проблема»

~~144. Choose the correct translation of the word in English language: «Шыдамды»,

~~145. Choose the correct translation of the word in English language: «Жазалау», «Наказать»

~~146. Choose the correct translation of the word in English language: «Тарату/өрістету»,

~~147. Choose the correct translation of the word in English language: «Шайқау»,

~~148. Choose the correct translation of the word in English language: «Серуендеу»,
~~149. Choose the correct translation of the word in English language: «Ересек», «Взрослый»

~~150. Choose the correct translation of the word in English language: «Өсіру»,

~~151. Choose the correct translation of the word in English language: «Көп», «Множество»

~~152. Choose the correct translation of the word in English language: «Салмақ», «Вес»

~~153. Choose the right definition for the given word: Disgust

~~154. Choose the right definition for the given word: Vague

~~155. Choose the right definition for the given word: Tense

~~156. Choose the right definition for the given word: Bilingual
@@Using two languages

~~157. Choose the right definition for the given word: Totally

~~158. Choose the right definition for the given word: Pull
@@To push away
@@To kick
@@To move toward you
@@To run

~~159. Choose the right definition for the given word: Salary
@@A system of beliefs
@@The money one makes at a job
@@To lend something and get it back later
@@To move toward you
@@The center of a town

~~160. Choose the right definition for the given word: Former
@@In the past
@@The money one makes at a job
@@To establish something
@@Existing for a short time
@@A system of beliefs

~~161. Choose the right definition for the given word: Accounting
@@To believe without proof
@@To try to get someone to act
@@To establish something
@@The management of finance
@@Money for school

~~162. Choose the right definition for the given word: Practical
@@The way it used to be
@@To try to get someone to act
@@To complain
@@A valuable collection

~~163. Choose the right definition for the given word: Borrow
@@To be wanted
@@To try to get someone to act
@@To take for a short time
@@To complain
@@A valuable collection

~~164. Choose the right definition for the given word: Assume
@@To be wanted
@@To believe without proof
@@To take for a short time
@@To complain
@@A valuable collection

~~165. Choose the right definition for the given word: Downtown
@@A group of letters or numbers
@@To believe without proof
@@To take for a short time
@@The center of a city
@@A valuable collection

~~166. Choose the right definition for the given word: Dull
@@To believe without proof
@@The center of a city
@@A valuable collection

~~167. Choose the right definition for the given word: Temporary
@@To give and get back later
@@To believe without proof
@@Existing for a short time
@@The center of a city
@@A valuable collection

~~168. Choose the right definition for the given word: Available
@@To answer
@@To believe without proof
@@To win
@@To decide
@@Able to get

~~169. Choose the right definition for the given word: Appreciate
@@To answer
@@To go away
@@To have fun
@@To use little of
@@To know why an event is important

~~170. Choose the right definition for the given word: Solution
@@Straight ahead
@@To show choice between two things
@@Reasonable or in a right way
@@To use little of
@@Way to solve a problem

~~171. Choose the right definition for the given word: Mention
@@To say
@@To show choice between two things
@@To look at
@@To not believe
@@To be happy
~~172. Choose the right definition for the given word: Bother
@@To look for new places
@@To make the effort to do something
@@To look at
@@To talk about something
@@To not believe

~~173. What is the definition of the following word: Experiment

@@a test that you do to see what will happen
@@come near or nearer to someone or something in distance or time.
@@something that scientists use in chemistry
@@something or someone bad or cruel
@@a room where a scientist works

~~174. Choose the right definition for the given word: Treasure
@@To believe without proof
@@The center of a city
@@A valuable collection

~~175. Choose the right definition for the given word: Achieve
@@To think about something
@@To get something
@@To tell someone what to do
@@To break into pieces
@@A valuable collection

~~176. Choose the right definition for the given word: Reflect
@@To think about something
@@To get something
@@To tell someone what to do
@@To break into pieces
@@A valuable collection

~~177. Choose the right definition for the given word: Opinion
@@A plant
@@A thought
@@An animal
@@A fight
@@A collection

~~178. Choose the right definition for the given word: Already
@@Not made up
@@A thought
@@Before a certain time
@@A fight
@@A collection

~~179. Choose the right definition for the given word: Goal
@@Not made up
@@A thought about someone or something
@@Before a certain time
@@Something you work toward
@@A collection

~~180. Choose the right definition for the given word: Task
@@A group of people
@@A thought about someone or something
@@Before a certain time
@@Something you work toward
@@An assigned job

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