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Marvel Phftlcs MHT-CET


): '" ·J\.f~i:c{ii a~tin~ o~ a body of density d is given by 8. Two identical particles each ofm~s I kg round_a ~ircle

. F= }i. What is.the dimensional t'ormul_a for y?

ofradius R, under the actfon.of.the1r mu~I gr~v1tat1onal
attraction. The angular speed of each particle 1s
(a) [L-112 M3/2 ,2) (b) [i,-1 M3i2 ,2) l {T
(c) [1} {2 M-312•T2) (d)' [LI M-3/2 ,2J (a) 2R ye;"; (b)

2. A block of mass M •is pulled along a smooth horizontal

surface with rope pf mass m, by applying a force F.
What is the acceleration of the block?
(d) J:;
F 9. What is the ratio of the velocities of sound in hydrogen
(b) M and oxygen at S.T.P. ?
•IIF ':•, (a) 2 : I · (b) 8 : l

(d) .M - m (c) 4 : I (d) 16 : I

3. ve i,s the ~pe vel~ity_ofa body from the surface of the

10. A charged particle of mass l <r 14 Kg remain~ at rest_in an
electric field ofintensity 2 x Ja3 V/m apphed vertically
earth. What is the escape velocity ofa body from a planet,
upwards. What is the charge on the particle ?
whose mass is six times the mass of the earth and radius
, ~s'. ~ce .~~e r14dius ?fthe ? earf1 (a) 4.9 x 10- 17 C (b) 3.2 x 10-18 C
(c) 6.4 x 10-17 C (d) 5.6 x 10-18 C
(a) 2ve (b) /ive.
11. The impurity atom with which pure silicon 'should
(c) .fiv,e ;• .' (~) }Ve doped to make a p type semiconductor is
4. An~object viewed fro~ a-near point distance of25 cm, (a) Indium (b) Arsenic
using a microscopic lens with ~agnification '6', gives an (c) Antimony (d) Phosphorus
unresolved image. Aresolved image is observed at infinite
distance with a total magnification double the earlier using 12. What is the dimensional formula for gyromagnetic ratio?
an eyepiece along with the-given lens and tubeoflength a (a) [LI MOTi Al] (b) [i,-1 M°Tl Al]
O..6m, ifthe focal length oftheeyepieceisequal to_ · __ 0 1 1 1
I . (c) [L M- T A ) (d) [L1 M° T° K 1]
~- (a) f,l5cm _- _~- (b) 20cm
13. Time period of a simple penduium is T inside a lift. when ·
J,~ (c) 25 cm (d) 30 cm the lift is sta!ionary. If the lift moves upwards with ·an
. 5. In 5 minutes, a body cools from 75°C to 65°C, when the . acceleration g/2, the time period of pendulum will be
surrounding teinP,erature is 25°C. ~at is the temperature
of the body at the
(a) . 40"C
of'next 5 minutes?
, (b) ·47•c
(a) HT (b) J{T .
'• (~) S7°C · (d) 65°C (c) · /j (d) /iT
6. Arayoflight, whil~ passing through ·a prism (µ = fj ),
14. In a double slit experiment, a fringe width of6'mm was
. suffers ril'inimum deviation. If the angle of incidence is
produced for two slits separated by I mm. The s~een is
double the angle of refraction within the prism, then the
placed IO m away. What is the wavelength oflight ?
angle of the prism is I
(a) 500nm (b) 6_OOrun .
(a) 30° (b) 45°
(c) .6 5Onm (d), 700nm
(c) 60~. (d) , 75°

. .
·, •
.. •
' 15. 'Aresistor develops '500 J of thermal energy in 20 s when
7~., , . A,.1· fJoforce.+.I;' ::: (4Oi + lOj) N acts on a body of mass 5 a current of I .SA is passed through it. If the cutrent is
1.f • • •
increased fyorp 1.5 A to 3 A, what will be the energy

. , w,,, )cg.,Jf ,! Ptl?odY from rest, ,its_position y~or r at developed in 20 s ? ' •

. tiinet=IOs,will~ ,;' .· .
(a) 1500 J (b) 1000 J
(a) (IOOi + lOOj) m (b) (400i + 400j) m· (c) 500 J (d) 20OOJ
(c) (IOOi + 400j) (d) · (400i. . + lOOj). m
Model Test P~r - 3 . J),f}9,

16.· In a parallel plate capacitor set up· th 1 21. A particle performs simpleharm~ic motio_n with a.period ·
·t · 2 2 , e p ate area of
capac1 or is m and the plates are sep ted b 1 . of 2 ~nd. Th.~, tim.e ~ ._lftef~ fle to cover a
the . betw th ara y m. If
~cc . . een e plates are 'filled with a dielectric ·displacement equal to halfof,~ aqipl~tu4e from the mean
mat~al ofth1ckness 0.5 m and area 2m2 (see figure) the • .. . • • • :~ ~. , ,..! ·,A, 14 l • ·

capaettance of the set-up will be XE (Di lectrt"

ofth t · I · o· e c constant position is ;s . Wl)at. is the Val\l~ ,9f,:a:,. t~. ~ -!l ,!1.~~t
e ma ena = 3 .2) What is the value ofx? .
integer? ·
(a)' 2 s (b) 3 s
(c) 6 s (d) 8 s
' 22. An electron of mass m and photon have the.s ame energy a
.E. The ratio of wavelength of ele<!tron to that of ph~n is
(c being the velocity oflight.) ' ·


(a) ; ( )112 .!(~)1/2

(b) C 2m

(c) (!)112 (d) c (2mE) 1.f2 ·

(a) 2 (b) 3
23. The angular speed of a truck wheel is increased from 900
(c) 4 (d) 5 rpm to 2460 rpm in 26 second. The number ~frev9lutions
17. If one mole of:11>9lyatomic gas is having ~o vibrational made by the truck engine during this·time i s -
modes and 13 1s the ratio of molar specific heats for the

(a) 456 (b) 570 '
(c) 640 (d) 728
. polyato~ic gas (.13 = ~: the~ th~v~~ue of 13 is
24. The correct relation.between a (ratio of collector current
(a) 1.02 (b) 1.2 ·to emitter current) and 13 (ratio of collector current to base
current) of a transistor is ,
(c) 1.25 (d) 1.35
18. The atomi~ hydrogen ~mits a line spectnµn consisting of (b) a .=
various series. Which series of hydrogen atomic spectra
is lying in the visible region ? · ' I', . a= _13_
(a) ~rac~ett series (b) Paschen series (c) , 13 =
,. (d) ·, r"+ 13
. . '
,(c) Lym~
series (d) · Bal~er series .. 25. Two small drops of mercury each ofradius,Rcoalesce to
19. J\ 2µF capacitor C 1 i~ first ch~ed toa potential difference forin a single large drop. Thetatio of total surface energy
of 10 V using a battery. Then the battery is removed and before and after the"change is ·· '
the capacitor is connected to an uncharged ·capacitor C2 (a) 2 :J
113 (b) 1: 2 113" ·

of8µF. What is the ~arge in C2 in equilibrium,condition ? (c) 2 : 1 (d) l : '2
•-. , •• l I , -.. ·:

S.1 ' Si 26. In the given figure switches ~ 1 and ,S2, are in, open

lOVr · l2µF
. T ... 1C1-
·. ls~F
condition. What is the ,resistance ac.r ~ ab when the
switches S 1 and S2 are closed?
· 40 60 ,


4µt · ·
.. .
(b) 8µ.C

. (d) ,t ~µ~ ,

20. In Young's double slit an;angement, sh~ arC? ~arated by


·~: t~ E~ r· 60 40
n ,,
a gap of0.5 mm, and the screen
is placed a\ a,distance of (a) 5 n (b) 1
0.5 m from them. What is the.distance between the first (c) 10 n .( d) 12 n
and the third brighffringe· formed whSn ·the •slits are
illuminaied by monochromatic light !)f58~0 A?
(a) J178xl0-9 ~ (b) 1178>d0 m
(c) J178 x 10-12 m (d) 5890 x 10- m
1110 Marve( Phy~ics MHT-CET

~7...:~ ·~ ~~ctt~ :~ bs~n~ 1

d~; ~~_(
of its initi~i 80 days. What is the halflife of the.radioactive
~r 1
substance expressed in days ? (c) _i (d) 3 .
I '
(a) IS , (b) 20
34. The reiative permittivity of distilled water is 81. The
(c) 25 (d) 30 velocity oflight in it will be: (Given µr = 1)
28. Consider a mixture of g~ ·molecule of types A, B 'and C (a) 3.33 x 107 mis · (b) 2.33 x 107 mis
. having masses m A-< m 8 < me. T~eir root meai:t square
(c) 5.33 x 107 mis (d) 4.33 x 107 mis
speeds at nQ!'111al,te~perature and pressure are relat.e d as, I . .
3S. A 0.07 H inductor and 12 Q resistor are connected in series
I - I .1
(a) ~ > - > - to a 220 V SO Hz ac source. The approximate current in
v;.. . -v 8 ve the circuit ~nd phase angte' between the current and source
I . I I 22
voltage are re~pectively [ Take 7t as ]•
(c) "A =v8 ¢ve (d) < < 7

29. A circular-disc reaches from top to bottom ofa smooth

inclined plane oflen~ 'L'. When it slips down the plane, {a) 8.8Aandta~-,c~) , (b) 0.88Aandtan- 1 (1n
it takes time 't 1'. ·W hen it rolls down the plane, ft takes

. ' ti~ e t~'.· Tli~v~lue of _tt.~ ;is ·

, • I v-;ll. .·~at ofx?
(c) 8.8Aandtan- 1 (1
(d) 88Aandtan- 1 (~ )

36. In Young's d~uble slit experiment, if the colour of the

(a) 2 (b) 3 source oflight changes _from orange to blue then
(c) 4 (d) S ·(a) the distance between consecutive fringes will
30. , Consider a situation -in which a ring, a solid cylinder and decrease
a solid sphere roll down on the same inclined plane without (b) the distance between consecutive fringes wiH
slipping. Assume that they start rolling from rest and increase
having identical diameter. The correct statement for this
situation is- '· · _ · '' '· (c) the'intenSity·oftheminima' will increase
·(ii) "The sphere has the greatest and the ring has least I (d) · th~ central llright fi"in_g~ will become a_dark fringe
" · ,-: velocity ofthe 1centre'ofmass at the bottom 'of the 37. A transistoc is- connected in common emitter circuit
. ' itjclined plane. . . configuration, the collector supply voltage i~ 10 V and
. . ,• • • J, /' . '
• (b) The ring has the greatest and the cylinder has the the voltage drop across a resistor of 1000 Qin the collector
feast velocity of the.ceptre of mass at th_e bottom of . .circuit is 0.6 V. If the current gain factor (13) is 24, then
the inclined plane. ,-the base current is ·___, (Round off to the· nearest
· integer.) , _ ·
• ;:,. .,'(t)f All of thetn will have.sam~ velocity . ._, _ ,
. ,. '·' - . • •. . ,, •. ' I '( a) 2'5 µA · (b)_· 30 µA
/~': {il)} flle,cyli~d~ h;a~ ~e ~eilt«:S! .~ d_the,~ph~re has the
-;"' least velocity of the centre of mass at the bottom of (c) lOµA (d) 40µA
·, the inclined plane. · · ' ' 38. Consider-the following statements:
' '
31. What shquld be tJ:ie order of arrangement of de-Broglie (i) ~toms of each element emit characteristics spectrum.
wavelength of electron (>.:.,), an a-particle (?-a> and proton
(},i) giv91 that all'have the ·s ame kinetic f nergy? (ii) A_ccprding to Bohr's postulate, an electron in a
hydrogen atom, r1:volves in a ~ertain stationary orbit.
( a). ' l e =l
_, p >A
-a ' ' (b) - t..e <t..p <t..a
(iii) The density ofnuclear matter depends on the size of
(c) . Ae =t..p =X
. ,. .
_ .
t..e~.>t..p >~a · the nucleus. '
-32. Two ions having the same mass, have charges in the ratio - (iv) · Radioactivity is instantaneous and not spontaneous.
_ of!·: 2.-Theyare projected normally in a uniform magnet_ic
field ,with their speeds in the ratio 2 : 3. The ratio of the (v) Radioactivity is an indication <'>fthe 1hstability ~f
' nuclei. ·, ·- ' . .
radii of their circular trajectories is . .. · ' . -,-,. . . p
(a) . 1 : 4 (b) 2 : 3 -Choose the corr~ answer fron:i the options given below.

(d) 3: 1 (a) (i), (ii) and (v) only (b) (i), (iii),and (v) 'o nly

33. In a simple harmonic oscillatiori, what fraction of total 1

(c) (i'i) and (iv) only (d) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) and (v)
mechanical energy is in the form of kinetic energy, when
the particle is midway between mean and extreme position.
Model Test P.aj,et' .i 3. J]Jl

39. In the given figure the magneti fl 46. · What are the values -~ f E in th~ foll(!Wing ci~ ui~ if:~
• increases according to the relat t(hr~ugh the loop • 1 curient· or'2: al rlo~ m th e'i:tockwise 'as 'well as· JD
where <Pe is in milliwebers an~o~ :B _t) - I Ot2 + 20t,
1 .anticlockwis~ direl:tion ?'-:- ' . :. '
magnitude of current through R _ 2 ~s . ~ seconds. The
_ mA. . - resistor at t = 5 sis
6 '1

1 ...
R~2nx X
X ' ,· ET ,3. '1
X X . X XX
(a) 3 V, 28V (b) 38V, 2V
X X X · X X (c)3-V,30V (d) 3 V, 2.8 V
(a) 15mA (b) 30mA 47. Two long parallel wires are at a distance.of 1 m. Both of
them carry one ampere of current in the same direction. ·
(c) 45 mA (d) 60 mA What is the furce ofattraction per unit length between the
40. A steel ball ofradius 2 mm and ofrel t· d . · .
"-11" th . . .
a 1ve ens1ty 8.2 1s two wires ? · ' •
n• mg rough a hqu1d of relative dens1·ty 1 9 It t . . I (a) 2 x 10-7 N/m (b) 2 x 1o--8N/.m
I ·t · o 7 . · • s ermma
ve oc1 y is . ·. mis. What is _the viscosity of the Ii uid if
the acceleralion due to graV1ty is 10 mJs2? q (c) 5 x 10-8 N/m (d) 10-7 N/m
(a) 4 x 10-2 PI (b) 8
i>I - 48. Magnetic flux pa~s-i ng through a coil is initially4 ; · .lo-4
Wb, It reduces tQ 10%-oftts .original.value in 't' second.
(c) 4 Pl .(d) 8 x 10-2 Pl . If the e.m.f. induced is 0.72 mV then ;t, i~ second is

41. A polyatomic gas (r 1) ·is compressed tci (1/8)1h of

(a) 0.3
(c) 0.5
(b) . 0.4
(d) 0.6
its volume adiabatically. If its initial pressure is p its
·new pressure _will be o• 49. A circuit has a resistance.of 12 Q and an· impedance of
20 n. The power factor of the circuit will be
(a) 6P0 (b) 2P0
. (a) 0.4 (b) o.~
(c) 8 P0 (d) 16 P0 (c) 0.6 ·.·
42. The i:emper~ture of a ~e1;i"igerator is kept at_7PC to keep 50 . . Photons ·of energy I.~ eV and 2.5 eV,: are incident on a
the food articles kept m 1t m good condition. What is its metal surface of work -function 0.5 eV.
What fs the ratio
coefficient of performance, if the room temperature i~ of the maximum kinetic energy of \b.~ p,h_o tpel~rons?
31°c? . · ·
(a) I :2 ~) -, 2 ·
(a) 7.5 (b) &.3 .
(c) 3 .- , , (d) 1. : 4
(c) 9.33 (d) ' I 0.5
43. Ten tuning forks are arraqged in increasing order of
frequency so that any two consecutive forks produce 4
beats/sec. The highest frequency is twice that ofthe lowest. ANSWERS
The possible lowest and highest frequencies in Hz are:
(a) 18, 36 (b) 9, 18 1.a 2.c 3. b '4. ·c S.c
(c) 72, 144 (d) 36, 12 6.c 7.d --8~ 9: c _10. a_'
44. In a resonance tube, the first resonating length is 0.2 m u.a 12.c , ~_.,a . 14, b . , ~5. d
and the second resonating length ·is 0.61 In from the open 16. b 17. b 18.d 19. d 20. b
end. What is the inner diameter of the tube? i
21. C 22.b 23,d 24.;d 2S~a ,
(a) 6.66cm (b) 4 .67 cni ·
26.c 27. b 28,d · 29.a 3Q.a
(c) 3.33 cm (d) 2.33 cm
31. d 32.c 33.a 34.a 35: ·c
45. A point P is at a distance r from a point charge q. If at
36.a 3·1 . a 38.a 39.d 40. d
point P, the electric potential is 300 V, and the electric J

field intensity is 75 V/m, then th·e distance of P from the 41. d 42.c 43.d ' ,44.c 45. J.>
point charge is . 46.b 47. a 48. c 49.c 50: a
(a) 2m (b) 4m
(c) 8m (d) 10 m

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