Hari Raya Pung Pang Official PDF

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Rimup Raya 2023 Drama

Script by Angelicia Eillia and Adam Hariszwafiy ( 3 Avicenna)

Tajuk : Hari Raya Pung Pang!

Characters :

🌸 Pak Ayob
🌸 Mak Som
🌸 Kak Ifah ( 1st sister )
🌸 Kak Cha ( 2nd sister )
🌸 Kak Isya ( 3rd sister )
🌸 Kak Ana ( 4th sister )
🌸 Kak Dira ( 5th sister )
🌸 Hariez ( 6th brother )
🌸 Afiey and Lieya ( anak bongsu)
🌸 Mak Jah - ( new watak, jiran )
🌸 Adzrin - ( new watak, anak mak jah )
🌸 Adelya - (new watak, anak mak jah oso )
🌸 Abe Cashier -( new watak )
Opening scene :

Narrator: Ahh~ Hari Raya, a celebration that is celebrated by those who practice the religion of
Islam as a way to congratulate themselves for successfully fasting throughout the month of

You'd think the preparations for Raya would be easy-peasy right? Well, for a family of 10, it's
either going to be a COMPLETE disaster or- well, a disaster that holds bittersweet memories.
Though, a little bit of chaos won't hurt, right?

Mak Som : Children! *Everyone gathers around* Today, I need everyone to contribute to the
preparation of Raya. Divide your work and make sure it gets done well, everyone got it?

Anak-anak : Got it mak! (Maybe do different variations) *Scrambles to get work done*

Mak Som: *Looks annoyed, walks up to her husband hiding behind a newspaper* You are not
going to be excluded! Look how dusty the fans are! Go and wipe them down! And then-

Pak : Okay okay! I got it! *Walks away lazily*

Mak Som: *Shakes her head and walks away*

Scene 1 :
Kak Isya: La la la~ *Singing*

Isya, who is tasked with washing the clothes, is hard at work. Fortunately, all the gunk and
stains were able to be scrubbed away from all the clothing that were to be worn on the day of
Hari Raya. *She smiles as she looks at the finished products*

Kak Isya: Finally! All the stains are gone, this detergent has to be magic! *Thoughts* (Make it

*The phone rings so she leaves the room to go and answer it* (action + phone ringing sound)

Afiey: HAHAH!! You can't catch me, you can't catch me! *Sticks tongue out*


Afiey & Lieya : Alamak!

Afiey : This is all your fault!

Lieya: This wouldn't have happened if-

Kak Isya: *Taps her feet on the ground*

Afiey and Lieya: *looks at each other and gulp* *runs away*

Kak Isya: YOU TWO! *Follows suit*

Scene 2 :

Kak Cha : Riez! Go and help kakak buy a new decoration, be quick too! *Focused with

Hariez : Decorations? What type? Ish, you're never specific!

Kak Cha : Aiya! Just get any type of Raya decorations. Ney, like a photo frame for this year's
family photos

Hariez : Yelah yelah!

*At da shop*

Hariez : Aahhh Abe, do you have any.. uhm- what did she want again- *Kak Cha's voice echoes
in his mind "Photo frame for this year's family photos"*

Hariez: Ah yes! A big photo frame for Raya! Like this one, but a different design

Abe Cashier : Hmm, I'm sorry to say this but we ran out of big photo frames. Hmm, will this do?
*Gives a ketupat*

Hariez : Erm Abang, that's a Ketupat- not a photo frame-

Abe Cashier : Oh sorry, that was my lunch- I meant this one *hands over a smaller frame*

Hariez : Ahh- okay? Just give me two.

Abe Cashier : That'll be RM 25

*At home*

Kak Cha : *drops wiping cloth in shock* Hariez! What is that?!

Hariez : The photo frame you wanted?

Kak Cha : Riez, did you even clean out your ears before listening to my instructions?! I wanted a
bigger photo frame! Not a tiny one!

Hariez : Well they didn't have it-


Hariez: Well.. Heheh-

That's how he found himself getting chased around the house by her very much angry sister.

Scene 3 :
Narrator: Now cooking, it couldn't be too bad right? Afterall, they are following the instructions
correctly, making sure to measure everything out and taking little nibbles just to make sure that
the amount of seasoning wasn't too much or too little. Well, that really isn't the problem here

Kak Ana : Dira!! You have to keep stirring that or else the bottom of the pan will be burnt!

Kak Dira : Just be patient! This'll only take awhile anyways! *Busy texting her friends*
Mak Som: Anaa!! Come, I need your help!

Kak Ana : Okey mak!! *Slight pause before leaving the kitchen/ stage* Well you better be stirring
by the time I get back here! Cause if it does bur-

Kak Dira : Yea yea, I know! Kakak Ifah will never forgive us and then she'll cook us into
Rendang instead yadahx3

Narrator: Well obviously Dira didn't keep to her word because soon enough, the smell of burning
keeps becoming more and more prominent *panicking as she starts to stir* , this of course..
draws the attention of the Eldest.

Kak Ifah: Anaaa, Diraaa, what are you guys cooking in here? Is it supposed to smell like this-
*looks into pot* HAH

Kak Dira : I- I can explain!

Kak Ifah : You burnt my pot! *Takes off slipper*

Kak Dira : Eek! I gotta blast!

Kak Ifah : OI!

Narrator: You see, even if your a teenager, sometimes the best form of discipline is a slipper to
the face, well that's according to Ifah of course
Scene 4
(End of flashback)
Mak Som : *looking stressed* So that's what happened.. Now, My children are fighting and Raya
is officially canceled..

Pak Ayob : *Pats her on the back* There must be something we can do to fix everything.

Mak Jah: *thinking hard* Well.. Have you guys thought of trying to communicate?

Mak Som: Of course we did! But whenever we try, they would start arguing again.

Pak Ayob : *nods in agreement*

Adzrin : What about putting them on an Island, that'll force them to work together and-

Adelya : Now where is that Island to be exact *crosses her arms* I think the best way to
approach this is perhaps by gathering everyone together with something everyone loves likeeee
Adzrin : *gags* not everyone likes barbies! What about food, everyone lovesss a good meal.

Mak Jah: They're right, maybe good food can help soften their hearts once more. Afterwards,
you can definitely talk it out much more calmly.

Mak Som and Pak Ayob : *smiles*

Pak Ayob : We'll give this a try.

Mak Som : Thank you, Jah, Adzrin and Adelya for coming over in our time of distress.

Mak Jah, Adzrin and Adelya : No problem!

Scene 5 (Final)

Narrator: Taking into consideration Mak Jah and her children's suggestions, she decided to cook
her family's favorite dishes. The room smelt delicious, sate, ketupat, kek lapis and so much
more!One by one, everyone started to gather around the dinner table. Everyone was excitedly
taking their places, giggling as they watched the youngest twins try to get a taste of the

Mak Som: Well, eat up everyone! *Everyone starts eating*

Kak Cha: Mak, Papa~ why are there so many lovely dishes tonight? Is it someone's birthday?

Mak Som: *chuckles* Well actually, I've gathered everyone here to talk everything out.. as we
know today didn't go exactly as planned *everyone nods in agreement* but we shouldn't let that
affect us as a family.

Pak Ayob: Your mother is right, instead of fighting all the time, we should work together to solve
any problems.

Hariez: mhm.. Kak Cha, I'm sorry for the situation earlier, I can return it if you want and get a
new one.

Kak Cha: It's alright Hariez, I'll accompany you this time to avoid anymore troubles *laughs*

Afiey & Lieya: And we're sorry too! We'll help you clean the clothes too, kakak Isya!

Kak Isya: *sighs* yeahx2 Alright alright! But you better not break the fabric!

Afiey and Lieya: oki!

Kak Dira : I'm sorry too for breaking your pot Akak Ifah and also for not listening to you Akak

Kak Ifah : Alright, but you better get me a new pot ya!

Kak Ana : haih, its fine, I can help you fix it later on

Mak Som : See isn't it lovely being able to forgive each other?

Pak Ayob : *stands up* That's right! Now, let's redo everything tmr, alright?

Children : Alright Papa!!

Afiey : *whispers to Lieya* Now!

Lieya : *puts whoopee cushion on Pak Ayob's chair*

Pak Ayob :*sits down and gets frightened* hey- *takes off whoopee the cushion from the chair*

Lieya & Afiey : HEHE PAPA FARTED!!

Everyone : LIEYA, AFIEY!!

Everyone learnt something that day and it was.. Mistakes and setbacks may happen but if you
have your family by your side, any troubles you go through can be beaten as easily as 1,2 and

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