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No. Dokumen No. Revisi Hal Tanggal Terbit

FM-02-AKD-05 01 1 dari 2 1 September 2012


Mata Kuliah : English Semantics Hari/Tanggal : Jumat, 7 April 2023

Kode Matakuliah : Waktu : 13.00 – 14.40
Jur/Prodi /Semester : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris S1 Dosen Pengampu : Yan Mujiyanto & Almira
Irwaniyanti Utami

1. Kerjakan soal-soal berikut dengan mengikuti instructions yang sesuai.
2. Tulis identitas anda pada lembar jawaban dengan ESEM_S1_NIM_Nama. Misalnya
ESEM_S1_S_2214183001_ Bejo Banget.
3. Serahkan hasil pekerjaan Anda ke alamat dan alamat
email Ibu Ibu Almira selambat-lambatnya Jumat 7 April pukul 17.00

1. Look up the words mean and meaning in any handy collegiate dictionary and find out how
many senses of the words are listed there. What sense(s) of mean seem(s) to correspond most
closely to the sense(s) that the text is concerned with?

2. Decide whether each pair of sentences below has the same or different propositional content.
If they have the same propositional content, identify the proposition that they both share.
a Can John have some cake /John has some cake
b Take out the garbage/You will take out the garbage
c Can you pass the salt?/The salt shaker is nearly empty
3. Explain this sentence in your own words: ‘Every expression that has meaning has sense, but
not every expression has reference’.

4. Find a typical dictionary definition of the terms the Evening Star/the Morning Star. Does the
definition include everything a typical native speaker knows about the word’s meaning?

5. Circle the passage which is a correct description of the term ‘reference’. Then, provide a
reason for your choice.
a. a relationship between expressions and other expressions which have the same meaning
b. the set of all objects which can potentially be referred to by an expression
c. a relationship between a particular object in the world and an expression used in an
utterance to pick that object out
6. A sentence which is used to assert the identity of the referents of two referring expressions, i.e.
to assert that two referring expressions have the same referent is called a .… (Provide a reason
for your answer!)

7. Which of the following is not a referring expression? (Imagine normal circumstances for the
utterances.) (Provide a reason for your answer.)
a. John in ‘John is my best friend’
b. he in ‘He’s a very polite man’, said by a husband to his wife in a conversation about their
bank manager
c. it’s in ‘It’s sinking!’ used in a conversation about a battleship which has just been attacked
d. the man who shot Abraham Lincoln in ‘The man who shot Abraham Lincoln was an
unemployed actor’
8. A part of a sentence which could be made into a complete sentence by the addition of a
referring expression, but where the addition of different referring expressions, even though
they refer to the same thing or person, in a given situation, will yield sentences with
DIFFERENT meanings when uttered in a given situation is called a/an …. (Provide a reason
for your answer.)

9. A word which does not belong to any of the referring expressions and which, of the remainder,
makes the most specific contribution to the meaning of the sentence is called .… (Provide a
reason for your answer.)

10. How does the concept of predicate in the semantic sense differ from the concept of
grammatical predicate? Does one seem to be more revealing than the other?


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