Unit 2

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Topic 1: Describe a birthday party you have ever attended.

I have attended many birthday parties of friends and relatives. However, my best friend’s
birthday party made me impressed the most.

Topic 2: Describe a wedding party you have ever attended.

I still remember vividly about my teacher’s daughter wedding party. It was the most
impressive wedding that I have ever attended.

Topic 3: Describe the market near your house

Street market is quite popular to people in my neighborhood. It is a large market with
several goods and things from everywhere. People call it “Ba Queo” market.

Topic 4: Describe the food you like best

Food is not also an important factor for me to survival, but it is also a way to make me
happy. My favorite food of all is “bun dau mam tom”.

Topic 5: Describe an important innovation in medicine in the last 20 years

Across the years, pharmacy has not stopped developing, and has a lot of crucial
innovation. One of them is invention of HIV treatment.

Topic 6: Describe a traditional game in your country.

Since Vietnam is a traditional country, we have many games to play when we were
children. One of the most interesting traditional games of my country is Dragon and Snake.

Topic 7: Describe a kind of drink you like best.

I drink water day by day. However, water is not my favorite drink, my favorite drink is
fruit tea.

Topic 8: Describe the streets at rush hours

Traffic jam is the most considerable issue in daily life. During rush hours, streets become
a nightmare to everyone.

Topic 9: Describe a popular sport in your country

Soccer is the most popular sport in my country. It’s known as the king sport to everyone
who likes watching sport or not.
Topic 10: Describe a place that has special significance for you.
My hometown is my favorite place to come, it is also a special and important place to me.


Topic 1: Narrate the trip to the beach with your family.
The trip to the beach last year with my family is the most memorable trip that I have ever

Topic 2: Tell about a serious mistake you have ever made.

I had a serious mistake when I was 7 years old, that makes me remember vividly till now.

Topic 3: Tell about the kindest thing you have done.

I like to help people around me, if I can do anything to help them, I will try my best. For
that reason, my kindest thing I have done is to help a friend when she had a big problem.

Topic 4: Tell about the time when you changed your mind about something. (Student’s book –
page 76)
I used to think that I have a lot of time to spend on everything in my life, so I spend only
a little time on my family. However, a book that I read last year, totally changed my mind about

Topic 5: Tell about the remarkable time with your best friend.
My bestfriend and I have been friends for over 3 years. We have had many memorable
time together, but the most remarkable time of us is a trip to Dalat when we were in grade 12.

Topic 6: Tell about the time you told lies to someone.

I do not like to tell lies to people, and I almost tell the truth all the time. Though, there
was a time when I told lies to my mother, that made me feel so guilty till now.

Topic 7: Tell about the time when someone persuaded you to do something you did not want to
do. (Student’s book – page 78)
When I was in grade 12, I did not want to participate in the competency assessment exam
again. My mother tried her best to persuaded and encourage me very much.

Topic 8: Tell the story of an illness that you had. (Student’s book – page 78)
Although I really hate diseases, I usually have illness such as catch a flu, headache, and
so on. But there was a time I had an awful illness that made me remember until now.
Topic 9: Tell the story of an invention. (Student’s book – page 78)
Inventing something is my favorite activity. I really love the moment when I invented
successfully something. The most impressing thing of my inventions is a small machine that
helps people in gaderning.


Topic 1: Compare the life in the city and in the countryside.
Life in the metropolis has many obvious differences compare to life in rural areas.

Topic 2: Customers know that there are different types of salespeople. Some salespeople are
successful, and others are not. Write an essay about two sales people who have influenced your
purchasing decisions.
A successful person is always an inspiration of people to become like them. Therefore, a
successful sale person will affect on people purchasing decisions more than a person who
haven’t had success.

Topic 3: What do you think about the way you study in college now and the way you studied in
your high school? Are they the same or different?
The way I use to study in highschool has a few differences with the way I study in
college now.

Topic 4: Compare the advantages of using public transportation and private transportation when
you go to school or to work.
People have several choices to go to school or go to work. Some of them choose public
transportation and some choose private transportation. They both bring many different

Topic 5: Compare the advantages when staying in a house and living in an apartment
Staying in a house and living in an apartment has different benefits compared together.

Topic 6: Compare the effect of Face To Face Learning and Online Classes.
In the age of industry 4.0, online classes are not strange to students and people who want
to study. However, compare to Face To Face Learning, these 2 methods have each advantages
and drawbacks.
Topic 7: Compare watching films at home and in the cinema. (choose advantages or
Watching films is a perfect method for people to entertain. They can choose to watch it at
home or in the cinema. Each of decision has each advantage.

Topic 8: Compare tea and coffee.

Tea or coffee, which one is the most favorite drink of people? These 2 drinks are
common to people life. Tea and coffee have the differences when compare them together.

Topic 9: Compare the two cultures.

Comparing two cultures together, we will see a lot of similarities as well as differences.


Topic 1: Some people say that we are wasting a lot of money and time on Tet holiday, so it
should be eliminated. Do you agree or disagree?
Some people think that we should eliminate Tet holiday because of its large expenses and
wasting money. I strongly disagree with that.

Topic 2: It is often said that “Men build houses, women build home”. What do you think about
Many people now believe that “Men build houses, women build home”. According to
me, I think it is partly true.

Topic 3: Some people say that students should not do part-time jobs. Instead, they should spend
their time on studying. Do you agree?
Students now have to deal with many things including studying and doing part-time jobs.
Some people believe that students should spend all their time on studying. In my point of view,
this thought may be not right in some ways.

Topic 4: It is said that silence is the best way to solve all the problems. Do you agree?
Some people say that silence is the best way to solve all the problems. However, I
strongly believe that silence will not help in many ways.

Topic 5: Many schools offer participants in sports as part of the curriculum. They think that
learning to play sports teaches valuable life skills. Do you agree?
Some people believe that learning to play sports teaches valuable life skills. I strongly
agree with that belief.
Topic 6: Pesticides are used to kill insects on fruits and vegetables. However, research shows
that they can be harmful to people and the environment. Do you think pesticides should be
banned? Why and why not?
The most crucial mission of pesticides is to kill insects on fruits and vegetables, and it
still do perfectly its job, although they can be harmful to people and the environment. To my
mind, we should not ban pesticides, we can innovate and develop them into a kind of pesticides
which do not harm to people and the environment.

Topic 7: Scientists can learn a lot by doing experiments on animals, but some people believe that
this makes animals suffer. Should scientists be allowed to continue this research?
Scientists do experiments on animals in order to learn more about them. However, some
people believe that this makes animals suffer. To my way of thinking, scientists can be allowed
to continue this research, but they can only do experiments which do not harm to animals.

Topic 8: In the United States, people have the right to remain silent when they are questioned by
police. In your opinion, is this a good law?
People in the United States have the right to remain silent when they are questioned by
police. In my point of view, that is a reasonable law for everyone.

Topic 9: Traffic is a problem everywhere in the world. It creates congestion, pollution, and noise.
In response to this problem, some cities charge an expensive congestion tax to cars in downtown
areas. Do you agree with this tax?
Traffic jam is a considerable issue everywhere around the world. Therefore, some cities
charge an expensive congestion tax to cars as a solution to solve the traffic congestion. I partly
agree with that solution, because I believe that this action may help cope with problem in some
cities but there are still some other solutions bring better effects.

Topic 10: Many people say that motorbikes are the main cause of traffic jam in HCM city, so
they should be banned to the city. Do you agree with this idea?
Traffic congestion in HCM city is always a difficult problem for government to solve.
Some people think that motorbikes are the main cause of that issue, so they should be banned to
the city. To me, I certainly disagree with that statement.


Topic 1: What factors that help a student successful?
Studying is a way that any person has to go on it; however, just go through that way is
not enough for students, they totally can use many factors to reach success in studying.

Topic 2: What makes a person addicted to smoking?

Everyone knows that smoking causes bad effects on human’s health; however, people
still smoking. As several reasons lead a person addicted to smoking.

Topic 3: What can be the causes of traffic jam in Ho Chi Minh City?
Traffic congestion in HCM city is always a hot issue with government and citizen who
lives there. Before people find some ways to cope with that problem, people need to know about
the causes of traffic jam in HCM city.

Topic 4: Very few people live in the same home their entire lives. What causes people to move
to new homes either in the same city or different parts of the world?
People usually want to live in the same home in their whole life. Nevertheless, there are
numerous reasons cause people move to new homes.

Topic 5: What are the benefits of online courses?

In the age of industry 4.0, online courses are not strange to students and people who want
to study. And so, online courses now become a popular method because of its benefits.

Topic 6: How does the food industry affect the environment and human health?
Food industry plays a crucial role in people life, and also, it causes many positive as well
as negative effects on the environment and human health.

Topic 7: What happens to a man who smokes more than 20 cigarettes a day?
Everyone knows that cigarettes do harm to people’s health. Therefore, if a man smokes
more than 20 cigarettes a day, he will deal with a risk that he will die.

Topic 8: What do you think is crucial to the success of a movie?

Everyone likes to watch an amazing and outstanding movie. That successful movie is
always made of several essential factors.

Topic 9: What are the benefits of Internet?

Internet is one of the most important factors in people daily life. The reason why Internet
is necessary to human life is the advantages of it.

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