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Start Phonology Morphology Syntax Pragmatics Research

Second Language (L2) Acquisition :
L2 Phonology, Morphology, Syntax and Pragmatics
Contrastive Analysis
Critical Period Hypothesis
Optimality Theory

Processability Theory

Error Analysis Hypothesis
Laguindab, Macarambon, Macaumbos,
Rainie T. Fatima Ditma U. Jannah Reeham M. Pragmatic
Noticing Hypothesis
Sociocultural Theory

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Start Phonology Morphology Syntax Pragmatics Research

Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis CRITICISM(S) :

o Area of comparative linguistics which focuses on o Criticized by the proponents of

the comparison of two or more linguistics to Error Analysis
determine the differences or similarities between
them. ISSUES :
o It implies a belief in language universals: if there o It is oversimplified process.
were no features in common there would be no
basis for comparison. o There is no exact distinction among
o Highlights the similarities and difference in L1 and
L2. o There are problems in verifiability of
difficulty level prediction.
o It seeks to predict and explain L2 learner’s
difficulty problems.
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Critical Period Hypothesis TWO TYPES OF STUDIES THAT


It states that there is a period of growth in which

o Ultimate Attainment
full native competence is possible when Analyzes the relationship
acquiring a language. This period is from early between the age of arrival in
childhood to adolescence. the target location and the
final attainment of English
proficiency when the learners
become adults.
o Rate of Learning
o Contradiction of the ultimate attainment and rate of learning. Analyzes whether the rate of L2
learning varies with the
o No universally accepted definition of a critical period within learner’s age, while L2 is still
linguistics. going on.
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Optimality Theory ISSUES :

o A general model of how grammars are o Computing and comparing an infinite
structured. number of possible candidates would
take an infinitely long time to process.
o It is an approach within the larger
framework of generative grammar. o Optimality Theory does not present
significant computational problems. (see
o Associated with its use in phonology, the Kornai (2006) and Heinz, Kobele & Riggle
area to which Optimality Theory was first
o The framework is purely
o Its focus on the investigation of universal representational.
principles, linguistic typology and
language acquisition.
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Start Phonology Morphology Syntax Pragmatics Research

Processability Theory
o Proposes that for linguistic hypotheses to transform into executable procedural knowledge the
processor needs to have the capacity of processing those hypotheses (Pienemann, 1998).

o Pienemann ‘s next development (1998) is to expand the Multidimensional model into a

Processability Theory, which predicts which grammatical structures an L2 learner can process at
a given level of development.


o The theory has little to say about transfer, and deals with a limited domain, restricting itself to an account
of processing that accounts for speech production, and avoiding any discussion of linguistic theory.
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Syntactic Awareness – The ability to monitor relationships among the
words in a sentence in order to comprehend while reading,
composing orally, and writing.
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Error Analysis Hypothesis o Error Analysis is a type of linguistic analysis that focuses on the
errors learners make. It consists of a comparison between the
errors made in the target language and that target language
A method used to document the errors that itself.
appear in learner language, determine whether
o Error analysis emphasizes the significance of learners' errors in
those errors are systematic, and (if possible) second language.
explain what caused them.
o Error analysis can thus provide a strong support to remedial
teaching", it can reveal both the successes and the failures of
the program.

Implications :

1. Devising remedial measures.

2. Preparing a sequence of target language items in classrooms and textbooks with the difficult items coming after the easier, ones.
3. Making suggestions about the nature or strategies of second language learning employed by both first and second language
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Error Analysis Hypothesis o Error Analysis is a type of linguistic analysis that focuses on the
errors learners make. It consists of a comparison between the
errors made in the target language and that target language
A method used to document the errors that itself.
appear in learner language, determine whether
o Error analysis emphasizes the significance of learners' errors in
those errors are systematic, and (if possible) second language.
explain what caused them.
o Error analysis can thus provide a strong support to remedial
teaching", it can reveal both the successes and the failures of
the program.

Criticisms :

o Schachter (1974) argues that it makes no allowance for “avoidance phenomena.”

o Schachter and Murcia (1977), the analysis of errors in isolation focuses the attention of the investigator on errors
and thus excludes the other corpus from consideration.
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Pragmatic awareness - the recognition or knowledge of the way in which
language is used to encode social meaning through conscious reflection of
relationships among factors involved in pragmatic comprehension and
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Noticing Hypothesis Background :

"In the 1980s, the dominant theories of language and of

“A hypothesis that input does not become intake for SLA... emphasized the unconscious processes of
language learning unless it is noticed, that is, learning."

consciously registered (Schmidt, 1990, 2001)”

Case Study : Wes (Artist from Japan).

Wes: Yesterday I’m go beach and Tomorrow I’m go beach.

What he meant: I went to the beach yesterday, and I’m
o Learners cannot learn the grammatical planning to go back tomorrow.

features of a language unless they notice Wes: We are come back here early, we are apartment.
them. What he meant: We came back early to our apartment.
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Noticing Hypothesis Criticisms :

Tomlin & Villa : The temporal granularity of diary

“A hypothesis that input does not become intake for studies is too coarse.
language learning unless it is noticed, that is,
Gass : Claims that attention/awareness may be
consciously registered (Schmidt, 1990, 2001)” necessary for some kinds of learning but not others.

Tomlin & Villa : Argues that the three functional

subsystems of attention (alertness, orientation,
detection), detection is crucial, but detection does
o Learners cannot learn the grammatical not require awareness.

features of a language unless they notice Carol : Attention to environmental stimuli does not
them. play a direct role in acquisition
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Sociocultural Theory
Zone of Proximal Development - The difference
o A person’s cognitive development is largely between what a student can do without help and
what a student can do with help.
influenced by their surrounding culture.

o Focuses not only how adults and peers influence

individual learning, but also on how cultural APPLCATION OF SOCIOCULTURAL THEORY :
beliefs and attitudes affect how learning takes
o In the classroom
place. • Scaffolding

o In Socialization & Play

o Sees learning as the social process, in which
there is a double direction
Start Phonology Morphology Syntax Pragmatics Research

Sociocultural Theory
o A person’s cognitive development is largely Criticisms :

influenced by their surrounding culture. o Lack of Observation and Experimental

o Focuses not only how adults and peers influence o It does not account for the slower rate of
individual learning, but also on how cultural cognitive growth in some children.
beliefs and attitudes affect how learning takes o Societal Influences.
place. o Lack of Cultural Relevance.
o Guided Learning (Zone of Proximal
o Sees learning as the social process, in which Development).
there is a double direction
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Start Phonology Morphology Syntax Pragmatics Research

Paper Presentation

“The Development of Pragmatic Competence through

Tele-collaboration : An Analysis of Requesting

Author : Darren Joseph Cunninghan

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Paper Presentation

Terminologies :


Novice Participants

Expert Participants
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Paper Presentation

Theoretical framework :

Anchored to Sociocultural theory and Speech acts theory

Research design :

Mixed Methodology – both Quantitative and Qualitative Research design using

comparative and developmental methods. Note: Comparison was used in line
to RQ1, while Developmental method was utilized in accordance with RQ2.
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Paper Presentation
Statement of the Problem :

1. Is the requesting behavior of novice participants similar to or different from the requesting behavior
of expert participants?

2. Does the requesting behavior of novice participants change as a result of interacting with expert
participants and taking part in focused instruction?

Research Hypothesis

1. There is a distinct difference between the requesting behavior of novice and expert participants.

2. There will be concrete development in the requesting behavior of novice participants after
interacting with the expert participants.
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Paper Presentation

Participants :

(two groups: novice speakers and expert speakers) novice refers to the
participants that had learn German language recently or the non-native
German speakers. On the other hand, expert refers to the participants who
successfully acquire German Language that is living and working in Germany.

Novice = 9 American Learners. Experts = 4 German Learners.

Research Instrument :

Adobe Connect Pro (CMC Computer-Mediated Communication)

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Paper Presentation

Data Analysis : Aggregate analysis and Micro-genetic analysis.

- Aggregate data refers to numerical or non-numerical information that is (1) collected from
multiple sources and/or on multiple measures, variables, or individuals and (2) compiled
into data summaries or summary reports, typically for the purposes of public reporting or
statistical analysis—i.e., examining trends, making comparisons, or revealing information
and insights that would not be observable when data elements are viewed in isolation.

- The micro-genetic approach examines change as it occurs, thus attempting to identify

and explain its underlying mechanisms. It involves taking repeated measurements from
the same participants over the course of transition in the domain of interest.
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Paper Presentation
Major Findings :

1. As hypothesized, there are difference between the requesting behavior of the

participants. Novice were observed direct in terms of their word usage in their request.
They don’t use word indicators such as “please” or “may”. On the other hand, expert
participants were more indirect in their request which is appropriate in German language.
This implies that novice participants use of words are not appropriate in the given

2. Unlike hypothesis 2, the findings revealed that there are no changes in the requesting
behavior of the novice participants despite months of interacting with the expert
participants. However, it is observed that few of the novice participants (2 out of 9
participants) developed small changes in terms of their sentence structure with regards
to their requesting behavior.
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Paper Presentation

Conclusion :

While the study demonstrates a positive effect for interaction and explicit instruction, which
broadly corroborates previous interventional studies, the effect is not universal and the
learners’ individual developmental paths are shaped by other factors such as the
proficiency level, interactional style, and disposition towards task completion.

Implication :

Findings imply that sociocultural background of learners is an interference in L2 pragmatic


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