IS556-Web Design and Development-Task3-Gnp2022-2023

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Task 3|IS556 Web Design and Development|Even Semester 2022-2023


1. Looking for one of the frameworks used to create / develop websites.

Related Sub-CLO:

1. SUB-CLO 11: Students are able to build web application using certain framework (C6)


Together with your group, find and choose a web development framework, it can be based on
any programming language but it can't be one that has been discussed in class (CodeIgniter,
Laravel, Yii)

Discuss the framework, including:

1. Short history such as founder, development, etc.

2. Type (ex: open source/paid)
3. Pre-requisite(s)
4. Strengths and limitations
5. Usage examples (create an example mini-project using the framework.

Present the findings and discussion in a short video (5 - 10) minutes, each group member must
participate. You can use ppt slides or other forms of animation to support your presentation to
make it more interesting.


● Assignments submitted in video file format, or a drive link if the video memory is too
large to upload.

● File format collected: IS556-Web Design and Development–Class-Group


For example: IS556- Web Design and Development-A-GroupB-Task3.mp4

☺ Good Luck ☺
IS556 Web Design and Development | 1
Task 3|IS556 Web Design and Development|Even Semester 2022-2023

Assessment rubrics:

Aspect > 45 46 – 55 56 – 65 65 – 79 ≥ 80
Completeness(90% The video The video The video The video The video
) only briefly oThe video only only contains
describes 1 - only explains explains elements of
2 points, or explains 2-3 that it that it points 1 - 5
the points contains contains and is
information briefly. elements of elements of explained
is points 1 - 5points 1 - 5 in a clear,
completely but not all but is correct and
untrue. of the explained structured
information only at a manner.
is correct. glance, or
clearly but
only 3-4
Creativity (10%) Video is not The videos The video is The videos Videos are
clear at all. are made that are made
relatively attractively, made are attractively,
flat and the but the clear but information
information information less is easy to
conveyed is is not clear interesting. receive and
boring. so it is understand
difficult to .

IS556 Web Design and Development | 2

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