Timesheet Jan

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From Date 2nd

MVC Basic
C# (Inheritance Practice & Aggregation)
C# (Types of Inheritance & Implementation)
C# (Pattern Programming & Implementation diferent types of Imheritance)

Revised concept of OOPS

Documentation (Introduction of MongoDB)
Documentation (Features of MonogDB)
Documentation (Queries of MongoDB)

Documentation (Queries of MongoDB)

Documentation (Queries of MongoDB)
Pattern Programming
Documentation (Queries of MongoDB)

Performed queries of MongoDB on IDE

Performed queries of MongoDB on IDE
Performed queries of MongoDB on IDE
Pattern Programming

Revision of MongoDB CRUD Operations

MVC & Regular Expression of Random Document
Email Writing and Regular Expression Practice

7 & 8 Holiday

MongoDB Practice
Problems with ASP.NET Web Forms
Bandwidth Consumption
How MVC came into existence

Git Commands Tutorial on Youtube

Working on PPT
Working on PPT
Health issue

Working on PPT
Practiced Git Commands
Completed PPT
Studied GitHub

Working on PPT Slides

Solving issues of Git (Generating SSH key for the GitHub account)
Practicing Git Commands on terminal
Watched Git & Github Tutorial Video and practiced Fork, Pull Request functions of

Practicing Git & GitHub

Practicing Git & GitHub also solving issues of network & Bluetooth connectivity of
my Laptop
Team Meeting 1
Fire Rescue Activity at safe assembly area
Fire Rescue Activity at safe assembly area

14 & 15 Holiday

MVC (Also updated OS of laptop)
Group Discussion Topics
Group Discussion Topics

Udating Word Document of given Task

Udating Word Document of given Task
Working on communication development
Updating Word Document of given Task and learning how to converse in a group

C# (Pattern Programming Practice)

Preparing for Dicussion Meet
Preparing for Dicussion Meet
Group Discussion Meet 3 - 5 pm
C# (Pattern Programming Practice)

Studied ASP.NET MVC concept on website blogs

Studied why ASP.NET MVC is used instead of .NET Webforms
Studied ASP. NET Life Cycle
ASP. NET MVC Application Structure

C# Pattern Programming
ASP.NET MVC (Controller in MVC) - WebGentle
ASP.NET MVC (View & Model) - WebGentle
ASP.NET MVC (Razor Pages) - WebGentle

21 & 22 holiday

Razor View Engine (Conditional Statement, looping, Directives)

Strongly Typed HTML Helpers, Templated HTML helpers
Custom HTML Helpers & their methods, View Bag & View Data

Sick Leave - 24 jan

HTTPS Verbs in MVC 5

HTTPS Verbs in MVC 5
HTTPS Verbs in MVC 5
Presentation Meeting 3.00 -4.30 pm
Republic Day Celebration

26 National Holiday

HTTPS Verbs in MVC 5

Routing in MVC 5 Practice on Visual Studio
Routing in MVC 5
Routing in MVC 5

28 & 29 holiday

Validations Blogs
Conventional & Attribute Routing in MVC 5 - WebGentle
Pass data from View to Controller
Validation in MVC with loosely binding

Validation in MVC with Strongly binding, Validation Summary, Custom Validation

Layout in MVC, Multiple Layouts in MVC
Multiple Layouts in MVC, Section in Layout, @RenderPage in MVC
Entity Framework in MVC

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