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Republic of the Philippines

Laguna State Polytechnic University

ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Province of Laguna
Level I Institutionally Accredited

LSPU Self-Paced Learning Module (SLM)

Course Personality Development and Social Responsibility
Sem/AY Second Semester/2022-2023
Module No. 2
Lesson Title Dimensions of Personality:
Lesson 1. Physical Factors
Lesson 2. Social Factors
Date March 6-31,2023

This module will cover the discussions about Dimensions of Personality: Lesson 1.
Physical Factors, Lesson 2. Social Factors. It will also provide activities and exercises
of the
that will assess students understanding about the topic.

Learning Outcomes

Intended Students should be able to meet the following intended learning outcomes:
Learning • Describe different temperaments.
Outcomes • Relate to different temperament based on body chemistry.
• Relate how physical appearance affect personality.
• Recognize the importance of delayed gratification in work.
• Identify their working rights and responsibilities
• Define different set of rules for health and safety and are able to assess hazards
that may impact them in their current or future work.
• Use and demonstrate effective communication for various methods of
communication in the workplace and develop a plan to improve their
communication skills.
• Demonstrate active listening and understand the importance of listening in the
• Recognize the value of working as a team and is able to work.
Targets/ At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
Objectives • Relate to different temperament based on body chemistry.
• Relate how physical appearance affect personality.
• Identify their working rights and responsibilities

LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: LSPU 01-Personality Development and Social Responsibility
Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Province of Laguna
Level I Institutionally Accredited

• Define different set of rules for health and safety and are able to assess hazards
that may impact them in their current or future work.
• Use and demonstrate effective communication for various methods of
communication in the workplace and develop a plan to improve their
communication skills.
• Demonstrate active listening and understand the importance of listening in the

Student Learning Strategies

Online Activities A. Online Discussion via Google Meet

(Synchronous/ You will be directed to attend in a Four-Hour class discussion on
Asynchronous) Dimensions of Personality: Lesson 1. Physical Factors, Lesson 2. Social
Factors. To have access to the Online Discussion, refer to this link:

(For further instructions, refer to your Google Classroom and see the
schedule of activities for this module)

Note: The insight that you will post on online discussion forum using Learning
Management System (LMS) will receive additional scores in class participation.

LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: LSPU 01-Personality Development and Social Responsibility
Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Province of Laguna
Level I Institutionally Accredited

Lecture Guide

Lesson 1: Physical Factors

Offline Activities
Paced) Our personality differentiates us from other people, and understanding
someone’s personality gives us clues about how that person is likely to act and
feel in a variety of situations. In order to effectively manage organizational
behavior, an understanding of different employees’ personalities is helpful.
Having this knowledge is also useful for placing people in jobs and
organizations. Having a strong personality is the key to success. This is also a key
determinant of good leadership.
Physical Factors
There are many physical factors which will determine a person’s
personality. These physical factors include the overall physical structure of a
person: his height, weight, color, sex, beauty, body language, etc.
Physical factors are one of the major reasons for that. Most of the physical
structures change from time to time, and so does the personality. With exercises,
cosmetics, surgeries etc. many physical features are changed, and therefore, the
personality of the individual also evolves.

LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: LSPU 01-Personality Development and Social Responsibility
Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Province of Laguna
Level I Institutionally Accredited

• Physique (Body Types)

People are born with an inherited body type based on skeletal frame
and body composition. Most people are unique combinations of the three
body types: ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph.

1. Ectomorphs are long and lean, with little body fat, and little muscle. They
have a hard time gaining weight. Fashion models and basketball players
fit this category. While most of us love to hate these genetically-blessed
individuals, some male ectomorphs may not be thrilled with their
narrow-chested frames, and some female ectomorphs long for more
womanly curves.
2. Endomorphs, on the other hand, have lots of body fat, lots of muscle, and
gain weight easily. "Football lineman tend to be endomorphs -- they're
heavier and rounder individuals," says Colby. "And they don't have to
necessarily be overweight. Both Oprah Winfrey and Marilyn Monroe are
classic examples of endomorphs."
3. Mesomorphs are athletic, solid, and strong. "They're not overweight and
not underweight," says Colby, "and they can eat what they want without
worrying too much about it." They both gain and lose weight without too
much effort.
4. Classic combination somatotypes include pear-shaped ecto-endomorphs
with thin, delicate upper bodies and high fat storage in the hips and
thighs, and apple-shaped endo-ectomorphs, with high fat storage in the
mid-section and thin lower bodies.

William Sheldon believe that body builds are related to temperaments.

What Is a Temperament?
A person's temperament is formed as an infant and never changes. It simply
develops over time. Studies have shown that temperament remains constant and
serves as a means to help you determine how you will react to situations. It's a
way to recognize consistent personality traits.

The Four Types of Temperament

Psychologists recognize four primary temperament types. The names of the
types were originally naming of humor in more distant times. It was believed
that humor caused people to behave in certain ways. Although science has

LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: LSPU 01-Personality Development and Social Responsibility
Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Province of Laguna
Level I Institutionally Accredited

refuted the existence of humor in that fashion, the names of the four
temperament types stuck.
It is possible, in fact likely, that someone will have both primary and
secondary temperament types. A person can have any combination of the
temperament types to make up their overall personality. The four primary
temperament types are explored below.
1. Sanguine
Sanguine is the most common temperament type. It is typically either a
primary type or a secondary type, although, of course, not everyone is
sanguine. This temperament type is just as likely to be found in men as it is
in women. Some people are considered "super sanguine" in that they are so
overly talkative and active that it can be overwhelming to be around them.
Sanguine Characteristics
People with the sanguine temperament type have a wide range of
emotions, and also a wide range of behavior. They are the most versatile of
all the temperaments. Depending on their secondary temperament, they
might be involved in nearly any human activity. However, they enjoy
occasions when they can interact with or change their environment.
Sanguine temperament people are playful and impulsive. They are
constantly active and always optimistic. They have a good sense of humor,
are entertaining and easily amused. They are also expressive and
affectionate. They build relationships easily and are trusting of others.

2. Phlegmatic
Phlegmatic temperaments are also common, but they can be seen as
almost the opposite of sanguine temperaments. However, it is possible to
have a primary type of sanguine and a secondary type of phlegmatic, or
vice versa.
Phlegmatic Characteristics
The passiveness of the phlegmatic temperament type leads to a distinct
set of characteristics. They are easy going, calm, and unemotional. They can
be indecisive and agreeable, and are usually happy to allow others to make
decisions for them.

Phlegmatic temperament people are slow to warm up to others but will

make friends fairly easily. They are one of the easiest temperament types to
get along with because they are so agreeable and patient. However, they
stick closely to their routines and resist change.

LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: LSPU 01-Personality Development and Social Responsibility
Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Province of Laguna
Level I Institutionally Accredited

3. Melancholy

When most people hear the word melancholy, they think of depression.
However, the melancholy temperament type is not necessarily depressed so
much as they are cautious. This is another common temperament type.

Melancholy Characteristics

The melancholy temperament is a rule follower. They can be cautious and

tentative in unfamiliar environments, but they can also become aggressive
when faced with an unfavorable situation. They are private and introverted.
This temperament is factual, logical, and analytical. To function without
anxiety, these people need to have a solid plan for action and follow it to the

4. Choleric

The choleric temperament is the rarest of the four primary types. In

particular, females with the choleric type as their primary temperament are
extremely rare. It is more common for choleric to be a secondary
temperament, although even this is not as common as other combinations.

Choleric Characteristics
Choleric temperament people are extroverted and exudes self-
confidence. They are independent and strong willed. They have quick minds
and are generally active and practical in their activities. Their
communication style is assertive and direct, often brief almost to the point
of rudeness.
This temperament type enjoys taking risks and gets bored easily. They
can be domineering and opinionated. They find it easy to make decisions,
not only for themselves but for others as well. They can be somewhat
controlling in relationships. Choleric types also tend to require less sleep
than other temperament types.

Managing Different Temperaments

The different temperament types don't always mesh well. It is possible that
two people of very different temperaments may have difficulties in
relationships. While temperament cannot be changed, you can learn to

LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: LSPU 01-Personality Development and Social Responsibility
Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Province of Laguna
Level I Institutionally Accredited

understand each other and learn ways to cope with each other's needs. Here are
a few tips to get you started.

Understand How Your Temperament Affects Your Life

The way you perceive the world around you has a direct impact on how you
interact with it. Armed with more knowledge about your temperament, you can
cultivate more awareness around this personality and what it means for you in
your daily life. Awareness is always the first step in cultivating change.

Ernest Kretschmer’s Classification:

German psychologist Kretschmer has attempted to correlate physique and

character. From his studies on mental patients, he found that certain body types
are associated with particular types of mental disorders. He has classified
personalities into four types:

a. Pyknic type:
These are people who are short and having round body. They will have
personality traits of extraverts. These people are more prone to suffer from
a mental disorder called Manic Depressive Psychosis (MDP).

b. Asthenic type:
These people will have a slender or slim body. They will have the
personality traits of introverts. These people are more prone to suffer from
a serious mental disorder called Schizophrenia.

c. Athletic type:
These people will have strong body. They are more energetic and
aggressive. They will be strong enough, determined, adventurous and
balanced. They are comparable with ambiverts. They are more prone to
suffer from MDP.

d. Dysplastic type:
These people will have unproportionate body and do not belong to any
of the three types mentioned above. This disproportion is due to hormonal
imbalance. Their behavior and personality are also imbalanced.

LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: LSPU 01-Personality Development and Social Responsibility
Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Province of Laguna
Level I Institutionally Accredited

Lesson 2: Social Factors

The society and culture play important role in the development of personality.
Among the factors which influence the personality— the influence of home
atmosphere is very crucial. Parental behavior will have greater impact on

Parental attitude towards children, pattern of care like over protection, over
indulgence, rejection, negligence, encouragement, discouragement, their
attitude towards life, relationship with friends and relatives all will affect the
development. Number of children in a family, order of birth, peer group, school
atmosphere also influences personality development.

Adler’s Theory of Striving for Superiority:

Alfred Adler was the follower of Freud, but opposed his views and established
his own school of thought called Individual Psychology. Adler stressed on the
social, rather than biological determinants of personality and on the upward
drive of the self. In his view the prime source of man’s motivation is the innate
striving for superiority by attaining perfection.

According to Adler, every child will suffer from some weakness which results
in development of inferiority. But every child will try to compensate one
weakness through some other ability. For example, a bodily handicapped child
may work hard and get a rank in the examination.

Karen Horney and Basic Anxiety:

Karen Horney concentrates mainly on ‘Basic anxiety’ as a prime concept to
understand human personality. Basic anxiety according to Horney—stems from
anything that causes insecurity in the child, especially in relation to his/her

That is being dominated by parents, being inconsistently treated, being given

too much or too little responsibility, being treated with coldness or indifferences,
being involved in parental conflicts and so on.

Sullivan and Interpersonal Relations:

Harry Stack Sullivan describes personality as the relatively enduring pattern
of recurrent interpersonal situations which characterize a human life. According
to him there is no personality apart from its relations with other people; all that
is distinctly human is a product of social interactions from birth onwards and

LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: LSPU 01-Personality Development and Social Responsibility
Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Province of Laguna
Level I Institutionally Accredited

every individual is motivated towards achieving social and interpersonal


Therefore, according to Sullivan the study of personality is really the study of

the whole interpersonal situation and not an isolated individual.

Erickson and Psychosocial Crisis:

Erik Erickson’s theory is known as Ego psychology. According to Erickson, as
the individual progresses through his developmental stages, meets with
psychosocial crises peculiar to each stage. It is psychosocial because, society has
developed social institutions specific to each stage in an attempt to mold and
socialize the individual as he progresses through these stages.

In Erickson’s scheme, there are eight psychosocial stages extending through

the life span from infancy to old age. Each stage will experience certain conflicts
called crises.

According to Article 2 Section 3 of the Code of Ethics for Professional


In the interest of the State and of the Filipino people as much as of his own,
every teacher shall be physically, mentally and morally fit.
A teacher is a facilitator of learning and of the development of the youth; he
shall, therefore, render the best service by providing an environment conducive
to such learning and growth. – It is therefore our duty to dress properly and look
good when coming to class.


Being a professional means conducting yourself according to the highest

standards, giving your best effort inside and outside the classroom, and
building relationships based on mutual respect. To become a teacher, aim to be
a good one; and if you want to be a good teacher, make sure to act like a

LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: LSPU 01-Personality Development and Social Responsibility
Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Province of Laguna
Level I Institutionally Accredited

Method 1. Looking and Acting Like a True Professional

1. Project a neat and clean look with

your clothes and styling. You may
have more flexibility in your attire than
previous generations of teachers—a
male teacher may not be expected to
wear a jacket and tie, for instance. No
matter the dress code (or lack thereof)
at your school, though, focus on
maintaining a professional look. Come
to work looking the part of a teacher, not trying to dress like your students.

2. Behave professionally in
public. Students and the community
at large will see you as a teacher even
when you’re not working, so make
sure you represent your school and
profession well in your daily life. Be
someone who others can respect no
matter the situation.

3. Maintain professionalism on
social media. Social media can be a great
way for you to connect with students,
parents, and colleagues, but it can also be a
gateway to unprofessional or even
inappropriate behavior. You should keep
your personal and professional social media
profiles separate, and keep stringent privacy
settings for each.

Prepare thoroughly for each day of
teaching. Check your planner the
evening before and get ready for the
following day. Professional teachers plan
thoroughly for every lesson and class.
Then, they stick to their work program
and assessment schedule.

LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: LSPU 01-Personality Development and Social Responsibility
Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Province of Laguna
Level I Institutionally Accredited

5. Come to work on time every day. A professional teacher understands

the need to start the day well, every day. The first impression you make each
morning sets the tone for the rest of the day.

6. Follow the procedures and the protocols expected at your school.

True professionals, in any field, embrace the corporate identity and values,
and model these for the clients. In the case of a teacher, that means being a
“team player” with your fellow teachers and the school administration, and
projecting this shared focus to your students.

7. Don’t miss deadlines or fall behind on your grading. Professionals

keep their work up to date and plan ahead. If you’re always pushing
deadlines back or making promises you can’t keep, you’ll lose respect in the
eyes of your students and peers.

8. Embrace change and give new methods a chance. Don’t be a

doomsayer and throw cold water on new ideas or suggestions for positive
change. Instead of vocalizing negative thoughts like "That will never work
at this school," respectfully note any concerns you may have but show your
willingness to try out something different.

9. Seek new subject knowledge to share with your students. Take

continuing education courses to keep yourself mentally stimulated. Your
renewed enthusiasm for your subject will be rewarded by increased student
interest and enthusiasm for the subject itself.
10. Be passionate, positive, and enthusiastic about your work. Never
act like it’s a chore to be in the classroom, even if it feels that way from time
to time. Instead, project positivity and enthusiasm for your students.

11. Attend professional development courses to gain new skills.

Professional teachers are constantly learning and sharing what they know.
Learn about the latest pedagogical theories and practices, as well as the
tools of the trade. Be open to trying new ideas to help your students learn
and thrive.

Method 2 - Running a Classroom Like a Pro

1. Take charge of your classroom. Respect your students, and demand the
same respect from them. Clearly lay out your rules for classroom behavior,
and enforce them consistently. Don’t shout or lose your cool—remain calm

LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: LSPU 01-Personality Development and Social Responsibility
Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Province of Laguna
Level I Institutionally Accredited

and collected, and be clear on what needs to happen. When necessary,

involve the school administration for serious discipline issues.

2. Put safety first. Remember that, as a professional teacher, you are

offering a service to the students and the school community. You are duty-
bound to take your "in loco parentis" role seriously. Explain why certain
rules are in place and follow all institutional risk management procedures.

3. Make excellence your goal. Constantly provide benchmarks for

improvement for your students. Give praise when it is due, and
compassionate yet constructive feedback when it’s needed. Encourage and
support those who need help, and find creative ways to assist them to
improve their grades.

4. Take pride in the process and products of your teaching. Make sure
your lessons, notes, and handouts are professionally presented—that is,
neat, clear, easy-to-follow, and without simple errors or typos. Take a
moment to consider how you’d grade your own efforts—if they’d be
anything other than passing with flying colors, increase your effort.

5. Take responsibility for your student's results. In the end, it’s up to

your students to put in the work and effort to get their best grades. As a
professional teacher, though, you should accept that the grades your
students achieve are, at least in part, a reflection on you. Accept that there
is room for improvement on both sides—the students’ and yours.

6. Simplify your lessons to focus on the key components. Good teachers

make it easy to understand complicated things. Use examples, models,
pictures, hands-on activities, real-life connections, and so on. Find ways for
your students to relate to the material.

7. Keep your students’ attention through enthusiasm and self-

awareness. You shouldn’t expect your students to be excited about learning
something if you don’t seem excited to be teaching it. Let your passion shine
through in the classroom, and some of it will rub off on your students.

LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: LSPU 01-Personality Development and Social Responsibility
Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Province of Laguna
Level I Institutionally Accredited

Method 3 -Connecting with Students, Parents, and Colleagues

1. Inspire others’ trust right from the start. Create a good first impression
from day one of the academic year. Be prepared, enthusiastic, and serious
about success.

2. Treat your students with respect. Never publicly humiliate or belittle

your students. Do not discuss their results or grades in front of others. Don't
personalize issues with students.

3. Model respectful behavior for your students. Your students can learn
a lot about what you expect from them by watching you. Always show a
respectful attitude toward students, fellow staff members, your school, your
subject, and yourself. They will pick up on your respectful attitude, making
it easy to gain their respect.

4. Take an interest in every child. The better you get to know your
students, the more influence you will have on their attitude towards
learning, and on their lives in general. Don’t play favorites or deem anyone
beyond helping—your job as a professional is to teach everyone in the class.

5. Maintain confidentiality. A professional teacher will use students'

personal information to help them achieve their potential. Confidential
information will not be disclosed as gossip, or used as a weapon against a
student. Likewise, non-classroom information, like the content of staff
meetings, should be treated in the strictest of confidence.

6. Consult parents and welcome their involvement. Include parents in

the educational process and encourage their support of the school's
disciplinary processes and procedures. Be polite and calm when dealing
with parents. Remind them that every discussion about the child needs to
be undertaken with the child's best interests at heart.

7. Support your colleagues and school management. Show that you’re a

“team player” by prioritizing the needs of the institution as a whole.
Remember that you are one person in a group of professionals who should,
ideally, share a common goal and vision.

LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: LSPU 01-Personality Development and Social Responsibility
Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Province of Laguna
Level I Institutionally Accredited

Working Rights and Safety

According to Section 3, Article 13 of the 1987 Phil. Constitution

• The State shall afford full protection to labor, local and overseas,
organized and unorganized, and promote full employment and equality
of employment opportunities for all.

• It shall guarantee the rights of all workers to self-organization, collective

bargaining and negotiations, and peaceful concerted activities, including
the right to strike in accordance with law. They shall be entitled to
security of tenure, humane conditions of work, and a living wage. They
shall also participate in policy and decision-making processes affecting
their rights and benefits as may be provided by law.

• The State shall promote the principle of shared responsibility between

workers and employers and the preferential use of voluntary modes in
settling disputes, including conciliation, and shall enforce their mutual
compliance therewith to foster industrial peace.

• The State shall regulate the relations between workers and employers,
recognizing the right of labor to its just share in the fruits of production
and the right of enterprises to reasonable returns to investments, and to
expansion and growth.

Time and Stress Management

Major Causes of Workplace Stress

1. Not knowing what you want or if you're getting it - poor planning.

2. The feeling that there's too much to do. One can have this feeling even if
there's hardly anything to do at all.
3. Not enjoying your job. This can be caused by lots of things, for example,
not knowing what you want, not eating well, etc. However, most people
always blame their jobs.
4. Conflicting demands on the job.
5. Insufficient resources to do the job.
6. Not feeling appreciated.

LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: LSPU 01-Personality Development and Social Responsibility
Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Province of Laguna
Level I Institutionally Accredited

Common Symptoms of Poor Stress and Time Management

1. Irritability. Fellow workers notice this first.

2. Fatigue. How many adults even notice this?
3. Difficulty concentrating. You often don't need to just to get through the
4. Forgetfulness. You can't remember what you did all day, what you ate
5. Loss of sleep. This affects everything else!
6. Physical disorders, for example, headaches, rashes, tics, cramps, etc.
7. At worst, withdrawal and depression.

Simple Techniques to Manage Stress

There are lots of things people can do to cut down on stress. Most people
probably even know what they could do. It's not the lack of knowing what to do
in order to cut down stress; it is doing what you know you have to do. The
following techniques are geared to help you do what you know you have to do.

1. Talk to someone. You don't have to fix the problem, just report it.
2. Notice if any of the muscles in your body are tense. Just noticing that will
often relax the muscle.
3. Ask your boss if you're doing OK. This simple question can make a lot of
difference and verify wrong impressions.
4. Delegate.
5. If you take on a technique to manage stress, tell someone else. They can
help you be accountable to them and yourself.
6. Cut down on caffeine and sweets. Take a walk instead. Tell someone that
you're going to do that.
7. Use basic techniques of planning, problem solving and decision making.
8. Concise guidelines are included in this guidebook. Tell someone that
you're going to use these techniques.
9. Monitor the number of hours that you work in a week. Tell your boss,
family and/or friends how many hours that you are working.
10. Write weekly status reports. Include what you've accomplished last week
and plan to do next week. Include any current issues or recommendations
that you must report to your boss. Give the written status report to your
boss on a weekly basis.
11. "Wash the dishes". Do something you can feel good about.

LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: LSPU 01-Personality Development and Social Responsibility
Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Province of Laguna
Level I Institutionally Accredited


Benefits of Teamwork in the Workplace

1. Fosters Creativity and Learning

• Creativity thrives when people work together on a team. Brainstorming
ideas as a group prevents stale viewpoints that often come out of working
solo. Combining unique perspectives from each team member creates
more effective selling solutions.
2. Blends Complementary Strengths
• Working together lets employees build on the talents of their teammates.
While your strength may be creative thinking, a coworker might shine in
organization and planning. Do not hesitate to share your abilities with the
3. Builds Trust

•Trusting your teammates also provides a feeling of safety that allows

ideas to emerge. It helps employees open up and encourage each other.
Open communication is key when working on a team and produces
effective solutions in difficult group projects.
4. Teaches Conflict Resolution Skills
• Conflicts inevitably happen when you put together a group of unique
people. Employees come from varied backgrounds and have different
work styles and habits. While these unique viewpoints create the most
successful work, they can also generate resentment that quickly turns
into conflict.
5. Promotes a Wider Sense of Ownership
• Team projects encourage employees to feel proud of their contributions.
Tackling obstacles and creating notable work together makes team
members feel fulfilled. Working toward achieving company goals allows
employees to feel connected to the company. This builds loyalty, leading
to a higher level of job satisfaction among employees.
6. Encourages Healthy Risk-Taking

• An employee working on a project alone will probably not want to stick

their neck out for an off-the-wall idea. If the project fails when working
solo, that employee takes the full brunt of the blame. While you may not
get full credit for a successful team project, working with other people
spreads out the responsibility for a failed assignment.

LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: LSPU 01-Personality Development and Social Responsibility
Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Province of Laguna
Level I Institutionally Accredited

8 Critical Steps to Creating Empathy in the Workplace

1. Rethink How You Listen

• Actively listening to your coworkers requires effort, plain and simple. As
a support-based employee, each email, ticket or face-to-face conversation
with your colleagues deserves your full attention. Understand that your
time spent in the workplace is just as valuable as theirs is and better
listening means solving their problems in a timely manner.
2. Master the Art of Asking Questions
• Exercising empathy for coworkers means not only being a good listener
but also asking the right questions to get to the root of your colleagues’
3. Walk in Your Coworkers’ Shoes
• Don’t forget the roles and responsibilities in your office that are worlds
away from your own. Unless you’ve shadowed your coworkers or have
worked in their position, you may have little to no grasp on what their
day-to-day duties look like in action. The average week for someone in
the marketing or accounting department may very well look like night
and day versus IT or HR.
4. Avoid Making Assumptions
• Let’s say a new hire is having trouble adhering to a particular policy. You
could assume that they’re being negligent or otherwise aloof, but chances
are they’re simply adjusting to a new way of thinking. Both adopting and
breaking away from workplace rituals takes time and you should respect
5. Learn How to Prioritize Problems
• Empathy requires you truly listen to your employees and their concerns.
Taking a blanket “first come, first served” approach to problem-solving
isn’t exactly compassionate or personal.
6. Don’t Keep Your Coworkers at Arm’s Length
• Supporting your coworkers means more than responding to emails and
service requests. Positive workplace relationships make empathy much
easier as you get to know your coworkers as people rather than email
addresses or departments.
7. Remember That People Have Feelings
• In a cutthroat, corporate environment, empathy can easily fall to the
wayside. Only 40% of workers feel that somebody at work seems to care
about them as a person. Meanwhile, 31% of employees feel that those in
leadership positions value profits over people.

LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: LSPU 01-Personality Development and Social Responsibility
Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Province of Laguna
Level I Institutionally Accredited

8. Accept That Empathy Doesn’t Happen Overnight.

• Learning how to develop empathy skills such as patience, keen listening,
and asking thoughtful questions takes time. The more you interact and
become comfortable with your team, the easier it becomes to show them
Strategies to Resolve Conflict at Work
1. Embrace conflict.
• When conflict arises, don’t avoid it or pretend nothing has happened. As
time goes on, tension will build -- and the conflict only will get worse. Deal
with these uncomfortable issues as soon as possible, before problems and
bad feelings become embedded in everyday work.
2. Talk together.
• When you do meet, each person should have adequate time to say what
he or she believes the other party needs to hear. Don't let any individual
monopolize the conversation or control the topic. Each person should
talk about the disagreements and how he or she feels about the situation.
3. Listen carefully.
• It's essential to give your complete attention to the person who is talking.
Do not interrupt the other person.
4. Find agreement.
• Your conversation primarily will focus on the disagreements, but
resolution is possible only when you find points of agreement. You should
emerge from the experience with some positives instead of all negatives.
5. Provide guidance.
• If you're in a leadership position, there are times you may need to
mediate work conflict. Don’t take sides, ever. Realize you are there simply
to help your employees work out their problems.
6. Be quick to forgive.
• Every conflict needs a clear resolution that acknowledges hurt feelings
and finds a solution that begins to mend them.

LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: LSPU 01-Personality Development and Social Responsibility
Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Province of Laguna
Level I Institutionally Accredited

Performance Tasks

A. Create your OWN digital collage art about how social factors (family, school, friends etc.) affect your
personality and explain the concept of it (minimum of 10 sentences)
Note: Digital Collage is a form of graphic art, which is created by mixing together different kinds of images, textures, and concepts
and composing an entirely new composition.

Check this site to check examples of digital collage art:

Understanding Directed Assessments

Criteria for Digital Art

CATEGORY 9 6 4 2

Creativity All of the graphics or Most of the graphics or Only a few graphics or None of the graphics or
objects used in the objects used in the objects reflect student objects reflects student
collage reflect a degree collage reflect student creativity, but the ideas creativity.
of student creativity in creativity in their were typical rather
their display. display. than creative.

Time and Effort Much time and effort Class time was used Class time was not Class time was not used
went into the planning wisely. Student could always used wisely. wisely and the student
and design of the have put in more time put in no additional
collage. It is clear the and effort. effort.
student used class time

Attention to The student gives a The student gives a The student gives a The student's
Theme reasonable explanation reasonable explanation fairly reasonable explanations are weak
of how every item in of how most items in explanation of how and illustrate difficulty
the collage is related to the collage are related most items in the understanding how to
the assigned theme. For to the assigned theme. collage are related to relate items to the
most items, the For many of the items, the assigned theme. assigned theme.
relationship is clear the relationship is clear
without explanation. without explanation.

LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: LSPU 01-Personality Development and Social Responsibility
Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Province of Laguna
Level I Institutionally Accredited

Presentation Completely conveys Reasonably conveys Somewhat conveys Does not convey
message of collage as it message of collage as it message of collage as it message of collage as it
relates to personal relates to personal relates to personal relates to personal style
style choices. style choices. style choices choices

Learning Resources
Kahayon, A. and AQUINO, G., General Psychology 4th ed. 2008. National Bookstore

Prepared by:

Jhon Paul F. Mojica

Intellectual Property

This module is for educational purpose only. Under section Sec. 185 of RA 8293, which states, “The fair
use of a copyrighted work for criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching including multiple copies for
classroom use, scholarship, research, and similar purposes is not an infringement of copyright.”

The unauthorized reproduction, use, and dissemination of this module without joint consent of the
authors is strictly prohibited and shall be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, including appropriate
administrative sanctions, civil, and criminal.

LSPU SELF-PACED LEARNING MODULE: LSPU 01-Personality Development and Social Responsibility

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