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OBJECTION HANDLING Always Acknowledge First, Check back and Engage (ACE)


Comments, Concerns, Acknowledge Check-Back (Respond) Engage

& Questions (Continue)
“I’m not interested”. I completely Which is why we are calling you today, if it is a Go back
understand that case where you have an existing policy, we can help into Script
“I don’t want it” “(Client’s you save more on premiums.
And if you don’t have a plan at this time it will be a
great opportunity to share with you our amazing
products and find you the most affordable plan.

“I already have a “Perfect, that’s “.. and this is exactly why we are calling you Go back
plan/ insurance”. great to hear today, if we can provide you with more savings into Script
“I don’t need more (Client’s Name)!” as we do to 3 of 4 of the customers we speak to,
insurance”. isn’t it worth your time to decrease your
spending and compare quotes?
“I can’t afford it” “(Client’s Name), .. and I’m pretty sure your assumption of it being Go back
We speak to too expensive is based on online/phone quotes into Script
“It’s too expensive.” many clients you’ve received in the past. This is why we make
that say this! sure the quote you receive today is customized
for your needs to help you see great savings.
“I thought there were “(Client’s Name), However, when looking into a state approved Go back
no medical questions I know that this plan, there are going to be simple Yes and No into Script
asked”/ Why do you information is questions to make you eligible in having a policy
want to know my Age Sensitive…” and this will be quick I promise.
/ Height and Weight
“What company are “I’m with “…and we work in providing you the best Go back
you with?” Insurance coverage at the best possible price with A+ rated into Script
Supermarket…” and most trusted companies such as EMC
OBJECTION HANDLING Always Acknowledge First, Check back and Engage (ACE)

Comments, Concerns, Acknowledge Check-Back (Respond) Engage

& Questions (Continue)
I have (Client’s Name), Medicare and Medicaid only cover about two- Go back
Medicare/Medicaid, I I certainly thirds of healthcare spending, and you may still into Script
don’t need Final understand that be responsible for other out of pocket expenses
Expense Insurance: however, such as prescription drugs, emergency care,
inpatient facilities, and other end-of-life expenses
but Final expense life insurance can help protect
loved ones from the financial responsibility of
any outstanding medical bills.

If Client insists:
So (Name), Medicare/Medicaid actually leaves
you with a significant financial obligation that
you may not be able to afford, Final expense
insurance on the other hand, is a whole life policy
that pays medical bills and funeral expenses in
the event of your passing.
- Final expense insurance offers several features
such as guaranteed premiums, whole life
insurance, cash value, no medical exams and
affordable rates

“Stop Calling me / “(Client’s Name), However seeing that I have you with me on the Go back
Put on me on the Do I apologize for call, it will definitely be worth your time to into Script
Not Call List” the explore our amazing benefits seeing that it is a no
inconvenience obligation quote that you can explore for future
and I'll definitely reference.
put you on the
DNC list”
OBJECTION HANDLING Always Acknowledge First, Check back and Engage (ACE)

Comments, Concerns, Acknowledge Check-Back (Respond) Engage

& Questions (Continue)
Why can’t you just - (Client’s ..But instead of emailing you we go a step further- Go back
email me my quote? Name), I to ensure you get the proper coverage and our into Script
understand how licensed advisor provides you the solutions, that
convenient it way if you have any questions or concerns our
would be to have expert could review them with you.
the quotes right
in front of you, If Client insists:
An expert advisor needs to analyze your
particular case and you’re just a click away from
speaking to the advisor and after then, they could
email you the customized quote.

I did not submit a (Client’s Name), I have your DOB here as……. your address Go back
request for a quote. I can as……and your zip code as..…., is this correct? Is into Script
(Before Verification) understand that it possible a family member might have
but let me help requested the quotes on your behalf?
remind you
If Client insists:
(Client’s Name), Or in the recent past, have you
indicated any interest online for insurance
quotes or policies?

I have life That’s great However, a plan provided by your employer Go back
insurance with my (Client’s Name), would not ensure enough coverage for your into Script
employer spouse or children or consider your personal
needs; neither is it your cheapest option.

If Client insists:
Also, If your job situation were to change, you
would also lose your coverage

How long is this Good question … you can take as much time as you need to go Go back
going to take? (Client’s Name)! over all your questions and our advisor will be into Script
with you as long as you need, I promise.

[It is important to transition the nature of the question into a

different direction, as the lead wants to make sure this is quick,
but we can not commit to any timing as the calls can take few
minutes or as much as 30 minutes. This is why we are tossing the
ball back to the lead]

Where are you (Client’s Name), We are located at / (calling from) the Cambridge Go back
located? / Calling Innovation Center, North West, Miami into Script
OBJECTION HANDLING Always Acknowledge First, Check back and Engage (ACE)

Comments, Concerns, Acknowledge Check-Back (Respond) Engage

& Questions (Continue)
Why is it showing me Good Yes, we do make use of IP (Internet Proxy) Go back
that you are calling observation phones so we can speak to our clients for a into Script
from another state? (Client’s Name)! longer time to cover all details.

Are you Certified? Most certainly -We are definitely certified and licensed in all Go back
(Client’s Name)! states. into Script
-We only work with A+ rated companies such as
EMC Insurance.
-We are with the Better Business Bureau.
-We are the biggest online insurance brokerage
in USA.
-We have been in business 13 years going on 14.
(Say number 1 and any other one or two)

Why have you (Client’s Name), The reason we do not leave voicemails is because Go back
called me so many I do apologize the information you provided to us is into Script
times and not left a for calling so confidential. We need to make sure we are
message what kind often I can speaking to the person who put in the request
of scam are you?! understand your only. I’m sure you would agree, correct?

Are you Colonial No (Client’s We work with amazing companies such as EMC Go back
Penn/Is this Name), this is Insurance, we provide free no obligation quotes into Script
Colonial Penn? (Or Insurance and you're only 1 click from getting it so you can
any other Supermarket shop with us to compare our quote with Colonial
Insurance and… Penn.
company) If they Insist:
-What if we offer you a better price?
-Why only get 1 quote from Colonial Penn if you
can get several different quotes to compare them
and find the perfect fit.

Can’t talk, call me (Client’s Name), I only have very quick yes and no verification Go back
back I understand questions and you’re only a click away from into Script
you’re busy so speaking to an expert licensed advisor that
we don’t want to would be more than happy to present you the
bother you with options.
more calls (Speak a bit faster/Get the point across quickly in
a professional manner)


OBJECTION HANDLING Always Acknowledge First, Check back and Engage (ACE)

1. As an insurance brokerage, we work with multiple A+ rated companies with very competitive pricing and
our licensed advisor could search the market for you to get you the most affordable options that you qualify
for and tailor it to your needs and budget, it’s a free and no obligation consultation okay?
2. Client’s Name, you took the time to visit our website and leave personal information there, I am sure you
would only do this is if it was of importance to you, right? Let me explain how we can help with that. Get
into value building by explaining the process, benefits of getting life insurance and customized quotes.

3. Here at Insurance Supermarket, we work in providing you the best coverage at the best possible price with
A+ rated and most trusted companies such as EMC Insurance”.

4. You haven’t seen our quotes yet we have exciting products with great benefits and we come out with new
products every day that fit your particular needs

5. Because of our relationship with three amazing companies such as EMC Insurance, we receive the best and
most competitive premium rates.

6. Since we have the most competitive prices in the market and having your information with me on file, we
can do a quick verification and have one of our expert advisors join us and present the options which you
could compare with what you currently have. These are not your typical online quotes therefore you’ll be
saving far more.

Tips for Effective Objection Handling:

It is important to note that several factors can help you handle objects properly and successfully.
1. Ensure you have great tonality: Sounding genuine and concerned will most likely have a calming and
positive effect on your client.
2. Be an active listener. To build trust with your prospect, it's essential that they feel like you're actually
hearing their concerns.
3. Use empathy to validate the prospect's concerns. A great technique to handle all types of objection is to
empathize with your prospect and let them know that you understand where they're coming from. Once
you do that, the prospect will lower their guard, and they'll be more open to accept a solution.
4. Build Value: To keep your client engaged and interested, they must see value in our product.

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