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Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine

Kharkiv National Medical University

L.D. Popova, A.V. Polikarpova


Part 2
Manual for students of higher educational establishments

by Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
as manual for students of higher educational establishments

УДК 577.1(075.8)=111
ББК 28.072.я7
P 60
by Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
(08.02.2011, № 1/11-1075)

Reviewers: E.E. Perskiy - doctor of biology, professor

(Karazin’s Kharkiv national university);
O.I. Zalubovska - doctor of medicine, professor
(Kharkiv national pharmaceutical university);
V.V. Davidov - doctor of medicine, professor
(Institute of children’s and uvenil’s health pretection).

Popova Liudmyla D.,Polikarpova Anna V.

P 60 Biochemistry: Manual for students of higher educational establisments:

of 2 parts. – Kharkiv: KNMU, 2012. – 540 р.

The manual summarizes current knowledge relevant to the static, dynamic,

and functional biochemistry. Structure and metabolism of basic classes of
biomolecules (proteins, amino acids, nucleic acid, nucleotides, carbohydrates,
lipids) are considered. Modern conceptions of molecular biology and genetics,
biochemical bases of physiological functions and neurohumoral regulation are
elucidated. Biochemistry of blood, kidney, muscle, liver, immune, nervous,
connective tissue is presented. Molecular mechanisms of metabolic disorders of
different classes of substances and pathways of their correction are discussed.
The book is dedicated to the medical students of higher educational establish-

УДК 577.1(075.8) )=111

ББК 28.072.я7

© Kharkiv National Medical University, 2012

© Popova L.D., 2012
Part II
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mushroom Amanita

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N - glycosylases

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3.The nucleoplasmins are acidis nuclear proteins which presend is required for

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H+ H+

H+ H+

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They are

They are

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atherosclerosis. The increase of cholesterol concentration in blood plasma
plays the mojor role in development of aterosclorosis
and disease which are associated with increaselevel of cholesterol,
for example arterial hypertension ischemic heart disease, insult.
Ketone bodies: 0,1 - 0,6 mmol/l.
Hyperketonemia is observed in deabetes mellitus, starvation, thyrotoxicosis,
infectious diseases.

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Heme is cyclic tetrapyrrole derivative (protoporphyrin IX). Tetrapyrroles consist of four
molecules of pyrrole linked in a planar ring by four a- methylene bridge Tetrapyrrole has 8

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Intravenous injection of

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UPD - glucuronyl transferase

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inhibitory actions). Streptokinase forms a complex with plasminogen, which exhibits proteolytic
action; this cleaves some plasminogen to plasmin, initiating fibrinolysis.

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The cell types that they act on may be multiple (pleotropy).

role in regulation of the

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1000 VH

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attacks its own tissues as foreign matter

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types can

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(mL) (mL)

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Popova Liudmyla D.
Polikarpova Anna V.


Passed for printing 20.09.2012. Format A5.

Printer’s sheets 18,75. Edition copies 17,44. Order. № 12-2971.

KNMU, 61022, Kharkiv, Lenin av., 4

Editorial-publishing department

Sertificat to entry of subject of publishing to State register of publishing houses, manu-

facturers and spreaders of publishing production series ДК № 2754, 01.02.2007.

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